1,518 research outputs found

    Modelling Reactive Multimedia: Design and Authoring

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    Multimedia document authoring is a multifaceted activity, and authoring tools tend to concentrate on a restricted set of the activities involved in the creation of a multimedia artifact. In particular, a distinction may be drawn between the design and the implementation of a multimedia artifact. This paper presents a comparison of three different authoring paradigms, based on the common case study of a simple interactive animation. We present details of its implementation using the three different authoring tools, MCF, Fran and SMIL 2.0, and we discuss the conclusions that may be drawn from our comparison of the three approaches

    ISAR: Ein Autorensystem für Interaktive Tische

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    Developing augmented reality systems involves several challenges, that prevent end users and experts from non-technical domains, such as education, to experiment with this technology. In this research we introduce ISAR, an authoring system for augmented reality tabletops targeting users from non-technical domains. ISAR allows non-technical users to create their own interactive tabletop applications and experiment with the use of this technology in domains such as educations, industrial training, and medical rehabilitation.Die Entwicklung von Augmented-Reality-Systemen ist mit mehreren Herausforderungen verbunden, die Endbenutzer und Experten aus nicht-technischen Bereichen, wie z.B. dem Bildungswesen, daran hindern, mit dieser Technologie zu experimentieren. In dieser Forschung stellen wir ISAR vor, ein Autorensystem für Augmented-Reality-Tabletops, das sich an Benutzer aus nicht-technischen Bereichen richtet. ISAR ermöglicht es nicht-technischen Anwendern, ihre eigenen interaktiven Tabletop-Anwendungen zu erstellen und mit dem Einsatz dieser Technologie in Bereichen wie Bildung, industrieller Ausbildung und medizinischer Rehabilitation zu experimentieren

    Towards Second and Third Generation Web-Based Multimedia

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    First generation Web-content encodes information in handwritten (HTML) Web pages. Second generation Web content generates HTML pages on demand, e.g. by filling in templates with content retrieved dynamically from a database or transformation of structured documents using style sheets (e.g. XSLT). Third generation Web pages will make use of rich markup (e.g. XML) along with metadata (e.g. RDF) schemes to make the content not only machine readable but also machine processable - a necessary pre-requisite to the emphSemantic Web. While text-based content on the Web is already rapidly approaching the third generation, multimedia content is still trying to catch up with second generation techniques. Multimedia document processing has a number of fundamentally different requirements from text which make it more difficult to incorporate within the document processing chain. In particular, multimedia transformation uses different document and presentation abstractions, its formatting rules cannot be based on text-flow, it requires feedback from the formatting back-end and is hard to describe in the functional style of current style languages. We state the requirements for second generation processing of multimedia and describe how these have been incorporated in our prototype multimedia document transformation environment, emphCuypers. The system overcomes a number of the restrictions of the text-flow based tool sets by integrating a number of conceptually distinct processing steps in a single runtime execution environment. We describe the need for these different processing steps and describe them in turn (semantic structure, communicative device, qualitative constraints, quantitative constraints, final form presentation), and illustrate our approach by means of an example. We conclude by discussing the models and techniques required for the creation of third generation multimedia content

    Cuypers : a semi-automatic hypermedia generation system

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    The report describes the architecture of emph{Cuypers, a system supporting second and third generation Web-based multimedia. First generation Web-content encodes information in handwritten (HTML) Web pages. Second generation Web content generates HTML pages on demand, e.g. by filling in templates with content retrieved dynamically from a database or transformation of structured documents using style sheets (e.g. XSLT). Third generation Web pages will make use of rich markup (e.g. XML) along with metadata (e.g. RDF) schemes to make the content not only machine readable but also machine processable --- a necessary pre-requisite to the emph{Semantic Web. While text-based content on the Web is already rapidly approaching the third generation, multimedia content is still trying to catch up with second generation techniques. Multimedia document processing has a number of fundamentally different requirements from text which make it more difficult to incorporate within the document processing chain. In particular, multimedia transformation uses different document and presentation abstractions, its formatting rules cannot be based on text-flow, it requires feedback from the formatting back-end and is hard to describe in the functional style of current style languages. We state the requirements for second generation processing of multimedia and describe how these have been incorporated in our prototype multimedia document transformation environment, emph{Cuypers. The system overcomes a number of the restrictions of the text-flow based tool sets by integrating a number of conceptually distinct processing steps in a single runtime execution environment. We describe the need for these different processing steps and describe them in turn (semantic structure, communicative device, qualitative constraints, quantitative constraints, final form presentation), and illustrate our approach by means of an example. We conclude by discussing the models and techniques required for the creation of third generation multimedia content

    Processing Structured Hypermedia : A Matter of Style

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    With the introduction of the World Wide Web in the early nineties, hypermedia has become the uniform interface to the wide variety of information sources available over the Internet. The full potential of the Web, however, can only be realized by building on the strengths of its underlying research fields. This book describes the areas of hypertext, multimedia, electronic publishing and the World Wide Web and points out fundamental similarities and differences in approaches towards the processing of information. It gives an overview of the dominant models and tools developed in these fields and describes the key interrelationships and mutual incompatibilities. In addition to a formal specification of a selection of these models, the book discusses the impact of the models described on the software architectures that have been developed for processing hypermedia documents. Two example hypermedia architectures are described in more detail: the DejaVu object-oriented hypermedia framework, developed at the VU, and CWI's Berlage environment for time-based hypermedia document transformations

    Issues and Obstacles with Multimedia Authoring

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    Unlike traditional authoring, multimedia authoring involves making hard choices, forecasting technological evolution and adapting to software and hardware technology changes. It is, perhaps, an unstable field of endeavor for an academic to be in. Yet, it is important that academics are, in fact, part of this process. This paper discusses some of the common threads shared by three dissimilar cases of multimedia authoring which we have experimented with, that of multimedia conference proceedings, multimedia courseware development and multimedia information kiosks. We consider these applications from an academic point of view and review the benefits and pitfalls of academic development while sharing points of hard-learned wisdom. We draw on experiences from some of the projects run at the Dartmouth Experimental Visualization Laboratory (DEVlab), where we have been developing different types of multimedia applications

    MADE: a multimedia application development environment

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    Development and Evaluation of Interactive Courseware for Visualization of Graph Data Structure and Algorithms

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    The primary goal of this dissertation was to develop and pilot test interactive, multimedia courseware which would facilitate learning the abstract structures, operations, and concepts associated with graph and network data structures in Computer Science. Learning objectives and prerequisites are presented in an introduction section of the courseware and a variety of learning activities are provided including tutorials, animated demonstrations, interactive laboratory sessions, and self-tests. Courseware development incorporated principles and practices from software engineering, instructional design, and cognitive learning theories. Implementation utilized an easy-to-use authoring tool, NeoBook Professional (1994), to create the overall framework and the user interfaces, and Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5 (1990) to program the interactive animated demonstrations and laboratory exercises. A major emphasis of the courseware is the use of simple interactive, animated displays to demonstrate the step-by-step operation of graph and network algorithms such as depth-first traversal, breadth-first traversal, shortest path, minimum sparring tree and topological ordering
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