280 research outputs found

    A transversal methodology for the implementation of virtual reality in Architecture learning

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    [EN] Virtual reality (VR) has achieved an adequate level of development in education and research in higher education The training in Architecture requires a reflection on the incorporation of new design technologies at the Degree and Master’s level, due, in part, to the dissatisfaction of the students with the poor implementation of these technologies. The pedagogical possibilities of VR are very high. The aim of this paper is to propose a transversal methodology for several subjects in the same semester. It consists of the virtual recreation of a work of relevant architecture in the history of contemporary Architecture. The possibilities of implementing VR in the architectonic subjects are analyzed. This methodology takes advantage of the potential of this technology to create a transversal educational activity, for different subjects and areas of knowledge in the same academic year. Subsequently, the different phases for its implementation are described in terms of activities and scenarios. The paper concludes that transversal methodology offers the opportunity to analyze the same building from different disciplines, checking the interrelation between them, and saves time for the student in completing teaching assignments.Rosa-Jimenez, C.; Ventura-Blanch, F. (2020). A transversal methodology for the implementation of virtual reality in Architecture learning. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):1347-1354. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11274OCS1347135430-05-202

    Multimedia and Knowledge-based Computer-aided Architectural Design

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    It appears by now fairly accepted to many researchers in the field of the Computer Aided Architectural Design that the way to realize support tools for these aims is by means of the realization of Knowledge Based Assistants. This kind of computer programs, based on the knowledge engineering, finds their power and efficaciousness by their knowledge bases. Nowdays this kind of tools is leaving the research world and it appears evident that the common graphic interfaces and the modalities of dialogue between the architect and the computer, are inadequate to support the exchange of information that the use of these tools requires. The use of the knowledge bases furthermore, presupposes that the conceptual model of the building realized by others, must be made entirely understandable to the architect . The CAAD Laboratory has carried out a system software prototype based on Knowledge Engineering in the field of hospital buildings. In order to overcame the limit of software systems based on usual Knowledge Engineering, by improving architect-computer interaction, at CAAD Lab it is refining building model introducing into the knowledge base two complementary each other methodologies: the conceptual clustering and multimedia technics. This research will make it possible for architects navigate consciously through the domain of the knowledge base already implemented

    Virtual Reality of Fantasy Travel Utopia

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    Virtual reality can be considered as one of the most influential technologies of the human future. Architecture as human life container is the most important platform for this technology. In order to understand outlook of virtual reality in architecture it is necessary to get familiar with this technology and its evolution. Many years ago, intervention of virtuality and reality was an impossible dream in the human mind. But when Jason Lanier, American scientist, announced realization of this dream, a new horizon was opened to the human. Although this technology initially was regarded mostly as fun and computer games, over the time, the virtual reality technology has become one of the controversial issues in art and science world. At first, non-immersive virtual reality came to existence and despite of evolution in human special imaginations, created challenges for the human in 3D world. However, after a while, immersive virtual reality made it possible to experience every spatial imagination foe the human. Architecture science was no exception in experiencing changes due to close relationship with special imaginations. Meanwhile, possibility of confronting the space designed in human scale, possibility for movement in the designed space as well as possibility for observing changes in different scales with lowest costs were changes in architecture world. But what which can fundamentally change future of architecture is combination of virtual reality and augmented reality, which allows the full integration of virtuality and reality


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     Jalan Panggung Surabaya mempunyai karakter visual kota tua dengan tipologi bangunan bergaya arsitektur Kolonial dan Cina. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, kedua deretan bangunan tersebut banyak mengalami perubahan tipologi dan fungsi. Hal ini menyebabkan kualitas karakter visual kota lama menurun. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan pada dua sisi bangunan jalan Panggung. Hasil identifikasi digunakan untuk membandingkan kondisi tipologi dan fungsi bangunan di kedua sisi jalan. Selanjutnya, data yang dihasilkan digunakan dalam Teknik 360 untuk penyajian realitas visual. Metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi, menganalisis, membandingkan, dan menjelaskan kondisi bangunan saat ini. Hasil identifikasi digunakan untuk menandai setiap bangunan yang digabungkan dengan tampilan teknik 360. Sehingga, tampilan sepanjang jalan Panggung dalam realitas visual memiliki tambahan informasi pada masing-masing bangunan. Identifikasi bangunan menghasilkan perubahan yang berbeda pada sisi Timur dan Barat baik pada tipologi dan fungsi bangunan. Analisa perbandingan menghasilkan perubahan tipologi sisi Timur lebih banyak, tetapi perubahan fungsi bangunan lebih banyak di sisi Barat. Teknik 360 dan penambahan informasi pada setiap bangunan memperjelas tipologi bangunan saat ini yang ditampilkan dalam realitas virtual. Kesimpulan, penggabungan teknik 360 dan realitas visual pada sebuah wilayah membantu mempermudah memahami kualitas karakter visual wilayah tersebut berdasarkan data terakhir dan dapat dinikmati secara jarak jauh

    A virtual environment for the design and simulated construction of prefabricated buildings

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    The construction industry has acknowledged that its current working practices are in need of substantial improvements in quality and efficiency and has identified that computer modelling techniques and the use of prefabricated components can help reduce times, costs, and minimise defects and problems of on-site construction. This paper describes a virtual environment to support the design and construction processes of buildings from prefabricated components and the simulation of their construction sequence according to a project schedule. The design environment can import a library of 3-D models of prefabricated modules that can be used to interactively design a building. Using Microsoft Project, the construction schedule of the designed building can be altered, with this information feeding back to the construction simulation environment. Within this environment the order of construction can be visualised using virtual machines. Novel aspects of the system are that it provides a single 3-D environment where the user can construct their design with minimal user interaction through automatic constraint recognition and view the real-time simulation of the construction process within the environment. This takes this area of research a step forward from other systems that only allow the planner to view the construction at certain stages, and do not provide an animated view of the construction process

    The virtual environments lighting quality assessment using the virtual reality

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    The computer simulation field opened up new application opportunities in architecture in the last decades. In particular, Virtual Reality (VR) and Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs) enable to study the subjective experience in-vitro. This paper investigates the ability of VR coupled with immersive devices in providing users with a better spatial lighting understanding. The goal is to reason about the potentiality of VR and IVE on the lighting quality assessment studies involving final users. The research was carried out by analysing and comparing data of the spatial and lighting perception of users using conventional devices frequently used by researchers in the lighting field for running experiments: screens, video projectors, and VR. Three different virtual lighting conditions in a virtual environment were presented, and a survey was administered to twenty-six participants. Results show that immersive VR allows obtaining more significant correlations between lightning variables than the other devices. Besides, the statistical analyses highlight that VR navigation with immersive devices is associated with an overall better lightning perception of the virtual model than the other non-immersive devices tested in the experimentation. The findings also show that users prefer the immersive environment


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    Communication is vital to teams in the workplace, especially for design teams that work remotely. This project aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of remote communication between design team members who work in different locations. The decisions throughout the design process will be guided by the literature, by the information collected in the survey, by the suggestions given by the outside committee member, and by ideas and feedback that emerges during design development testing. The final design of this project includes a large screen named Portal. This design could encourage more communication between team members and provide people a feeling that their team members are working next to them. Moreover, this design also considered humanity by allowing people to display a digital door on the screen to establish a level of privacy
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