264 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality in Medicine

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    Posljednjih nekoliko godina svjedočimo porastu komercijalno dostupnih sustava virtualne stvarno- sti koji su na visokoj razini iskoristivosti kako za profesionalnu tako i za kućnu upotrebu. Od ranih primjeraka sustava virtualne stvarnosti u medicini koji su korišteni kao izuzetno sofisticirani, skupi i zahtjevni za upotrebu, došli smo do trenutka u kojemu su i cijena i jednostavnost upotrebe na tako visokoj razini da se koriste čak i kao terapija u domu. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti dosadašnja istraživanja koja su se bavila upotrebom virtualne stvarnosti u nekoliko izabranih medicinskih pod- ručja: psihijatriji, rehabilitacijskoj terapiji, medicinskoj izobrazbi i kontroli boli. Ovaj rad prikazuje različita područja medicine gdje je virtualna stvarnost već afirmirani alat te ona područja gdje je tek na početku profiliranja kao neizostavni alat u medicini. Smatramo kako sustavi virtualne stvarnosti imaju visoku razinu uvjerljivosti što omogućava medicinskom osoblju poboljšavanje vlastitih vještina i iskustava bez štete po bolesnika, dok bolesniku omogućuje prilagođenu i bolju njegu i liječenje.For the last few years, we have been witnessing a surge of commercially available virtual reality systems that are on a high grade of usability for both professional and home-based application. Early examples of virtual reality systems used in the medical field were highly sophisticated, expensive and hard to use devices. Now we have reached a point where both prices and ease of use are at a level that it can be easily applied even as a home therapy system. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the use of virtual reality in selected practical medical fields: psychotherapy, rehabilitation therapy, medical training, and pain management. This review demonstrates different fields of medicine where virtual reality is already an established tool and medical fields where it has just started to become an indispensable tool for a modern-day medical practitioner. We find virtual reality systems to be powerful immersive tools that allow both practitioners to improve their skills and experiences without any damage to the patients and patients to receive better and more personalised care and treatment

    Virtual Reality in Medicine — Going Beyond the Limits

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    Legal aspects of artificial intelligence, augumented reality and virtual reality in medicine

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    Title: Legal aspects of artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual reality in medicine The thesis deals with selected legal problems that arise in connection with the use of artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality in medicine. The introduction defines what these relatively new terms mean and what is their use in the field of medicine. Furthermore, it deals with the legal nature of these technologies, i.e. why are they a thing in legal sense, how they meet the definition of a product, and that under certain conditions they can also be considered medical devices. The next part is devoted to patients' rights and obligations in connection with the use of artificial intelligence and virtual and augmented reality in the provision of health services. In particular, it is stressed that under certain circumstances the health service provider will be obliged to communicate that a particular technology is used in patient care. It also explains why patients today cannot regard the use of these technologies as their right which can be claimed. Finally, patients may refuse the use of these technologies in certain situations. The second major legal problem that is addressed in the context of the use of artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality in medicine is the obligation...Název práce: Právní aspekty umělé inteligence, rozšířené reality a virtuální reality v medicíně Práce se zabývá vybranými právními problémy, které v souvislosti s využitím umělé inteligence, virtuální a rozšířené reality v medicíně vyvstávají. V úvodu práce je vymezeno, co tyto relativně nové pojmy znamenají a jaké je jejich využití v oblasti medicíny. Dále je řešena právní povaha těchto technologií, tj. proč se jedná o věci v právním smyslu, jak naplňují definici výrobku a že mohou být za určitých podmínek považovány též za zdravotnické prostředky. Další část práce je věnována právům a povinnostem pacientů v souvislosti s využíváním umělé inteligence a virtuální a rozšířené reality při poskytování zdravotních služeb. Zejména je zdůrazňováno, že za určitých okolností bude poskytovatel zdravotních služeb povinen sdělit, že je konkrétní technologie při péči o pacienta používána. Dále je vysvětleno, proč v dnešní době pacienti nemohou považovat využití těchto technologií za své právo, které by bylo možné nárokovat. A nakonec, že pacienti mohou v určitých situacích použití těchto technologií odmítnout. Druhým významnějším právním problémem, který je v souvislosti s použitím umělé inteligence, virtuální a rozšířené reality v medicíně v práci řešen, je prevenční povinnost. Ta je zejména s ohledem na...Katedra občanského právaDepartment of Civil LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Perspective on the Double Edges of Virtual Reality in Medicine - both Addiction & Treatment

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    Although the therapeutic potential of virtual reality has been foreseen since over half a century ago, the lack of graphical processing power made it impossible to apply in medical therapeutic sciences until last decade; nowadays, the hardware required for virtual reality is even 100 times more affordable. A head-mounted display induces immersivity engulfing the subject’s eyesight perception in a stereoscopic manner. The same tool that may aid better self understanding and bonding can also trigger psychopathological mechanisms through which the user becomes alienated from the real world. As virtual reality became even more popular during SARS-COV2 pandemic, users worldwide have spent more time into a virtual world. Depersonalization/derealization syndrome can occur if virtual reality is abused. The greater the person’s involvement in virtual reality, the greater the chance of a lack of bodily self (depersonalization). Controllers that mimic hands could prevent the subject from acknowledging the real world as true – derealization. Virtual reality’s dissociative potential is related to individual psychological traits and prolonged exposure. Children are the most prone to develop behavioral changes. Adults may develop behavioral problems related to virtual reality gaming, gambling, pornography and also social networking through created avatars. Blue light wavelength could harm sleep architecture and circadian rhythm by disrupting melatonin, therefore making virtual reality exposure problematic after sunset. State of the art reveals that using virtual reality in a therapeutic manner, actually facilitates the fight against addictions with cue therapy intended to extinguish conditioned response. The exposure to a substance (nicotine, alcohol, or any other psychoactive recreational abuse potential substances) can trigger craving in a controlled environment, that is malleable in the hands of the therapist. Virtual reality can offer an exposure perspective that is both vivid enough to be a challenge, but also safe enough to ensure patient involvement and to amplify the therapeutic alliance.</p

    Using virtual reality in medicine management education for children's nurses strengths and pitfalls

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    The aim of the development of this teaching method was to promote safe nursing practice in children's nurses medicines management . Through the immersive experience of virtual reality student nurses would understand decision making ,cause and consequence of medication errors . Medication in errors in nursing is a persistent challenge to safe nursing practice in children’s care. In children’s nursing practice second checking by qualified nurses can mean that student nurses do not fully engage in the medicines administration process. This dependence of their supervisor reduces their sense of responsibility and ability to recognise errors. The use of virtual reality allowed students to experience 3 scenarios from the medicine administrator’s point of view. The scenarios included ‘swiss cheese model’ errors in practice. Through this immersive experience the students were able make immediate decisions and reflections in a safe simulated environment. An evaluation of the teaching session identified that students were able to develop and improve their knowledge of medication error. This improvement in knowledge is reflective of a recently published meta-analysis of virtual reality education (Chen et al 2020). Following evaluation of the learning experience most students appreciated the immersive experience and felt it increased their sense of responsibility and engagement with the process. Over 85% were satisfied with the teaching experience. There were some notable challenges with a minority of students experiencing motion sickness

    Sensing and mapping for interactive performance

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    This paper describes a trans-domain mapping (TDM) framework for translating meaningful activities from one creative domain onto another. The multi-disciplinary framework is designed to facilitate an intuitive and non-intrusive interactive multimedia performance interface that offers the users or performers real-time control of multimedia events using their physical movements. It is intended to be a highly dynamic real-time performance tool, sensing and tracking activities and changes, in order to provide interactive multimedia performances. From a straightforward definition of the TDM framework, this paper reports several implementations and multi-disciplinary collaborative projects using the proposed framework, including a motion and colour-sensitive system, a sensor-based system for triggering musical events, and a distributed multimedia server for audio mapping of a real-time face tracker, and discusses different aspects of mapping strategies in their context. Plausible future directions, developments and exploration with the proposed framework, including stage augmenta tion, virtual and augmented reality, which involve sensing and mapping of physical and non-physical changes onto multimedia control events, are discussed

    Quantifying perception of nonlinear elastic tissue models using multidimensional scaling

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    Simplified soft tissue models used in surgical simulations cannot perfectly reproduce all material behaviors. In particular, many tissues exhibit the Poynting effect, which results in normal forces during shearing of tissue and is only observed in nonlinear elastic material models. In order to investigate and quantify the role of the Poynting effect on material discrimination, we performed a multidimensional scaling (MDS) study. Participants were presented with several pairs of shear and normal forces generated by a haptic device during interaction with virtual soft objects. Participants were asked to rate the similarity between the forces felt. The selection of the material parameters – and thus the magnitude of the shear\ud and normal forces – was based on a pre-study prior to the MDS experiment. It was observed that for nonlinear elastic tissue models exhibiting the Poynting effect, MDS analysis indicated that both shear and normal forces affect user perception

    The Modelling of Stereoscopic 3D Scene Acquisition

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    The main goal of this work is to find a suitable method for calculating the best setting of a stereo pair of cameras that are viewing the scene to enable spatial imaging. The method is based on a geometric model of a stereo pair cameras currently used for the acquisition of 3D scenes. Based on selectable camera parameters and object positions in the scene, the resultant model allows calculating the parameters of the stereo pair of images that influence the quality of spatial imaging. For the purpose of presenting the properties of the model of a simple 3D scene, an interactive application was created that allows, in addition to setting the cameras and scene parameters and displaying the calculated parameters, also displaying the modelled scene using perspective views and the stereo pair modelled with the aid of anaglyphic images. The resulting modelling method can be used in practice to determine appropriate parameters of the camera configuration based on the known arrangement of the objects in the scene. Analogously, it can, for a given camera configuration, determine appropriate geometrical limits of arranging the objects in the scene being displayed. This method ensures that the resulting stereoscopic recording will be of good quality and observer-friendly

    A new Approach to Compute Convex Hull

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    Virtual reality techniques have proved their importance in almost every field of knowledge, particularly in medical and architecture. Convex hull is an application of virtual reality which is used to draw the boundary of some object inside an image. In this paper a hybrid method is proposed to compute convex hull. The method is based on two already existing convex hull algorithms i.e. quick hull and grahams Scan algorithm. The proposed technique is an attempt to remove the deficiencies in the two above mentioned techniques of the convex hull