30 research outputs found

    Protecting privacy of users in brain-computer interface applications

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    Machine learning (ML) is revolutionizing research and industry. Many ML applications rely on the use of large amounts of personal data for training and inference. Among the most intimate exploited data sources is electroencephalogram (EEG) data, a kind of data that is so rich with information that application developers can easily gain knowledge beyond the professed scope from unprotected EEG signals, including passwords, ATM PINs, and other intimate data. The challenge we address is how to engage in meaningful ML with EEG data while protecting the privacy of users. Hence, we propose cryptographic protocols based on secure multiparty computation (SMC) to perform linear regression over EEG signals from many users in a fully privacy-preserving(PP) fashion, i.e., such that each individual's EEG signals are not revealed to anyone else. To illustrate the potential of our secure framework, we show how it allows estimating the drowsiness of drivers from their EEG signals as would be possible in the unencrypted case, and at a very reasonable computational cost. Our solution is the first application of commodity-based SMC to EEG data, as well as the largest documented experiment of secret sharing-based SMC in general, namely, with 15 players involved in all the computations

    KALwEN: a new practical and interoperable key management scheme for body sensor networks

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    Key management is the pillar of a security architecture. Body sensor networks (BSNs) pose several challenges–some inherited from wireless sensor networks (WSNs), some unique to themselves–that require a new key management scheme to be tailor-made. The challenge is taken on, and the result is KALwEN, a new parameterized key management scheme that combines the best-suited cryptographic techniques in a seamless framework. KALwEN is user-friendly in the sense that it requires no expert knowledge of a user, and instead only requires a user to follow a simple set of instructions when bootstrapping or extending a network. One of KALwEN's key features is that it allows sensor devices from different manufacturers, which expectedly do not have any pre-shared secret, to establish secure communications with each other. KALwEN is decentralized, such that it does not rely on the availability of a local processing unit (LPU). KALwEN supports secure global broadcast, local broadcast, and local (neighbor-to-neighbor) unicast, while preserving past key secrecy and future key secrecy (FKS). The fact that the cryptographic protocols of KALwEN have been formally verified also makes a convincing case. With both formal verification and experimental evaluation, our results should appeal to theorists and practitioners alike

    Fast Privacy-Preserving Text Classification based on Secure Multiparty Computation

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    We propose a privacy-preserving Naive Bayes classifier and apply it to the problem of private text classification. In this setting, a party (Alice) holds a text message, while another party (Bob) holds a classifier. At the end of the protocol, Alice will only learn the result of the classifier applied to her text input and Bob learns nothing. Our solution is based on Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC). Our Rust implementation provides a fast and secure solution for the classification of unstructured text. Applying our solution to the case of spam detection (the solution is generic, and can be used in any other scenario in which the Naive Bayes classifier can be employed), we can classify an SMS as spam or ham in less than 340ms in the case where the dictionary size of Bob's model includes all words (n = 5200) and Alice's SMS has at most m = 160 unigrams. In the case with n = 369 and m = 8 (the average of a spam SMS in the database), our solution takes only 21ms

    Secure Computation Protocols for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning (ML) profitiert erheblich von der Verfügbarkeit großer Mengen an Trainingsdaten, sowohl im Bezug auf die Anzahl an Datenpunkten, als auch auf die Anzahl an Features pro Datenpunkt. Es ist allerdings oft weder möglich, noch gewollt, mehr Daten unter zentraler Kontrolle zu aggregieren. Multi-Party-Computation (MPC)-Protokolle stellen eine Lösung dieses Dilemmas in Aussicht, indem sie es mehreren Parteien erlauben, ML-Modelle auf der Gesamtheit ihrer Daten zu trainieren, ohne die Eingabedaten preiszugeben. Generische MPC-Ansätze bringen allerdings erheblichen Mehraufwand in der Kommunikations- und Laufzeitkomplexität mit sich, wodurch sie sich nur beschränkt für den Einsatz in der Praxis eignen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Privatsphäreerhaltendes Machine Learning mittels MPC praxistauglich zu machen. Zuerst fokussieren wir uns auf zwei Anwendungen, lineare Regression und Klassifikation von Dokumenten. Hier zeigen wir, dass sich der Kommunikations- und Rechenaufwand erheblich reduzieren lässt, indem die aufwändigsten Teile der Berechnung durch Sub-Protokolle ersetzt werden, welche auf die Zusammensetzung der Parteien, die Verteilung der Daten, und die Zahlendarstellung zugeschnitten sind. Insbesondere das Ausnutzen dünnbesetzter Datenrepräsentationen kann die Effizienz der Protokolle deutlich verbessern. Diese Beobachtung verallgemeinern wir anschließend durch die Entwicklung einer Datenstruktur für solch dünnbesetzte Daten, sowie dazugehöriger Zugriffsprotokolle. Aufbauend auf dieser Datenstruktur implementieren wir verschiedene Operationen der Linearen Algebra, welche in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen genutzt werden. Insgesamt zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit, dass MPC ein vielversprechendes Werkzeug auf dem Weg zu Privatsphäre-erhaltendem Machine Learning ist, und die von uns entwickelten Protokolle stellen einen wesentlichen Schritt in diese Richtung dar.Machine learning (ML) greatly benefits from the availability of large amounts of training data, both in terms of the number of samples, and the number of features per sample. However, aggregating more data under centralized control is not always possible, nor desirable, due to security and privacy concerns, regulation, or competition. Secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols promise a solution to this dilemma, allowing multiple parties to train ML models on their joint datasets while provably preserving the confidentiality of the inputs. However, generic approaches to MPC result in large computation and communication overheads, which limits the applicability in practice. The goal of this thesis is to make privacy-preserving machine learning with secure computation practical. First, we focus on two high-level applications, linear regression and document classification. We show that communication and computation overhead can be greatly reduced by identifying the costliest parts of the computation, and replacing them with sub-protocols that are tailored to the number and arrangement of parties, the data distribution, and the number representation used. One of our main findings is that exploiting sparsity in the data representation enables considerable efficiency improvements. We go on to generalize this observation, and implement a low-level data structure for sparse data, with corresponding secure access protocols. On top of this data structure, we develop several linear algebra algorithms that can be used in a wide range of applications. Finally, we turn to improving a cryptographic primitive named vector-OLE, for which we propose a novel protocol that helps speed up a wide range of secure computation tasks, within private machine learning and beyond. Overall, our work shows that MPC indeed offers a promising avenue towards practical privacy-preserving machine learning, and the protocols we developed constitute a substantial step in that direction

    Identity Management Framework for Internet of Things

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    Unrecognizable Yet Identifiable: Image Distortion with Preserved Embeddings

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    In the realm of security applications, biometric authentication systems play a crucial role, yet one often encounters challenges concerning privacy and security while developing one. One of the most fundamental challenges lies in avoiding storing biometrics directly in the storage but still achieving decently high accuracy. Addressing this issue, we contribute to both artificial intelligence and engineering fields. We introduce an innovative image distortion technique that effectively renders facial images unrecognizable to the eye while maintaining their identifiability by neural network models. From the theoretical perspective, we explore how reliable state-of-the-art biometrics recognition neural networks are by checking the maximal degree of image distortion, which leaves the predicted identity unchanged. On the other hand, applying this technique demonstrates a practical solution to the engineering challenge of balancing security, precision, and performance in biometric authentication systems. Through experimenting on the widely used datasets, we assess the effectiveness of our method in preserving AI feature representation and distorting relative to conventional metrics. We also compare our method with previously used approaches

    User-centric secured smart virtual assistants framework for disables

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    Research on intelligent secured virtual assistant (ISVA) systems for disabled people is essential in order to meet the special requirements and overcome the difficulties they confront. The delicate nature of user interactions makes security and privacy considerations paramount in virtual assistant platforms. The gaps and weaknesses in existing systems can be identified by researching the context of current practice concerning their features, usability, limits in security procedures, and privacy restrictions. Therefore, we present a framework that combines blockchain-based security with federated learning (FL) to address the current shortcomings of virtual assistant technology. The examination focuses on two primary facets of cutting-edge virtual assistants. Firstly, it evaluates existing IoT-based virtual personal assistant systems designed for persons with disabilities, examining their features, usability, and limitations. The aim is to identify the specific needs and requirements of individuals with disabilities, considering their unique challenges and preferences in utilizing virtual assistant technologies. Second, considering the sensitivity of the information sent between users and virtual assistants, it explores the issues of security and privacy that arise while using such systems. The investigation covers authentication, data encryption, access control, and data privacy rules to provide a snapshot of the prevailing state protecting virtual assistants. Besides this, the framework strengthens the privacy and security of virtual assistants using blockchain technology. Through several empirical trials, it is found that the framework maintains better performance and usability, along with the provision of robust security mechanisms to safeguard user data and guarantee privacy