185 research outputs found

    Visual narrative and humour in vines

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    Abstract. This thesis investigates the visual narrative and humorous nature of vines, the popular six- second videos that trended in social media around 2013–2016. Little study has been made of vines or micro-videos in general despite their still relevant presence in social media. To study the vines’ humorous nature, a paper titled ‘’Humor as a Double-Edged Sword: Four Functions of Humor in Communication’’ (2006) written by John C. Meyers will be used as reference, and a visual narrative analysis used for comic strips from Neil Cohn’s ‘’Visual narrative structure’’ (2013) is used when analysing the vines and their narrative structure. This is because vines often resemble comics structurally and visually because of their hectic pacing and short timeframe. By combining these theories this thesis will look into what made vines so popular and why their humour and visual narrative structure is unique

    Kajian Proses Adaptasi Narasi Visual "Scott Pilgrim Vs The World" dari Komik Menjadi Film

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    Film and comic are visual narrative media which emphasize visual elements in delivering its message towards its audiences. Although both media emphasize similar elements, but in comic adaptation movies, there are several changes in visual narrative structure. The research object, Scott Pilgrim VS The World is analyzed through structural adaptation analysis in order to understand the specific aspects of structural changes. The changes are analyzed especially from four elements of visual narrative aspects from both media, which are narration, layout, image, and sound. The overall adaptation processes in Scott Pilgrim VS The World are emphasized in pictorial sequence changes which heavily influenced other visual structure elements. The visual sequence compression in adapting the story from comic to movie while maintaining the story essence is the fundamental adaptation process

    The Art of Japanese Zen Gardens as Reflected in a Metafictional Novel

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    Considering the garden as an art of expression with intention and design, the structure of a garden can be compared with the structure of verbal art. Elements of design such as stones, streams and plants are parallel to words in the text and the system of arrangement is equivalent to the narrative devices. Through this visual narrative structure one central focus and theme can be developed in a garden

    MoviePuzzle: Visual Narrative Reasoning through Multimodal Order Learning

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    We introduce MoviePuzzle, a novel challenge that targets visual narrative reasoning and holistic movie understanding. Despite the notable progress that has been witnessed in the realm of video understanding, most prior works fail to present tasks and models to address holistic video understanding and the innate visual narrative structures existing in long-form videos. To tackle this quandary, we put forth MoviePuzzle task that amplifies the temporal feature learning and structure learning of video models by reshuffling the shot, frame, and clip layers of movie segments in the presence of video-dialogue information. We start by establishing a carefully refined dataset based on MovieNet by dissecting movies into hierarchical layers and randomly permuting the orders. Besides benchmarking the MoviePuzzle with prior arts on movie understanding, we devise a Hierarchical Contrastive Movie Clustering (HCMC) model that considers the underlying structure and visual semantic orders for movie reordering. Specifically, through a pairwise and contrastive learning approach, we train models to predict the correct order of each layer. This equips them with the knack for deciphering the visual narrative structure of movies and handling the disorder lurking in video data. Experiments show that our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on the \MoviePuzzle benchmark, underscoring its efficacy

    Storia: Summarizing Social Media Content based on Narrative Theory using Crowdsourcing

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    People from all over the world use social media to share thoughts and opinions about events, and understanding what people say through these channels has been of increasing interest to researchers, journalists, and marketers alike. However, while automatically generated summaries enable people to consume large amounts of data efficiently, they do not provide the context needed for a viewer to fully understand an event. Narrative structure can provide templates for the order and manner in which this data is presented to create stories that are oriented around narrative elements rather than summaries made up of facts. In this paper, we use narrative theory as a framework for identifying the links between social media content. To do this, we designed crowdsourcing tasks to generate summaries of events based on commonly used narrative templates. In a controlled study, for certain types of events, people were more emotionally engaged with stories created with narrative structure and were also more likely to recommend them to others compared to summaries created without narrative structure

    A survey of comics research in computer science

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    Graphical novels such as comics and mangas are well known all over the world. The digital transition started to change the way people are reading comics, more and more on smartphones and tablets and less and less on paper. In the recent years, a wide variety of research about comics has been proposed and might change the way comics are created, distributed and read in future years. Early work focuses on low level document image analysis: indeed comic books are complex, they contains text, drawings, balloon, panels, onomatopoeia, etc. Different fields of computer science covered research about user interaction and content generation such as multimedia, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, etc. with different sets of values. We propose in this paper to review the previous research about comics in computer science, to state what have been done and to give some insights about the main outlooks

    The challenge of defining comics

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    The article is devoted to the challenge of defining a concept of ‘comics’, an issue that is seldom addressed by Russian researchers, and presents an analysis of two different approaches to the problem covered in various sources in Russian and English language.Статья посвящена проблеме определения понятия «комикс», редко затрагиваемой российскими исследователями, и представляет собой анализ двух различных подходов к вопросу в русско- и англоязычных источниках. После рассмотрения обеих точек зрения предлагается новое определение понятия

    Polyphonia Visibilis, I : The Study of Narrative Landscape

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    Semantic and Structural Processing of Visual Narratives in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Understanding a story (“narrative comprehension”) is often difficult for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), regardless of whether stories are told through language (“linguistic narratives”) or pictures (“visual narratives”). Narrative comprehension across modalities requires understanding meaning (“semantics”) and understanding grammar (“structure”). While it is well-established that individuals with ASD have difficulties with semantic processing, little is known about whether difficulties with structural processing contribute to impaired narrative comprehension. This study tested, via measurements of neural activity, our prediction of whether structural processing is impaired during visual narrative comprehension in individuals with ASD compared to typically developing (TD) individuals. Our results on semantic processing in ASD replicated what has been found in prior language studies, with the TD group showing an increased sensitivity to semantic relatedness in early time windows and the ASD group showing an increased sensitivity at later time windows. Importantly, we also observed differences in structural processing for ASD groups compared to TD groups, such that individuals with ASD showed reduced sensitivity to the presence of narrative grammar. These novel results indicate potential narrative comprehension difficulties in individuals with ASD