8 research outputs found

    Promoting Eco driving with Post Trip Visualized Storytelling

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    Visualized storytelling is often used to explain complicated environmental issues, raise ecological consciousness, and promote sustainable behavior. In this study, we develop and test a model demonstrating how post-trip visualized storytelling encourages eco driving behaviors. We explore the effect of post trip visualizations on eco driving behaviors by examining the literature on human-computer interaction. We test our hypothesis in an experiment using eye tracking and driving simulation. Results indicate that animated illustrations and narrative sequence improved eco driving practices. Overall, this study contributes to information systems literature by unraveling the effects of post-trip visualized storytelling on eco driving behaviors

    Scan path visualization and comparison using visual aggregation techniques

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    We demonstrate the use of different visual aggregation techniques to obtain non-cluttered visual representations of scanpaths. First, fixation points are clustered using the mean-shift algorithm. Second, saccades are aggregated using the Attribute-Driven Edge Bundling (ADEB) algorithm that handles a saccades direction, onset timestamp, magnitude or their combination for the edge compatibility criterion. Flow direction maps, computed during bundling, can be visualized separately (vertical or horizontal components) or as a single image using the Oriented Line Integral Convolution (OLIC) algorithm. Furthermore, cosine similarity between two flow direction maps provides a similarity map to compare two scanpaths. Last, we provide examples of basic patterns, visual search task, and art perception. Used together, these techniques provide valuable insights about scanpath exploration and informative illustrations of the eye movement data

    Efficacy of Information Extraction from Bar, Line, Circular, Bubble and Radar Graphs

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    With the emergence of enormous amounts of data, numerous ways to visualize such data have been used. Bar, circular, line, radar and bubble graphs that are ubiquitous were investigated for their effectiveness. Fourteen participants performed four types of evaluations: between categories (cities), within categories (transport modes within a city), all categories, and a direct reading within a category from a graph. The representations were presented in random order and participants were asked to respond to sixteen questions to the best of their ability after visually scanning the related graph. There were two trials on two separate days for each participant. Eye movements were recorded using an eye tracker. Bar and line graphs show superiority over circular and radial graphs in effectiveness, efficiency, and perceived ease of use primarily due to eye saccades. The radar graph had the worst performance. “Vibration-type” fill pattern could be improved by adding colors and symbolic fills. Design guidelines are proposed for the effective representation of data so that the presentation and communication of information are effective

    Análisis visual de movimientos microsacádicos

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    El gran volumen de datos que se generan durante los experimentos de eye tracking hace necesario el uso de técnicas que permitan explorar estos conjuntos de manera efectiva y poder así encontrar patrones en los datos. Los modelos tradicionales empleados en el análisis de los datos oculares resultan muy complejos para un primer análisis de éstos. En particular, muchas veces estos modelos resultan complejos de comprender debido a su naturaleza cuantitativa y no facilitan el entendimiento específico de un comportamiento. En el marco del análisis conductual de cómo un sujeto procesa la información que adquiere visualmente, un tipo de movimiento ocular denominado microsacada ha emergido como potencial candidato para marcador cognitivo que sea invariante a factores externos. El objetivo de esta Línea de Investigación es el diseño e implementación de técnicas visuales que permitan analizar y evaluar el efecto de los movimientos microsacádicos durante la realización de diferentes tareas cognitivas. Mediante el uso de las mismas será posible determinar la naturaleza de este fenómeno bajo distintas condiciones.Eje: Computación gráfica, imágenes y visualización.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Unlocking Sustainability with Visualizations: Driving the Driven through the Whys and Hows

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    Visualizations have been broadly employed to help individuals understand complex environmental issues and encourage sustainable behaviors. However, sustainability knowledge only sometimes transpires to actual green practices. In this study, we explain the effects of post-trip visualized storytelling on eco-driving behaviors. We conducted a laboratory experiment involving eye-tracking and driving simulation. This study contributes to the literature by unraveling the impact of visualized narratives on behaviors and demonstrating eco-driving behaviors in multiple manifestations

    Debunking Sustainability Excuses with Instrumentality and Expectancy Visualizations: A Physiological Perspective

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    This study advances the IS literature by investigating the effects of visualization on promoting sustainability knowledge and pro-environmental behaviors. Specifically, drawing on the visualization literature, we explain how the key visualization features, expectancy illustration, and interactivity affect individuals’ understanding of the impact of their behaviors on the environment, encouraging pro-environmental behaviors. Additionally, we draw on the pedagogy literature to explicate that the effects of visualization on learning outcomes and pro-environmental practices can be explained through individuals’ psychological responses in their course of interpreting the visualization. Collectively, this study presents our endeavor in understanding the roles of visualization in ecological discourse by integrating the visualization literature and sustainability research. Moreover, by unboxing individuals’ psychological processes in interpreting visualization, we offer a fresh perspective to understanding the promises and challenges of using visualization for knowledge acquisition

    XXIII Edición del Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación : Libro de actas

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    Compilación de las ponencias presentadas en el XXIII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), llevado a cabo en Chilecito (La Rioja) en abril de 2021.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic