6 research outputs found

    Mining Online Hotel Reviews: A Case Study from Hotels in China

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    Online customer reviews could shed light into their experience, opinions, feelings, and concerns. To gain valuable knowledge about customers, it becomes increasingly important for businesses to collect, monitor, analyze, summarize, and visualize online customer reviews posted on social media platforms such as online forums. In this paper, we present a case study that analyzes English-written online hotel reviews we gathered from 58 three to five-star hotels in China. The study identified a number of categories from the online hotel reviews, sentiment of each category as well as the correlations among the categories. The study also found that the overall review star rating correlates pretty well with the sentiment scores for both the title and the full content of the online customer review

    Impact of journalists’ Twitter use on their perceptions of job performance in the Pakistani context

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    Purpose –This study investigated factors affect the use of Twitter by Pakistani journalists and to what extent Twitter usage impact on their job performance. Design/methodology/approach –This study opted for a quantitative survey research design. The theoretical lens used in this study was the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), extended to include the impact of Twitter usage on job performance. A pilot-tested structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the journalists working in the mainstream media houses of Pakistan. Findings – The study’s findings revealed that the majority of the journalists leveraged the platform for tweeting and to read tweets. From the linear regression results, it was found that Twitter usage intention is influenced more by usefulness compared to perceived behaviour control, subjective norms and attitude. Moreover, the journalists’ behavioural intention was found to be a stronger predictor of Twitter usage compared to the other factors. Overall, the results denote that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behaviour controls, and behaviour intention significantly affect the journalists’ Twitter usage that improves their job performance. Originality/value – To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study conducted on Pakistani journalists’ Twitter usage and its impact on job performance by employing established theoretical lens

    Social media analytics for YouTube comments: potential and limitations

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    The need to elicit public opinion about predefined topics is widespread in the social sciences, government and business. Traditional survey-based methods are being partly replaced by social media data mining but their potential and limitations are poorly understood. This article investigates this issue by introducing and critically evaluating a systematic social media analytics strategy to gain insights about a topic from YouTube. The results of an investigation into sets of dance style videos show that it is possible to identify plausible patterns of subtopic difference, gender and sentiment. The analysis also points to the generic limitations of social media analytics that derive from their fundamentally exploratory multi-method nature

    Social media hook sports events: a systematic review of engagement

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    Social media are nowadays used in all sectors, and likewise frequently within the sports industry. However, there is a lack of studies that offer a holistic understanding of the phenomenon of social media engagement (SME) in this area. Thus, the main object of the present study was the elaboration of a systematic review of the existing literature of the past ten years about SME within the field of sports events. The study was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines. By searching the databases Web of Science, Scopus, ProQuest, and Academic Search Ultimate, we identified 208 studies. After screening and reviewing for eligibility, we finally included 28 articles in the present study. The methodologies, types of analysis applied, main objectives, and the results on SME of the articles included in the synthesis were systematically reviewed. The findings showed that only four articles had as a principal theme the SME. Social media offer a useful tool for engagement, but SME adopts must still gain greater recognition. The need to co-create with users and engage them on social media, due to the great utility of social media in this sector is highlighted based on the results. It was found that SME around sports events remains an emerging and still developing research field which presents a wide range of future research lines

    A bibliography experiment on research within the scope of industry 4.0 application areas in sports: Sporda endüstri 4.0 uygulama alanları kapsamında yapılan araştırmalar üzerine bir bibliyografya denemesi

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    Developed countries develop their production sites within the scope of industry 4.0 technology components and experience constant change and transformation to establish economic superiority. This situation allows them to produce more in various fields and thus to rise to a more advantageous position economically. Industry 4.0 technology affects areas within the scope of the sports industry such as sports tourism, athlete performance, athlete health, sports publishing, sports textile products, sports education and training, sports management and human resources, and creates an international competition environment in terms of production and performance. In this study, it is aimed to examine the researches about the usage areas of industry 4.0 in sports. From this point on, researches in the context of the subject have been presented with bibliographic method. In the conclusion section, the weaknesses and possibilities of youth sociology were discussed, and efforts were made to present a projection on what to do about the field. In this respect, a youth sociology evaluation has been tried to be made on the prominent topics, forgotten aspects and themes left incomplete in youth sociology studies. ​Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.   Özet Gelişmiş ülkeler endüstri 4.0 teknolojisi bileşenleri kapsamında üretim sahalarını geliştirmekte ve ekonomik üstünlük kurmak amacıyla sürekli değişim ve dönüşüm yaşamaktadır. Bu durum onların çeşitli alanlarda daha fazla üretmelerine dolayısıyla ekonomik yönden daha avantajlı konuma yükselmelerine olanak sağlamaktadır. Endüstri 4.0 teknolojisi spor turizmi, sporcu performansı, sporcu sağlığı, spor yayıncılığı, spor tekstil ürünleri, spor eğitimi ve öğretimi, spor yönetimi ve insan kaynakları gibi spor endüstrisi kapsamındaki alanları etkilemekte üretim ve performans yönünden ülkeler arası bir rekabet ortamı oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada endüstri 4.0’ın sporda kullanım alanları ile ilgili araştırmaların incelenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle konu bağlamındaki araştırmalar bibliyografik metodla ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç bölümünde ise sporda endüstri 4.0 kullanım alanları tartışılmış, alana olan katkıları ve olumuz etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. &nbsp

    Master Annotator: enhancing distant supervision through visual interfaces

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    The rise of social networking sites and applications such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Weibo in couple years provides new ways of information sharing on the Internet. Twitter is one of the most popular micro-blogging services. Recently, tweet classification has received much attention. In tweet classification, there is a demand for massive labeled training examples. However, the labeling cost can be high since the resources regarding available time, domain expert annotators are often limited. Distant supervision is a feasible solution but has some shortages such as noisy data, skewed annotations, and the challenge to generate negative training examples. This thesis tries to overcome these difficulties and shortages by combining visual analytics. Based on the distant supervision theorem, information such as keywords, hashtags, user_mentions, and URLs existing in tweets can be used as annotators to generate training examples. Through an interactive visual interface, the generated training examples can be checked and modified, which enhances the distant supervision. An iterative analytical loop is established using the interactive visual interface and the enhanced distant supervision. It allows users to make deep exploration of tweet data. Users can get tweets according to their needs, find potential topics, label or relabel tweets, train classifiers. A software is implemented to achieve the analytical loop. A case study is conducted to demonstrate the performance and usage of the approach and the software