2 research outputs found

    Using natural user interfaces to support synchronous distributed collaborative work

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    Synchronous Distributed Collaborative Work (SDCW) occurs when group members work together at the same time from different places together to achieve a common goal. Effective SDCW requires good communication, continuous coordination and shared information among group members. SDCW is possible because of groupware, a class of computer software systems that supports group work. Shared-workspace groupware systems are systems that provide a common workspace that aims to replicate aspects of a physical workspace that is shared among group members in a co-located environment. Shared-workspace groupware systems have failed to provide the same degree of coordination and awareness among distributed group members that exists in co-located groups owing to unintuitive interaction techniques that these systems have incorporated. Natural User Interfaces (NUIs) focus on reusing natural human abilities such as touch, speech, gestures and proximity awareness to allow intuitive human-computer interaction. These interaction techniques could provide solutions to the existing issues of groupware systems by breaking down the barrier between people and technology created by the interaction techniques currently utilised. The aim of this research was to investigate how NUI interaction techniques could be used to effectively support SDCW. An architecture for such a shared-workspace groupware system was proposed and a prototype, called GroupAware, was designed and developed based on this architecture. GroupAware allows multiple users from distributed locations to simultaneously view and annotate text documents, and create graphic designs in a shared workspace. Documents are represented as visual objects that can be manipulated through touch gestures. Group coordination and awareness is maintained through document updates via immediate workspace synchronization, user action tracking via user labels and user availability identification via basic proxemic interaction. Members can effectively communicate via audio and video conferencing. A user study was conducted to evaluate GroupAware and determine whether NUI interaction techniques effectively supported SDCW. Ten groups of three members each participated in the study. High levels of performance, user satisfaction and collaboration demonstrated that GroupAware was an effective groupware system that was easy to learn and use, and effectively supported group work in terms of communication, coordination and information sharing. Participants gave highly positive comments about the system that further supported the results. The successful implementation of GroupAware and the positive results obtained from the user evaluation provides evidence that NUI interaction techniques can effectively support SDCW

    Proposition des modèles et de processus structurés pour le développement d’environnements collaboratifs synchrones : application aux réunions de revue de conception

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    Development of collaborative environment is a complex process. The complexity lies in the fact that collaborative environment development involves a lot of decision making. Several tradeoffs need to be made to satisfy current and future requirements from a potentially various set of user profiles. The handling of these complexities poses challenges for researcher, developers and companies. The knowledge required to make suitable design decisions and to rigorously evaluate those design decisions is usually broad, complex, and evolving. In Part-I of this thesis we investigate to formulate the general knowledge about: synchronous collaborative work which conceptualize the problem domain, synchronous collaborative environment which conceptualize the solution domain and synchronous collaborative environment evaluation which conceptualize the evaluation of whole or part of the proposed solution for the specified problem. This formulation has been done through literature study and leaded to the Concept Maps. The results generate three models: SyCoW (synchronous collaborative work), SyCoE (synchronous collaborative environment) and SyCoEE (synchronous collaborative environment evaluation). In Part-II of this thesis we proposed a process for selection/development of collaborative environment, where we demonstrate how SyCoW, SyCoE and SyCoEE support this process in different ways. Through the proposed process we present the development of new synchronous collaborative environment for design review meeting, named, MT-DT. MT-DT has been designed, developed and evaluated by the author in her PhD. MT-DT consist of a multi-touch table with specific 3D software application which support collaborative design review activities. The results of evaluation confirmed the usability of MT-DT and provide arguments for our choices which we made during development of MT-DT.Le développement d'un environnement collaboratif est un processus complexe. La complexité réside dans le fait que ce développement implique beaucoup de prise de décisions. De multiples compromis doivent être faits pour répondre aux exigences actuelles et futures d'utilisateurs aux profils variés. La prise en compte de cette complexité pose des problèmes aux chercheurs, développeurs et utilisateurs. Les informations et données requises pour prendre des décisions adéquates de conception et évaluer rigoureusement ces décisions sont nombreuses, parfois indéterminées et en constante évolution. Dans la partie-I de cette thèse, nous formulons les connaissances générales sur le travail collaboratif synchrone qui constituent l'état de l'art du domaine du problème. Nous pratiquons de même pour les environnements collaboratifs synchrones (domaine de la solution technique) et leur cette formulation s'appuie sur une étude de la littérature et conduit à la proposition de Schéma Conceptuel (Concept Maps). Nous en déduisons trois modèles: SyCoW (travail collaboratif synchrone), SyCoE (environnement collaboratif synchrone) et SyCoEE (évaluation environnement collaboratif synchrone). Dans la partie II de cette thèse, nous proposons un processus pour la sélection / développement d'un environnement collaboratif, où nous démontrons comment les modèles SyCoW, SyCoE et SyCoEE structurent ce processus. Grâce à la mise en œuvre de la démarche proposée, nous présentons le développement d'un nouvel environnement collaboratif synchrone pour une réunion de revue de conception nommé MT-DT. MT-DT a été conçu, développé et évalué par l'auteur dans sa thèse de doctorat. MT-DT est une application logicielle 3D spécifique à une table multi-touche qui assiste les activités de revue de conception collaborative. Les résultats de l'évaluation ont confirmé la convivialité de MT-DT et fournissent des éléments de validation des choix que nous avons faits au cours du développement de MT-DT