68 research outputs found

    Robotics Dexterous Grasping: The Methods Based on Point Cloud and Deep Learning

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    Dexterous manipulation, especially dexterous grasping, is a primitive and crucial ability of robots that allows the implementation of performing human-like behaviors. Deploying the ability on robots enables them to assist and substitute human to accomplish more complex tasks in daily life and industrial production. A comprehensive review of the methods based on point cloud and deep learning for robotics dexterous grasping from three perspectives is given in this paper. As a new category schemes of the mainstream methods, the proposed generation-evaluation framework is the core concept of the classification. The other two classifications based on learning modes and applications are also briefly described afterwards. This review aims to afford a guideline for robotics dexterous grasping researchers and developers

    Deep Learning-Based Robotic Perception for Adaptive Facility Disinfection

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    Hospitals, schools, airports, and other environments built for mass gatherings can become hot spots for microbial pathogen colonization, transmission, and exposure, greatly accelerating the spread of infectious diseases across communities, cities, nations, and the world. Outbreaks of infectious diseases impose huge burdens on our society. Mitigating the spread of infectious pathogens within mass-gathering facilities requires routine cleaning and disinfection, which are primarily performed by cleaning staff under current practice. However, manual disinfection is limited in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency, as it is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and health-undermining. While existing studies have developed a variety of robotic systems for disinfecting contaminated surfaces, those systems are not adequate for intelligent, precise, and environmentally adaptive disinfection. They are also difficult to deploy in mass-gathering infrastructure facilities, given the high volume of occupants. Therefore, there is a critical need to develop an adaptive robot system capable of complete and efficient indoor disinfection. The overarching goal of this research is to develop an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled robotic system that adapts to ambient environments and social contexts for precise and efficient disinfection. This would maintain environmental hygiene and health, reduce unnecessary labor costs for cleaning, and mitigate opportunity costs incurred from infections. To these ends, this dissertation first develops a multi-classifier decision fusion method, which integrates scene graph and visual information, in order to recognize patterns in human activity in infrastructure facilities. Next, a deep-learning-based method is proposed for detecting and classifying indoor objects, and a new mechanism is developed to map detected objects in 3D maps. A novel framework is then developed to detect and segment object affordance and to project them into a 3D semantic map for precise disinfection. Subsequently, a novel deep-learning network, which integrates multi-scale features and multi-level features, and an encoder network are developed to recognize the materials of surfaces requiring disinfection. Finally, a novel computational method is developed to link the recognition of object surface information to robot disinfection actions with optimal disinfection parameters

    Grounded Semantic Reasoning for Robotic Interaction with Real-World Objects

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    Robots are increasingly transitioning from specialized, single-task machines to general-purpose systems that operate in unstructured environments, such as homes, offices, and warehouses. In these real-world domains, robots need to manipulate novel objects while adapting to changes in environments and goals. Semantic knowledge, which concisely describes target domains with symbols, can potentially reveal the meaningful patterns shared between problems and environments. However, existing robots are yet to effectively reason about semantic data encoding complex relational knowledge or jointly reason about symbolic semantic data and multimodal data pertinent to robotic manipulation (e.g., object point clouds, 6-DoF poses, and attributes detected with multimodal sensing). This dissertation develops semantic reasoning frameworks capable of modeling complex semantic knowledge grounded in robot perception and action. We show that grounded semantic reasoning enables robots to more effectively perceive, model, and interact with objects in real-world environments. Specifically, this dissertation makes the following contributions: (1) a survey providing a unified view for the diversity of works in the field by formulating semantic reasoning as the integration of knowledge sources, computational frameworks, and world representations; (2) a method for predicting missing relations in large-scale knowledge graphs by leveraging type hierarchies of entities, effectively avoiding ambiguity while maintaining generalization of multi-hop reasoning patterns; (3) a method for predicting unknown properties of objects in various environmental contexts, outperforming prior knowledge graph and statistical relational learning methods due to the use of n-ary relations for modeling object properties; (4) a method for purposeful robotic grasping that accounts for a broad range of contexts (including object visual affordance, material, state, and task constraint), outperforming existing approaches in novel contexts and for unknown objects; (5) a systematic investigation into the generalization of task-oriented grasping that includes a benchmark dataset of 250k grasps, and a novel graph neural network that incorporates semantic relations into end-to-end learning of 6-DoF grasps; (6) a method for rearranging novel objects into semantically meaningful spatial structures based on high-level language instructions, more effectively capturing multi-object spatial constraints than existing pairwise spatial representations; (7) a novel planning-inspired approach that iteratively optimizes placements of partially observed objects subject to both physical constraints and semantic constraints inferred from language instructions.Ph.D

    Autonomous Robotic Grasping in Unstructured Environments

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    A crucial problem in robotics is interacting with known or novel objects in unstructured environments. While the convergence of a multitude of research advances is required to address this problem, our goal is to describe a framework that employs the robot\u27s visual perception to identify and execute an appropriate grasp to pick and place novel objects. Analytical approaches explore for solutions through kinematic and dynamic formulations. On the other hand, data-driven methods retrieve grasps according to their prior knowledge of either the target object, human experience, or through information obtained from acquired data. In this dissertation, we propose a framework based on the supporting principle that potential contacting regions for a stable grasp can be found by searching for (i) sharp discontinuities and (ii) regions of locally maximal principal curvature in the depth map. In addition to suggestions from empirical evidence, we discuss this principle by applying the concept of force-closure and wrench convexes. The key point is that no prior knowledge of objects is utilized in the grasp planning process; however, the obtained results show that the approach is capable to deal successfully with objects of different shapes and sizes. We believe that the proposed work is novel because the description of the visible portion of objects by the aforementioned edges appearing in the depth map facilitates the process of grasp set-point extraction in the same way as image processing methods with the focus on small-size 2D image areas rather than clustering and analyzing huge sets of 3D point-cloud coordinates. In fact, this approach dismisses reconstruction of objects. These features result in low computational costs and make it possible to run the proposed algorithm in real-time. Finally, the performance of the approach is successfully validated by applying it to the scenes with both single and multiple objects, in both simulation and real-world experiment setups

    Visuo-Haptic Grasping of Unknown Objects through Exploration and Learning on Humanoid Robots

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Greifen unbekannter Objekte durch humanoide Roboter. Dazu werden visuelle Informationen mit haptischer Exploration kombiniert, um Greifhypothesen zu erzeugen. Basierend auf simulierten Trainingsdaten wird außerdem eine Greifmetrik gelernt, welche die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit der Greifhypothesen bewertet und die mit der größten geschätzten Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit auswählt. Diese wird verwendet, um Objekte mit Hilfe einer reaktiven Kontrollstrategie zu greifen. Die zwei Kernbeiträge der Arbeit sind zum einen die haptische Exploration von unbekannten Objekten und zum anderen das Greifen von unbekannten Objekten mit Hilfe einer neuartigen datengetriebenen Greifmetrik