92,861 research outputs found

    Low-cost, multi-agent systems for planetary surface exploration

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    The use of off-the-shelf consumer electronics combined with top-down design methodologies have made small and inexpensive satellites, such as CubeSats, emerge as viable, low-cost and attractive space-based platforms that enable a range of new and exciting mission scenarios. In addition, to overcome some of the resource limitation issues encountered with these platforms, distributed architectures have emerged to enable complex tasks through the use of multiple low complexity units. The low-cost characteristics of such systems coupled with the distributed architecture allows for an increase in the size of the system beyond what would have been feasible with a monolithic system, hence widening the operational capabilities without significantly increasing the control complexity of the system. These ideas are not new for Earth orbiting devices, but excluding some distributed remote sensing architectures they are yet to be applied for the purpose of planetary exploration. Experience gained through large rovers demonstrates the value of in-situ exploration, which is however limited by the associated high-cost and risk. The loss of a rover can and has happened because of a number of possible failures: besides the hazards directly linked to the launch and journey to the target-body, hard landing and malfunctioning of parts are all threats to the success of the mission. To overcome these issues this paper introduces the concept of using off-the-shelf consumer electronics to deploy a low-cost multi-rover system for future planetary surface exploration. It is shown that such a system would significantly reduce the programmatic-risk of the mission (for example catastrophic failure of a single rover), while exploiting the inherent advantages of cooperative behaviour. These advantages are analysed with a particular emphasis put upon the guidance, navigation and control of such architectures using the method of artificial potential field. Laboratory tests on multi-agent robotic systems support the analysis. Principal features of the system are identified and the underlying advantages over a monolithic single-agent system highlighted

    Decentralized 3D Collision Avoidance for Multiple UAVs in Outdoor Environments

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    The use of multiple aerial vehicles for autonomous missions is turning into commonplace. In many of these applications, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have to cooperate and navigate in a shared airspace, becoming 3D collision avoidance a relevant issue. Outdoor scenarios impose additional challenges: (i) accurate positioning systems are costly; (ii) communication can be unreliable or delayed; and (iii) external conditions like wind gusts affect UAVs’ maneuverability. In this paper, we present 3D-SWAP, a decentralized algorithm for 3D collision avoidance with multiple UAVs. 3D-SWAP operates reactively without high computational requirements and allows UAVs to integrate measurements from their local sensors with positions of other teammates within communication range. We tested 3D-SWAP with our team of custom-designed UAVs. First, we used a Software-In-The-Loop simulator for system integration and evaluation. Second, we run field experiments with up to three UAVs in an outdoor scenario with uncontrolled conditions (i.e., noisy positioning systems, wind gusts, etc). We report our results and our procedures for this field experimentation.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme No 731667 (MULTIDRONE


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    This paper considers Leica backpack and photogrammetric surveys of a mediaeval bastion in Padua, Italy. Furhtermore, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) survey is considered in order to provide a state of the art reconstruction of the bastion. Despite control points are typically used to avoid deformations in photogrammetric surveys and ensure correct scaling of the reconstruction, in this paper a different approach is considered: this work is part of a project aiming at the development of a system exploiting ultra-wide band (UWB) devices to provide correct scaling of the reconstruction. In particular, low cost Pozyx UWB devices are used to estimate camera positions during image acquisitions. Then, in order to obtain a metric reconstruction, scale factor in the photogrammetric survey is estimated by comparing camera positions obtained from UWB measurements with those obtained from photogrammetric reconstruction. Compared with the TLS survey, the considered photogrammetric model of the bastion results in a RMSE of 21.9cm, average error 13.4cm, and standard deviation 13.5cm. Excluding the final part of the bastion left wing, where the presence of several poles make reconstruction more difficult, (RMSE) fitting error is 17.3cm, average error 11.5cm, and standard deviation 9.5cm. Instead, comparison of Leica backpack and TLS surveys leads to an average error of 4.7cm and standard deviation 0.6cm (4.2 cm and 0.3 cm, respectively, by excluding the final part of the left wing)

    Massive MIMO is a Reality -- What is Next? Five Promising Research Directions for Antenna Arrays

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    Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) is no longer a "wild" or "promising" concept for future cellular networks - in 2018 it became a reality. Base stations (BSs) with 64 fully digital transceiver chains were commercially deployed in several countries, the key ingredients of Massive MIMO have made it into the 5G standard, the signal processing methods required to achieve unprecedented spectral efficiency have been developed, and the limitation due to pilot contamination has been resolved. Even the development of fully digital Massive MIMO arrays for mmWave frequencies - once viewed prohibitively complicated and costly - is well underway. In a few years, Massive MIMO with fully digital transceivers will be a mainstream feature at both sub-6 GHz and mmWave frequencies. In this paper, we explain how the first chapter of the Massive MIMO research saga has come to an end, while the story has just begun. The coming wide-scale deployment of BSs with massive antenna arrays opens the door to a brand new world where spatial processing capabilities are omnipresent. In addition to mobile broadband services, the antennas can be used for other communication applications, such as low-power machine-type or ultra-reliable communications, as well as non-communication applications such as radar, sensing and positioning. We outline five new Massive MIMO related research directions: Extremely large aperture arrays, Holographic Massive MIMO, Six-dimensional positioning, Large-scale MIMO radar, and Intelligent Massive MIMO.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Digital Signal Processin

    Cooperative Virtual Sensor for Fault Detection and Identification in Multi-UAV Applications

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    This paper considers the problem of fault detection and identification (FDI) in applications carried out by a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with visual cameras. In many cases, the UAVs have cameras mounted onboard for other applications, and these cameras can be used as bearing-only sensors to estimate the relative orientation of another UAV. The idea is to exploit the redundant information provided by these sensors onboard each of the UAVs to increase safety and reliability, detecting faults on UAV internal sensors that cannot be detected by the UAVs themselves. Fault detection is based on the generation of residuals which compare the expected position of a UAV, considered as target, with the measurements taken by one or more UAVs acting as observers that are tracking the target UAV with their cameras. Depending on the available number of observers and the way they are used, a set of strategies and policies for fault detection are defined. When the target UAV is being visually tracked by two or more observers, it is possible to obtain an estimation of its 3D position that could replace damaged sensors. Accuracy and reliability of this vision-based cooperative virtual sensor (CVS) have been evaluated experimentally in a multivehicle indoor testbed with quadrotors, injecting faults on data to validate the proposed fault detection methods.Comisión Europea H2020 644271Comisión Europea FP7 288082Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad DPI2015-71524-RMinisterio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad DPI2014-5983-C2-1-RMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte FP

    OLFAR a radio telescope based on nano satellites in moon orbit

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    It seems very likely that missions with nano-satellites in professional scientific or commercial applications will not be single-satellite missions. Well structured formations or less structured swarms of nano-satellites will be able to perform tasks that cannot be done in the “traditional” way. The Dutch space-born radio telescope project OLFAR, the Orbiting Low Frequency Array, is a good example of a typical “swarm task”. The OLFAR radio telescope will be composed of an antenna array based on nano-satellites orbiting the moon to shield the receiving nodes from terrestrial interference. The array will receive frequencies in a band from around 30 kHz to 30 MHz. This frequency band is scientifically very interesting, since it will be able to detect signals originating from the yet unseen “Dark Ages” ranging from the Big Bang until around 400 million year after. Another science driver is the LF activity from (exo) planets. In this paper the design parameters for the satellites and the swarm will be given and status of the OLFAR project will be reported. Details will be given about the antenna system, the LF-receiver and the signals that are expecte