519 research outputs found

    Time synchronization for an emulated CAN device on a Multi-Processor System on Chip

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    The increasing number of applications implemented on modern vehicles leads to the use of multi-core platforms in the automotive field. As the number of I/O interfaces offered by these platforms is typically lower than the number of integrated applications, a solution is needed to provide access to the peripherals, such as the Controller Area Network (CAN), to all applications. Emulation and virtualization can be used to implement and share a CAN bus among multiple applications. Furthermore, cyber-physical automotive applications often require time synchronization. A time synchronization protocol on CAN has been recently introduced by AUTOSAR. In this article we present how multiple applications can share a CAN port, which can be on the local processor tile or on a remote tile. Each application can access a local time base, synchronized over CAN, using the AUTOSAR Application Programming Interface (API). We evaluate our approach with four emulation and virtualization examples, trading the number of applications per core with the speed of the software emulated CAN bus.</p

    How to Build a Mixed-Criticality System in Industry?

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    In the last decade, the rapid evolution of diverse functionalities and execution platform led safety-critical systems towards integrating components/functions/applications with different ‘criticality’ in a shared hardware platform, i.e., Mixed-Criticality Systems (MCS)s. In academia, hundreds of publications has been proposed upon a commonly used model, i.e., Vestal’s model. Even so, because of the mismatched concepts between academia and industry, current academic models can not be exported to a real industrial system. This paper discusses the mismatched concepts from the system architecture perspective, with a potential solution being proposed

    Hardware IPC for a TrustZone-assisted Hypervisor

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresIn this modern era ruled by technology and the IoT (Internet of Things), embedded systems have an ubiquitous presence in our daily lives. Although they do differ from each other in their functionalities and end-purpose, they all share the same basic requirements: safety and security. Whether in a non-critical system such as a smartphone, or a critical one, like an electronic control unit of any modern vehicle, these requirements must always be fulfilled in order to accomplish a reliable and trust-worthy system. One well-established technology to address this problem is virtualization. It provides isolation by encapsulating each subsystem in separate Virtual-Machines (VMs), while also enabling the sharing of hardware resources. However, these isolated subsystems may still need to communicate with each other. Inter-Process Communication is present in most OSes’ stacks, representing a crucial part of it, which allows, through a myriad of different mechanisms, communication be- tween tasks. In a virtualized system, Inter-Partition Communication mechanisms implement the communication between the different subsystems referenced above. TrustZone technology has been in the forefront of hardware-assisted security and it has been explored for virtualization purposes, since natively it provides sep- aration between two execution worlds while enforcing, by design, different privi- lege to these execution worlds. LTZVisor, an open-source lightweight TrustZone- assisted hypervisor, emerged as a way of providing a platform for exploring how TrustZone can be exploited to assist virtualization. Its IPC mechanism, TZ- VirtIO, constitutes a standard virtual I/O approach for achieving communication between the OSes, but some overhead is caused by the introduction of the mech- anism. Hardware-based solutions are yet to be explored with this solution, which could bring performance and security benefits while diminishing overhead. Attending the reasons mentioned above, hTZ-VirtIO was developed as a way to explore the offloading of the software-based communication mechanism of the LTZVisor to hardware-based mechanisms.Atualmente, onde a tecnologia e a Internet das Coisas (IoT) dominam a so- ciedade, os sistemas embebidos são omnipresentes no nosso dia-a-dia, e embora possam diferir entre as funcionalidades e objetivos finais, todos partilham os mes- mos requisitos básicos. Seja um sistema não crítico, como um smartphone, ou um sistema crítico, como uma unidade de controlo de um veículo moderno, estes requisitos devem ser cumpridos de maneira a se obter um sistema confiável. Uma tecnologia bem estabelecida para resolver este problema é a virtualiza- ção. Esta abordagem providencia isolamento através do encapsulamento de sub- sistemas em máquinas virtuais separadas, além de permitir a partilha de recursos de hardware. No entanto, estes subsistemas isolados podem ter a necessidade de comunicar entre si. Comunicação entre tarefas está presente na maioria das pilhas de software de qualquer sistema e representa uma parte crucial dos mesmos. Num sistema virtualizado, os mecanismos de comunicação entre-partições implementam a comunicação entre os diferentes subsistemas mencionados acima. A tecnologia TrustZone tem estado na vanguarda da segurança assistida por hardware, e tem sido explorada na implementação de sistemas virtualizados, visto que permite nativamente a separação entre dois mundos de execução, e impondo ao mesmo tempo, por design, privilégios diferentes a esses mundos de execução. O LTZVisor, um hypervisor em código-aberto de baixo overhead assistido por Trust- Zone, surgiu como uma forma de fornecer uma plataforma que permite a explo- ração da TrustZone como tecnologia de assistência a virtualização. O TZ-VirtIO, mecanismo de comunicação do LTZVisor, constitui uma abordagem padrão de E/S virtuais, para permitir comunicação entre os sistemas operativos. No entanto, a introdução deste mecanismo provoca sobrecarga sobre o hypervisor. Soluções baseadas em hardware para o TZ-VirtIO ainda não foram exploradas, e podem trazer benefícios de desempenho e segurança, e diminuir a sobrecarga. Atendendo às razões mencionadas acima, o hTZ-VirtIO foi desenvolvido como uma maneira de explorar a migração do mecanismo de comunicação baseado em software do LTZVisor para mecanismos baseados em hardware

    Embedded Virtual Machines for Robust Wireless Control and Actuation

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    Embedded wireless networks have largely focused on open-loop sensing and monitoring. To address actuation in closed-loop wireless control systems there is a strong need to re-think the communication architectures and protocols for reliability, coordination and control. As the links, nodes and topology of wireless systems are inherently unreliable, such time-critical and safety-critical applications require programming abstractions and runtime systems where the tasks are assigned to the sensors, actuators and controllers as a single component rather than statically mapping a set of tasks to a specific physical node at design time. To this end, we introduce the Embedded Virtual Machine (EVM), a powerful and flexible programming abstraction where virtual components and their properties are maintained across node boundaries. In the context of process and discrete control, an EVM is the distributed runtime system that dynamically selects primary-backup sets of controllers to guarantee QoS given spatial and temporal constraints of the underlying wireless network. The EVM architecture defines explicit mechanisms for control, data and fault communication within the virtual component. EVM-based algorithms introduce new capabilities such as predictable outcomes and provably minimal graceful degradation during sensor/actuator failure, adaptation to mode changes and runtime optimization of resource consumption. Through case studies in process control we demonstrate the preliminary capabilities of EVM-based wireless networks

    Functional-safety analysis of ASIL decomposition for redundant automotive systems

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    Functional-safety analysis of ASIL decomposition for redundant automotive systems

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    Time-sensitive autonomous architectures

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    Autonomous and software-defined vehicles (ASDVs) feature highly complex systems, coupling safety-critical and non-critical components such as infotainment. These systems require the highest connectivity, both inside the vehicle and with the outside world. An effective solution for network communication lies in Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) which enables high-bandwidth and low-latency communications in a mixed-criticality environment. In this work, we present Time-Sensitive Autonomous Architectures (TSAA) to enable TSN in ASDVs. The software architecture is based on a hypervisor providing strong isolation and virtual access to TSN for virtual machines (VMs). TSAA latest iteration includes an autonomous car controlled by two Xilinx accelerators and a multiport TSN switch. We discuss the engineering challenges and the performance evaluation of the project demonstrator. In addition, we propose a Proof-of-Concept design of virtualized TSN to enable multiple VMs executing on a single board taking advantage of the inherent guarantees offered by TSN

    Arm TrustZone: evaluating the diversity of the memory subsystem

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresThe diversification of the embedded market has led the once single-purpose built embedded device to become a broader concept that can accommodate more general-purpose solutions, by widening its hardware and software resources. A huge diversity in system resources and requirements has boosted the investigation around virtualization technology, which is becoming prevalent in the embedded systems domain, allowing timing and spatial sharing of hardware and software resources between specialized subsystems. As strict timing demands imposed in realtime virtualized systems must be met, coupled with a small margin for the penalties incurred by conventional software-based virtualization, resort to hardware-assisted solutions has become indispensable. Although not a virtualization but security-oriented technology, Arm TrustZone is seen by many as a reliable hardware-based virtualization alternative, with the low cost and high spread of TrustZone-enabled processors standing as strong arguments for its acceptance. But, since Trust- Zone only dictates the hardware infrastructure foundations, providing SoC designers with a range of components that can fulfil specific functions, several key-components and subsystems of this technology are implementation defined. This approach may hinder a system designer’s work, as it may impair and make the portability of system software a lot more complicated. As such, this thesis proposes to examine how different manufacturers choose to work with the TrustZone architecture, and how the changes introduced by this technology may affect the security and performance of TrustZone-assisted virtualization solutions, in order to scale back those major constraints. It identifies the main properties that impact the creation and execution of system software and points into what may be the most beneficial approaches for developing and using TrustZone-assisted hardware and software.A recente metamorfose na área dos sistemas embebidos transformou estes dispositivos, outrora concebidos com um único e simples propósito, num aglomerado de subsistemas prontos para integrar soluções mais flexíveis. Este aumento de recursos e de requisitos dos sistemas potenciou a investigação em soluções de virtualização dos mesmos, permitindo uma partilha simultânea de recursos de hardware e software entre os vários subsistemas. A proliferação destas soluções neste domínio, onde os tempos de execução têm de ser respeitados e a segurança é um ponto-chave, tem levado à adoção de técnicas de virtualização assistidas por hardware. Uma tecnologia que tem vindo a ser utilizada para este fim é a Arm TrustZone, apesar de inicialmente ter sido desenvolvida como uma tecnologia de proteção, dado a sua maior presença em placas de médio e baixo custo quando comparada a outras tecnologias. Infelizmente, dado que a TrustZone apenas fornece diretrizes base sobre as quais os fabricantes podem contruir os seus sistemas, as especificações da tecnologia divergem de fabricante para fabricante, ou até entre produtos com a mesma origem. Aliada à geral escassez de informação sobre esta tecnologia, esta característica pode trazer problemas para a criação e portabilidade de software de sistema dependente desta tecnologia. Como tal, a presente tese propõe examinar, de uma forma sistematizada, de que forma diferentes fabricantes escolhem implementar sistemas baseados na arquitetura TrustZone e em que medida as mudanças introduzidas por esta tecnologia podem afetar a segurança e desempenho de soluções de virtualização baseadas na mesma. São identificadas as principais características que podem influenciar a criação e execução de software de sistema e potenciais medidas para diminuir o seu impacto, assim como boas práticas a seguir no desenvolvimento na utilização de software e hardware baseados na TrustZone