16 research outputs found

    Retinal Area Segmentation using Adaptive Superpixalation and its Classification using RBFN

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    Retinal disease is the very important issue in medical field. To diagnose the disease, it needs to detect the true retinal area. Artefacts like eyelids and eyelashes are come along with retinal part so removal of artefacts is the big task for better diagnosis of disease into the retinal part.  In this paper, we have proposed the segmentation and use machine learning approaches to detect the true retinal part. Preprocessing is done on the original image using Gamma Normalization which helps to enhance the image  that can gives detail information about the image. Then the segmentation is performed on the Gamma Normalized image by Superpixel method. Superpixel is the group of pixel into different regions which is based on compactness and regional size. Superpixel is used to reduce the complexity of image processing task and provide suitable primitive image pattern. Then feature generation must be done and machine learning approach helps to extract true retinal area. The experimental evaluation gives the better result with accuracy of 96%

    Adaptable image quality assessment using meta-reinforcement learning of task amenability

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    The performance of many medical image analysis tasks are strongly associated with image data quality. When developing modern deep learning algorithms, rather than relying on subjective (human-based) image quality assessment (IQA), task amenability potentially provides an objective measure of task-specific image quality. To predict task amenability, an IQA agent is trained using reinforcement learning (RL) with a simultaneously optimised task predictor, such as a classification or segmentation neural network. In this work, we develop transfer learning or adaptation strategies to increase the adaptability of both the IQA agent and the task predictor so that they are less dependent on high-quality, expert-labelled training data. The proposed transfer learning strategy re-formulates the original RL problem for task amenability in a meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) framework. The resulting algorithm facilitates efficient adaptation of the agent to different definitions of image quality, each with its own Markov decision process environment including different images, labels and an adaptable task predictor. Our work demonstrates that the IQA agents pre-trained on non-expert task labels can be adapted to predict task amenability as defined by expert task labels, using only a small set of expert labels. Using 6644 clinical ultrasound images from 249 prostate cancer patients, our results for image classification and segmentation tasks show that the proposed IQA method can be adapted using data with as few as respective 19.7 % % and 29.6 % % expert-reviewed consensus labels and still achieve comparable IQA and task performance, which would otherwise require a training dataset with 100 % % expert labels

    Learning image quality assessment by reinforcing task amenable data selection

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    In this paper, we consider a type of image quality assessment as a task-specific measurement, which can be used to select images that are more amenable to a given target task, such as image classification or segmentation. We propose to train simultaneously two neural networks for image selection and a target task using reinforcement learning. A controller network learns an image selection policy by maximising an accumulated reward based on the target task performance on the controller-selected validation set, whilst the target task predictor is optimised using the training set. The trained controller is therefore able to reject those images that lead to poor accuracy in the target task. In this work, we show that the controller-predicted image quality can be significantly different from the task-specific image quality labels that are manually defined by humans. Furthermore, we demonstrate that it is possible to learn effective image quality assessment without using a ``clean'' validation set, thereby avoiding the requirement for human labelling of images with respect to their amenability for the task. Using 67126712, labelled and segmented, clinical ultrasound images from 259259 patients, experimental results on holdout data show that the proposed image quality assessment achieved a mean classification accuracy of 0.94±0.010.94\pm0.01 and a mean segmentation Dice of 0.89±0.020.89\pm0.02, by discarding 5%5\% and 15%15\% of the acquired images, respectively. The significantly improved performance was observed for both tested tasks, compared with the respective 0.90±0.010.90\pm0.01 and 0.82±0.020.82\pm0.02 from networks without considering task amenability. This enables image quality feedback during real-time ultrasound acquisition among many other medical imaging applications

    Retinal area detector from Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope (SLO) images for diagnosing retinal diseases

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    © 2014 IEEE. Scanning laser ophthalmoscopes (SLOs) can be used for early detection of retinal diseases. With the advent of latest screening technology, the advantage of using SLO is its wide field of view, which can image a large part of the retina for better diagnosis of the retinal diseases. On the other hand, during the imaging process, artefacts such as eyelashes and eyelids are also imaged along with the retinal area. This brings a big challenge on how to exclude these artefacts. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to automatically extract out true retinal area from an SLO image based on image processing and machine learning approaches. To reduce the complexity of image processing tasks and provide a convenient primitive image pattern, we have grouped pixels into different regions based on the regional size and compactness, called superpixels. The framework then calculates image based features reflecting textural and structural information and classifies between retinal area and artefacts. The experimental evaluation results have shown good performance with an overall accuracy of 92%

    Development of new techniques for the automatic assessment of retinal image quality

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    This thesis contains the development of three different methodologies based on machine learning supervised approaches for the automatic assessment of retinal image quality. The objective is to compare their performances, strengths and drawbacks in order to understand which one is preferable for the embedding into an highly automated screening system

    RetQuality – validador de qualidade de retinografias

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de ComputadoresA avaliação da qualidade de imagem da retina é um contributo importante na obtenção de métodos automáticos de deteção de patologias retinianas fiáveis. Imagens de fraca qualidade dificultam uma análise correta da retina e poderão levar a falsos diagnósticos. Vários artigos publicados indicam que entre 10% a 15% das imagens são rejeitadas devido à sua fraca qualidade. Esta dissertação visou desenvolver um método de classificação automática da qualidade de imagens retinianas capturadas através de uma câmara de fundus e que permitisse, em tempo real, fornecer feedback ao operador sobre a qualidade das imagens adquiridas. Por intermédio desse feedback, ações corretivas poderiam ser tomadas e perdas de informação ou inconvenientes para o paciente poderiam ser evitados. A classificação da qualidade das imagens baseou-se numa avaliação genérica da qualidade da imagem em termos de contraste, focagem e iluminação. Foram extraídas doze características do domínio espacial e duas características do domínio da frequência. Através destas características foi gerada uma árvore de decisão que permitiu efetuar a classificação da qualidade das imagens. De um conjunto de 161 imagens, 67% foram utilizadas como conjunto de treino na geração da árvore de decisão e 33% como conjunto de teste. O método desenvolvido obteve uma sensibilidade de 90.91% e uma especificidade de 92%, o que demonstrou a aplicabilidade do método desenvolvido

    Retinal image quality assessment using deep convolutional neural networks

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Informática Médica)Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema (DME) are the damages caused to the retina and are complications that can affect the diabetic population. Diabetic retinopathy (DR), is the most common disease due to the presence of exudates and has three levels of severity, such as mild, moderate and severe, depending on the exudates distribution in the retina. For screening of diabetic retinopathy or a population-based clinical study, a large number of digital fundus images are captured and to be possible to recognize the signs of DR and DME, it is necessary that the images have quality, because low-quality images may force the patient to return for a second examination, wasting time and possibly delaying treatment. These images are evaluated by trained human experts, which can be a time-consuming and expensive task due to the number of images that need to be examined. Therefore, this is a field that would be hugely benefited with the development of an automated eye fundus quality assessment and analysis systems. It can potentially facilitate health care in remote regions and in developing countries where reading skills are scarce. Deep Learning is a kind of Machine Learning method that involves learning multi-level representations that begin with raw data entry and gradually moves to more abstract levels through non-linear transformations. With enough training data and sufficiently deep architectures, neural networks, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), can learn very complex functions and discover complex structures in the data. Thus, Deep Learning emerges as a powerful tool for medical image analysis and evaluation of retinal image quality using computer-aided diagnosis. Therefore, the aim of this study is to automatically assess all the three quality parameters alone (focus, illumination and color), and then an overall quality of fundus images assessment, classifying the images into the classes “accept” or “reject with a Deep Learning approach using convolutional neural networks (CNN). For the overall classification, the following results were obtained: test accuracy=97.89%, SN=97.9%, AUC=0.98 and 1-score=97.91%.A retinopatia diabética (RD) e o edema macular diabético (EMD) são patologias da retina e são uma complicação que pode afetar a população diabética. A retinopatia diabética é a doença mais comum devido à presença de exsudatos e possui três níveis de gravidade, como leve, moderado e grave, dependendo da distribuição dos exsudatos na retina. Para triagem da retinopatia diabética ou estudo clínico de base populacional, um grande número de imagens digitais de fundo do olho são capturadas e para ser possível reconhecer os sinais da RD e EMD, é necessário que as imagens tenham qualidade, pois imagens de baixa qualidade podem forçar o paciente a retornar para um segundo exame, perdendo tempo e, possivelmente, retardando o tratamento. Essas imagens são avaliadas por especialistas humanos treinados, o que pode ser uma tarefa demorada e cara devido ao número de imagens que precisam de ser examinadas. Portanto, este é um campo que seria enormemente beneficiado com o desenvolvimento de sistemas automatizados de avaliação e análise da qualidade da imagem do fundo de olho. Pode potencialmente facilitar a assistência médica em regiões remotas e em países em desenvolvimento, onde as habilidades de leitura são escassas. Deep Learning é um tipo de método de Machine Learning que envolve a aprendizagem de representações em vários níveis que começam com a entrada de dados brutos e gradualmente se transformam para níveis mais abstratos através de transformações não lineares, para se obterem as previsões. Com dados de treino suficientes e arquiteturas suficientemente profundas, as redes neuronais, como as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), podem aprender funções muito complexas e descobrir estruturas complexas nos dados. Assim, o Deep Learning surge como uma ferramenta poderosa para analisar imagens médicas para avaliação da qualidade da retina, usando diagnóstico auxiliado por computador a partir do fundo do olho. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar automaticamente a qualidade geral das imagens do fundo, classificando as imagens em “aceites” ou “rejeitadas”, com base em três parâmetros principais, como o foco, a iluminação e cor com abordagem de Deep Learning usando convolutional neural networks (CNN). Para a classificação geral da qualidade das imagens, obtiveram-se os seguintes resultados: acurácia do teste = 97,89%, SN = 97,9%, AUC = 0,98 e 1-score=97.91%