1,267 research outputs found

    Adapting Real Quantifier Elimination Methods for Conflict Set Computation

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    The satisfiability problem in real closed fields is decidable. In the context of satisfiability modulo theories, the problem restricted to conjunctive sets of literals, that is, sets of polynomial constraints, is of particular importance. One of the central problems is the computation of good explanations of the unsatisfiability of such sets, i.e.\ obtaining a small subset of the input constraints whose conjunction is already unsatisfiable. We adapt two commonly used real quantifier elimination methods, cylindrical algebraic decomposition and virtual substitution, to provide such conflict sets and demonstrate the performance of our method in practice

    An Instantiation-Based Approach for Solving Quantified Linear Arithmetic

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    This paper presents a framework to derive instantiation-based decision procedures for satisfiability of quantified formulas in first-order theories, including its correctness, implementation, and evaluation. Using this framework we derive decision procedures for linear real arithmetic (LRA) and linear integer arithmetic (LIA) formulas with one quantifier alternation. Our procedure can be integrated into the solving architecture used by typical SMT solvers. Experimental results on standardized benchmarks from model checking, static analysis, and synthesis show that our implementation of the procedure in the SMT solver CVC4 outperforms existing tools for quantified linear arithmetic

    A Survey of Satisfiability Modulo Theory

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    Satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) consists in testing the satisfiability of first-order formulas over linear integer or real arithmetic, or other theories. In this survey, we explain the combination of propositional satisfiability and decision procedures for conjunctions known as DPLL(T), and the alternative "natural domain" approaches. We also cover quantifiers, Craig interpolants, polynomial arithmetic, and how SMT solvers are used in automated software analysis.Comment: Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Sep 2016, Bucharest, Romania. 201

    SMT-based Model Checking for Recursive Programs

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    We present an SMT-based symbolic model checking algorithm for safety verification of recursive programs. The algorithm is modular and analyzes procedures individually. Unlike other SMT-based approaches, it maintains both "over-" and "under-approximations" of procedure summaries. Under-approximations are used to analyze procedure calls without inlining. Over-approximations are used to block infeasible counterexamples and detect convergence to a proof. We show that for programs and properties over a decidable theory, the algorithm is guaranteed to find a counterexample, if one exists. However, efficiency depends on an oracle for quantifier elimination (QE). For Boolean Programs, the algorithm is a polynomial decision procedure, matching the worst-case bounds of the best BDD-based algorithms. For Linear Arithmetic (integers and rationals), we give an efficient instantiation of the algorithm by applying QE "lazily". We use existing interpolation techniques to over-approximate QE and introduce "Model Based Projection" to under-approximate QE. Empirical evaluation on SV-COMP benchmarks shows that our algorithm improves significantly on the state-of-the-art.Comment: originally published as part of the proceedings of CAV 2014; fixed typos, better wording at some place

    A Generalized Framework for Virtual Substitution

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    We generalize the framework of virtual substitution for real quantifier elimination to arbitrary but bounded degrees. We make explicit the representation of test points in elimination sets using roots of parametric univariate polynomials described by Thom codes. Our approach follows an early suggestion by Weispfenning, which has never been carried out explicitly. Inspired by virtual substitution for linear formulas, we show how to systematically construct elimination sets containing only test points representing lower bounds

    A CDCL-style calculus for solving non-linear constraints

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    In this paper we propose a novel approach for checking satisfiability of non-linear constraints over the reals, called ksmt. The procedure is based on conflict resolution in CDCL style calculus, using a composition of symbolical and numerical methods. To deal with the non-linear components in case of conflicts we use numerically constructed restricted linearisations. This approach covers a large number of computable non-linear real functions such as polynomials, rational or trigonometrical functions and beyond. A prototypical implementation has been evaluated on several non-linear SMT-LIB examples and the results have been compared with state-of-the-art SMT solvers.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; accepted at FroCoS 2019; software available at <http://informatik.uni-trier.de/~brausse/ksmt/

    A Lazy SMT-Solver for a Non-Linear Subset of Real Algebra

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    There are several methods for the synthesis and analysis of hybrid systems that require efficient algorithms and tools for satisfiability checking. For analysis, e.g., bounded model checking describes counterexamples of a fixed length by logical formulas, whose satisfiability corresponds to the existence of such a counterexample. As an example for parameter synthesis, we can state the correctness of a parameterized system by a logical formula; the solution set of the formula gives us possible safe instances of the parameters. For discrete systems, which can be described by propositional logic formulas, SAT-solvers can be used for the satisfiability checks. For hybrid systems, having mixed discrete-continuous behavior, SMT-solvers are needed. SMT-solving extends SAT with theories, and has its main focus on linear arithmetic, which is sufficient to handle, e.g., linear hybrid systems. However, there are only few solvers for more expressive but still decidable logics like the first-order theory of the reals with addition and multiplication -- real algebra. Since the synthesis and analysis of non-linear hybrid systems requires such a powerful logic, we need efficient SMT-solvers for real algebra. Our goal is to develop such an SMT-solver for the real algebra, which is both complete and efficient
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