20 research outputs found

    Self-Adaptive Configuration of Visualization Pipeline Over Wide-Area Networks

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    A Survey of GPU-Based Large-Scale Volume Visualization

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    This survey gives an overview of the current state of the art in GPU techniques for interactive large-scale volume visualization. Modern techniques in this field have brought about a sea change in how interactive visualization and analysis of giga-, tera-, and petabytes of volume data can be enabled on GPUs. In addition to combining the parallel processing power of GPUs with out-of-core methods and data streaming, a major enabler for interactivity is making both the computational and the visualization effort proportional to the amount and resolution of data that is actually visible on screen, i.e., “output-sensitive” algorithms and system designs. This leads to recent outputsensitive approaches that are “ray-guided,” “visualization-driven,” or “display-aware.” In this survey, we focus on these characteristics and propose a new categorization of GPU-based large-scale volume visualization techniques based on the notions of actual output-resolution visibility and the current working set of volume bricks—the current subset of data that is minimally required to produce an output image of the desired display resolution. For our purposes here, we view parallel (distributed) visualization using clusters as an orthogonal set of techniques that we do not discuss in detail but that can be used in conjunction with what we discuss in this survey.Engineering and Applied Science

    Adaptive remote visualization system with optimized network performance for large scale scientific data

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    This dissertation discusses algorithmic and implementation aspects of an automatically configurable remote visualization system, which optimally decomposes and adaptively maps the visualization pipeline to a wide-area network. The first node typically serves as a data server that generates or stores raw data sets and a remote client resides on the last node equipped with a display device ranging from a personal desktop to a powerwall. Intermediate nodes can be located anywhere on the network and often include workstations, clusters, or custom rendering engines. We employ a regression model-based network daemon to estimate the effective bandwidth and minimal delay of a transport path using active traffic measurement. Data processing time is predicted for various visualization algorithms using block partition and statistical technique. Based on the link measurements, node characteristics, and module properties, we strategically organize visualization pipeline modules such as filtering, geometry generation, rendering, and display into groups, and dynamically assign them to appropriate network nodes to achieve minimal total delay for post-processing or maximal frame rate for streaming applications. We propose polynomial-time algorithms using the dynamic programming method to compute the optimal solutions for the problems of pipeline decomposition and network mapping under different constraints. A parallel based remote visualization system, which comprises a logical group of autonomous nodes that cooperate to enable sharing, selection, and aggregation of various types of resources distributed over a network, is implemented and deployed at geographically distributed nodes for experimental testing. Our system is capable of handling a complete spectrum of remote visualization tasks expertly including post processing, computational steering and wireless sensor network monitoring. Visualization functionalities such as isosurface, ray casting, streamline, linear integral convolution (LIC) are supported in our system. The proposed decomposition and mapping scheme is generic and can be applied to other network-oriented computation applications whose computing components form a linear arrangement

    Multiple viewpoint rendering for three-dimensional displays

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Media Arts & Sciences, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 159-164).Michael W. Halle.Ph.D

    Point based graphics rendering with unified scalability solutions.

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    Standard real-time 3D graphics rendering algorithms use brute force polygon rendering, with complexity linear in the number of polygons and little regard for limiting processing to data that contributes to the image. Modern hardware can now render smaller scenes to pixel levels of detail, relaxing surface connectivity requirements. Sub-linear scalability optimizations are typically self-contained, requiring specific data structures, without shared functions and data. A new point based rendering algorithm 'Canopy' is investigated that combines multiple typically sub-linear scalability solutions, using a small core of data structures. Specifically, locale management, hierarchical view volume culling, backface culling, occlusion culling, level of detail and depth ordering are addressed. To demonstrate versatility further, shadows and collision detection are examined. Polygon models are voxelized with interpolated attributes to provide points. A scene tree is constructed, based on a BSP tree of points, with compressed attributes. The scene tree is embedded in a compressed, partitioned, procedurally based scene graph architecture that mimics conventional systems with groups, instancing, inlines and basic read on demand rendering from backing store. Hierarchical scene tree refinement constructs an image tree image space equivalent, with object space scene node points projected, forming image node equivalents. An image graph of image nodes is maintained, describing image and object space occlusion relationships, hierarchically refined with front to back ordering to a specified threshold whilst occlusion culling with occluder fusion. Visible nodes at medium levels of detail are refined further to rasterization scales. Occlusion culling defines a set of visible nodes that can support caching for temporal coherence. Occlusion culling is approximate, possibly not suiting critical applications. Qualities and performance are tested against standard rendering. Although the algorithm has a 0(f) upper bound in the scene sizef, it is shown to practically scale sub-linearly. Scenes with several hundred billion polygons conventionally, are rendered at interactive frame rates with minimal graphics hardware support

    Visibility computation through image generalization

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    This dissertation introduces the image generalization paradigm for computing visibility. The paradigm is based on the observation that an image is a powerful tool for computing visibility. An image can be rendered efficiently with the support of graphics hardware and each of the millions of pixels in the image reports a visible geometric primitive. However, the visibility solution computed by a conventional image is far from complete. A conventional image has a uniform sampling rate which can miss visible geometric primitives with a small screen footprint. A conventional image can only find geometric primitives to which there is direct line of sight from the center of projection (i.e. the eye) of the image; therefore, a conventional image cannot compute the set of geometric primitives that become visible as the viewpoint translates, or as time changes in a dynamic dataset. Finally, like any sample-based representation, a conventional image can only confirm that a geometric primitive is visible, but it cannot confirm that a geometric primitive is hidden, as that would require an infinite number of samples to confirm that the primitive is hidden at all of its points. ^ The image generalization paradigm overcomes the visibility computation limitations of conventional images. The paradigm has three elements. (1) Sampling pattern generalization entails adding sampling locations to the image plane where needed to find visible geometric primitives with a small footprint. (2) Visibility sample generalization entails replacing the conventional scalar visibility sample with a higher dimensional sample that records all geometric primitives visible at a sampling location as the viewpoint translates or as time changes in a dynamic dataset; the higher-dimensional visibility sample is computed exactly, by solving visibility event equations, and not through sampling. Another form of visibility sample generalization is to enhance a sample with its trajectory as the geometric primitive it samples moves in a dynamic dataset. (3) Ray geometry generalization redefines a camera ray as the set of 3D points that project at a given image location; this generalization supports rays that are not straight lines, and enables designing cameras with non-linear rays that circumvent occluders to gather samples not visible from a reference viewpoint. ^ The image generalization paradigm has been used to develop visibility algorithms for a variety of datasets, of visibility parameter domains, and of performance-accuracy tradeoff requirements. These include an aggressive from-point visibility algorithm that guarantees finding all geometric primitives with a visible fragment, no matter how small primitive\u27s image footprint, an efficient and robust exact from-point visibility algorithm that iterates between a sample-based and a continuous visibility analysis of the image plane to quickly converge to the exact solution, a from-rectangle visibility algorithm that uses 2D visibility samples to compute a visible set that is exact under viewpoint translation, a flexible pinhole camera that enables local modulations of the sampling rate over the image plane according to an input importance map, an animated depth image that not only stores color and depth per pixel but also a compact representation of pixel sample trajectories, and a curved ray camera that integrates seamlessly multiple viewpoints into a multiperspective image without the viewpoint transition distortion artifacts of prior art methods

    Functional representation and manipulation of shapes with applications in surface and solid modeling

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    Real-valued functions have wide applications in various areas within computer graphics. In this work, we examine three representation of shapes using functions. In particular, we study the classical B-spline representation of piece-wise polynomials in the univariate domain. We provide a generalization of B-spline to the bivariate domain using intuition gained from the univariate construction. We also study the popular scheme of representing 3D density distribution using a uniform, rectilinear grid, where we provide a novel contouring scheme that culls occluded inner geometries. Lastly, we examine a ray-based representation for 3D indicator functions called ray-rep, for which we present a novel meshing scheme with multi-material extensions

    Real-time rendering of large surface-scanned range data natively on a GPU

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    This thesis presents research carried out for the visualisation of surface anatomy data stored as large range images such as those produced by stereo-photogrammetric, and other triangulation-based capture devices. As part of this research, I explored the use of points as a rendering primitive as opposed to polygons, and the use of range images as the native data representation. Using points as a display primitive as opposed to polygons required the creation of a pipeline that solved problems associated with point-based rendering. The problems inves tigated were scattered-data interpolation (a common problem with point-based rendering), multi-view rendering, multi-resolution representations, anti-aliasing, and hidden-point re- moval. In addition, an efficient real-time implementation on the GPU was carried out

    Interactive volume ray tracing

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    Die Visualisierung von volumetrischen Daten ist eine der interessantesten, aber sicherlich auch schwierigsten Anwendungsgebiete innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung. Im Gegensatz zu Oberflächenmodellen, repräsentieren solche Daten ein semi-transparentes Medium in einem 3D-Feld. Anwendungen reichen von medizinischen Untersuchungen, Simulation physikalischer Prozesse bis hin zur visuellen Kunst. Viele dieser Anwendungen verlangen Interaktivität hinsichtlich Darstellungs- und Visualisierungsparameter. Der Ray-Tracing- (Stahlverfolgungs-) Algorithmus wurde dabei, obwohl er inhärent die Interaktion mit einem solchen Medium simulieren kann, immer als zu langsam angesehen. Die meisten Forscher konzentrierten sich vielmehr auf Rasterisierungsansätze, da diese besser für Grafikkarten geeignet sind. Dabei leiden diese Ansätze entweder unter einer ungenügenden Qualität respektive Flexibilität. Die andere Alternative besteht darin, den Ray-Tracing-Algorithmus so zu beschleunigen, dass er sinnvoll für Visualisierungsanwendungen benutzt werden kann. Seit der Verfügbarkeit moderner Grafikkarten hat die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet nachgelassen, obwohl selbst moderne GPUs immer noch Limitierungen, wie beispielsweise der begrenzte Grafikkartenspeicher oder das umständliche Programmiermodell, enthalten. Die beiden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Methoden sind deshalb vollständig softwarebasiert, da es sinnvoller erscheint, möglichst viele Optimierungen in Software zu realisieren, bevor eine Portierung auf Hardware erfolgt. Die erste Methode wird impliziter Kd-Baum genannt, eine hierarchische und räumliche Beschleunigungstruktur, die ursprünglich für die Generierung von Isoflächen reguläre Gitterdatensätze entwickelt wurde. In der Zwischenzeit unterstützt sie auch die semi-transparente Darstellung, die Darstellung von zeitabhängigen Datensätzen und wurde erfolgreich für andere Anwendungen eingesetzt. Der zweite Algorithmus benutzt so genannte Plücker-Koordinaten, welche die Implementierung eines schnellen inkrementellen Traversierers für Datensätze erlauben, deren Primitive Tetraeder beziehungsweise Hexaeder sind. Beide Algorithmen wurden wesentlich optimiert, um eine interaktive Bildgenerierung volumetrischer Daten zu ermöglichen und stellen deshalb einen wichtigen Beitrag hin zu einem flexiblen und interaktiven Volumen-Ray-Tracing-System dar.Volume rendering is one of the most demanding and interesting topics among scientific visualization. Applications include medical examinations, simulation of physical processes, and visual art. Most of these applications demand interactivity with respect to the viewing and visualization parameters. The ray tracing algorithm, although inherently simulating light interaction with participating media, was always considered too slow. Instead, most researchers followed object-order algorithms better suited for graphics adapters, although such approaches often suffer either from low quality or lack of flexibility. Another alternative is to speed up the ray tracing algorithm to make it competitive for volumetric visualization tasks. Since the advent of modern graphic adapters, research in this area had somehow ceased, although some limitations of GPUs, e.g. limited graphics board memory and tedious programming model, are still a problem. The two methods discussed in this thesis are therefore purely software-based since it is believed that software implementations allow for a far better optimization process before porting algorithms to hardware. The first method is called implicit kd-tree, which is a hierarchical spatial acceleration structure originally developed for iso-surface rendering of regular data sets that now supports semi-transparent rendering, time-dependent data visualization, and is even used in non volume-rendering applications. The second algorithm uses so-called Plücker coordinates, providing a fast incremental traversal for data sets consisting of tetrahedral or hexahedral primitives. Both algorithms are highly optimized to support interactive rendering of volumetric data sets and are therefore major contributions towards a flexible and interactive volume ray tracing framework