13,827 research outputs found

    Multi-modal particle filtering tracking using appearance, motion and audio likelihoods

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    ABSTRACT We propose a multi-modal object tracking algorithm that combines appearance, motion and audio information in a particle filter. The proposed tracker fuses at the likelihood level the audio-visual observations captured with a video camera coupled with two microphones. Two video likelihoods are computed that are based on a 3D color histogram appearance model and on a color change detection, whereas an audio likelihood provides information about the direction of arrival of a target. The direction of arrival is computed based on a multi-band generalized cross-correlation function enhanced with a noise suppression and reverberation filtering that uses the precedence effect. We evaluate the tracker on single and multi-modality tracking and quantify the performance improvement introduced by integrating audio and visual information in the tracking process

    Multi-speaker tracking from an audio-visual sensing device

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    Compact multi-sensor platforms are portable and thus desirable for robotics and personal-assistance tasks. However, compared to physically distributed sensors, the size of these platforms makes person tracking more difficult. To address this challenge, we propose a novel 3D audio-visual people tracker that exploits visual observations (object detections) to guide the acoustic processing by constraining the acoustic likelihood on the horizontal plane defined by the predicted height of a speaker. This solution allows the tracker to estimate, with a small microphone array, the distance of a sound. Moreover, we apply a color-based visual likelihood on the image plane to compensate for misdetections. Finally, we use a 3D particle filter and greedy data association to combine visual observations, color-based and acoustic likelihoods to track the position of multiple simultaneous speakers. We compare the proposed multimodal 3D tracker against two state-of-the-art methods on the AV16.3 dataset and on a newly collected dataset with co-located sensors, which we make available to the research community. Experimental results show that our multimodal approach outperforms the other methods both in 3D and on the image plane

    3D Tracking Using Multi-view Based Particle Filters

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    Visual surveillance and monitoring of indoor environments using multiple cameras has become a field of great activity in computer vision. Usual 3D tracking and positioning systems rely on several independent 2D tracking modules applied over individual camera streams, fused using geometrical relationships across cameras. As 2D tracking systems suffer inherent difficulties due to point of view limitations (perceptually similar foreground and background regions causing fragmentation of moving objects, occlusions), 3D tracking based on partially erroneous 2D tracks are likely to fail when handling multiple-people interaction. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes a Bayesian framework for combining 2D low-level cues from multiple cameras directly into the 3D world through 3D Particle Filters. This method allows to estimate the probability of a certain volume being occupied by a moving object, and thus to segment and track multiple people across the monitored area. The proposed method is developed on the basis of simple, binary 2D moving region segmentation on each camera, considered as different state observations. In addition, the method is proved well suited for integrating additional 2D low-level cues to increase system robustness to occlusions: in this line, a naïve color-based (HSI) appearance model has been integrated, resulting in clear performance improvements when dealing with complex scenarios

    Object Tracking from Unstabilized Platforms by Particle Filtering with Embedded Camera Ego Motion

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    Visual tracking with moving cameras is a challenging task. The global motion induced by the moving camera moves the target object outside the expected search area, according to the object dynamics. The typical approach is to use a registration algorithm to compensate the camera motion. However, in situations involving several moving objects, and backgrounds highly affected by the aperture problem, image registration quality may be very low, decreasing dramatically the performance of the tracking. In this work, a novel approach is proposed to successfully tackle the tracking with moving cameras in complex situations, which involve several independent moving objects. The key idea is to compute several hypotheses for the camera motion, instead of estimating deterministically only one. These hypotheses are combined with the object dynamics in a Particle Filter framework to predict the most probable object locations. Then, each hypothetical object location is evaluated by the measurement model using a spatiogram, which is a region descriptor based on color and spatial distributions. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy allows to accurately track an object in complex situations affected by strong ego motion

    Multi-camera Realtime 3D Tracking of Multiple Flying Animals

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    Automated tracking of animal movement allows analyses that would not otherwise be possible by providing great quantities of data. The additional capability of tracking in realtime - with minimal latency - opens up the experimental possibility of manipulating sensory feedback, thus allowing detailed explorations of the neural basis for control of behavior. Here we describe a new system capable of tracking the position and body orientation of animals such as flies and birds. The system operates with less than 40 msec latency and can track multiple animals simultaneously. To achieve these results, a multi target tracking algorithm was developed based on the Extended Kalman Filter and the Nearest Neighbor Standard Filter data association algorithm. In one implementation, an eleven camera system is capable of tracking three flies simultaneously at 60 frames per second using a gigabit network of nine standard Intel Pentium 4 and Core 2 Duo computers. This manuscript presents the rationale and details of the algorithms employed and shows three implementations of the system. An experiment was performed using the tracking system to measure the effect of visual contrast on the flight speed of Drosophila melanogaster. At low contrasts, speed is more variable and faster on average than at high contrasts. Thus, the system is already a useful tool to study the neurobiology and behavior of freely flying animals. If combined with other techniques, such as `virtual reality'-type computer graphics or genetic manipulation, the tracking system would offer a powerful new way to investigate the biology of flying animals.Comment: pdfTeX using libpoppler 3.141592-1.40.3-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.6), 18 pages with 9 figure