112,662 research outputs found

    e-HR Systems Implementation: A Conceptual Framework

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) enable innovative ways of carrying on routine organizational tasks via the power of virtual work environment. Piggy-backing on the success of E-commerce systems, organizations are increasingly making use of Web-based Human Resource Management (e-HR) systems. These systems offer organizations the promise of huge performance improvement as well as of overhauling the entire HR function itself. This latter possibility is expected to offer competitive advantage to organizations. However, it is not known (a) at what level of sophistication should organizations pitch their e-HR systems and (b) what contextual factors moderate the relationship between e-HR systems implementation and their benefits. In this research-in-progress paper we offer a conceptual framework and a research plan to develop a theory of e-HR systems implementation

    Analysis of U.S. E-Commerce Sales Using Winters’ Method

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    More than three billion people around the world have the access to the Internet or around 40% of the world population has an Internet connection, and there are over one billion websites on the World Wide Web as of August 2016 (InternetLiveStas). While these numbers are truly impressive, there is no doubt that they will continue to grow rapidly in the foreseeable future. Business on the Internet has also flourished as a consequence. Electronic commerce or e-business, the process of buying, selling, transferring, or exchanging products, service, or information via computing networks, including the Internet, is positively one of the major driving forces for businesses of all sizes today. The impact of electronic commerce is indeed phenomenal or even revolutionary. The Internet and World Wide Web have changed our society substantially in general, and the ways in which companies and organizations conduct businesses, consumers buy, sell and exchange, and individuals work, communicate, entertain, get educated, and involve in many other activities in particular. The benefits and advantages of electronic commerce are being felt in many different and meaningfully ways. Nowadays a significant portion of businesses rely either heavily or in some cases solely on the revenues or returns generated from the electronic commerce division of their corresponding businesses. More and more companies and organizations of all sizes, are working to make a greater presence in the virtual world and conduct more e-commerce because of the importance of e-commerce to the success, or sustainability, or even the very survival of the organization as well as the advantages e-business brings. U.S. Census Bureau has being conducted survey on e-commerce sales since 1999 and estimated that the total electronic sales (defined as sales of goods and services where an order is placed by the buyer or price and terms of sale are negotiated over an Internet, extranet, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) network, electronic mail, or other online system) in the U.S. This paper provides a time-series analysis of U.S. e-commerce sales for the period of 1999 - 2015 using Winters’ Method. It also includes quarterly U.S. e-commerce sales projections for the period of 2015 - 2017. Keywords: Electronic Commerce; E-Commerce; Time Series Analysis; Winters’ method; Seasonality; Exponential smoothin

    Private Transactions in Public Places: An Exploration of the Impact of the Computer Environment on Public Transactional Web Site Use

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    Organizations and governments continue to advance toward using electronic means to interact with their customers. However, the use of this medium presents an access-to-service issue for people across the digital divide who do not have private Internet access from their homes. Publicly-available computers connected to the Internet are an important and expanding source of Internet access for consumers. Still, we do not know if people are willing to engage in e-commerce transactions in such environments. We expand the Facilitating Conditions construct of Triandis\u27 (1980) modified theory of reasoned action to develop a model of transactional Web site use in public environments that incorporates the physical and virtual computer environments associated with publicly accessible computers, moderated by the individual\u27s need for privacy. The model was tested in public libraries, and the results indicate that the virtual and physical facilitating conditions of a public computer are determinants of e-commerce use in a public environment, and the user\u27s need for privacy moderates these relationships

    Marketing mix for e-commerce

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    The relevance of the analyzed issue is caused by the need to study the process of transformation of marketing in e-commerce, as the active involvement of business organizations in the field of e-business is often accompanied by problems of applying the usual marketing tools in a virtual environment. The article seeks to identify changes in the elements of the marketing mix in e-commerce in accordance with the trend of e-business and Internet technology. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the marketing model 7P, allowing structuring the changes in a complex of marketing tools with regard to trade and information services of online stores. The results of research were: to establish the determining role of technology and information support of consumers; to identify the areas of transformation of the marketing mix in e-commerce, demonstrating the significant influence of consumers on the content of 7P and personalize the supply of goods and services. The article may be useful for online stores in case of marketing strategy development, identification of the most important elements of 7P, assessment of marketing effectiveness and optimization of marketing costs. © 2016 Pogorelova et al

    Fuzzy decision support for service selection in e-business environments

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    The emergence of semantic overlay networks as instruments to improve security, trust and stability in distributed virtual communities is recognized widely in the research community. We propose a fuzzy logic based framework which integrates social information such as trustworthiness, reputation and credibility ratings for individuals, alliances, organizations, services and products in e-commerce markets. This framework is designed to support the decision making process of autonomous agents during the selection of the optimal business partner. Fuzzy systems provide the ideal capabilities to process multiple criteria, which are composed of imprecise information and attribute definitions expressed in natural language. The proposed fuzzy models implement the DEco Arch framework and ontologies which provide details about concepts and their relationships in virtual communitie

    A grounded theory analysis of networking capabilities in virtual organizing

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    The use of the Internet by web-based organizations impacts on all aspects of their business activities. The continuous evolution of e-commerce technologies enables web-based business (consisting of virtual supply chain partners) to integrate its manufacturing operations and to gain competitive advantage through entire virtual supply chains. Although the interplay of e-commerce and virtual supply chain cooperation is not clear when considering supply chain forecasting, planning, scheduling, execution and after-service, the potential for virtual coordination of business activities by means of e-commerce technologies is growing in importance. In this regard, networking capabilities that enable virtual organizing activities in the virtual value chain network are of particular importance to web-based organizations. The research investigated this using a grounded theory approach. The Grounded Theory analysis consisted of three phases. First, following a comprehensive review of the relevant literature, a set of particularly relevant articles was identified to provide the basic data from which to develop a first, preliminary framework or theory. This framework was subsequently refined to produce a concluding framework, using data collected during interviews with representatives of six different web-based businesses. Finally, the concluding framework or theory was validated by applying it to a particular case. The concluding framework contains twelve networking capabilities, adding three to the nine identified in the preliminary framework. The conceptual framework with theoretical description of relationships between identified networking capabilities clarify the use of networking capabilities with virtual organizing in a virtual value network of organizations. An interpretation of the concluding framework, based on Actor-Network Theory, shows how the entrepreneur can leverage the inter-relationships between the networking capabilities to enable more effective and efficient virtual organizing. In particular, it shows how the entrepreneur can utilize knowledge and skills related to the identified networking capabilities to build and maintain a stable and eventually institutionalized network of partners. Finally, using the results of this interpretation of the grounded theory, the entrepreneurial process was defined in which the role of information technology as well as the role of the entrepreneur in establishing and maintaining the virtual value network was described.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008.Informaticsunrestricte

    Distributed Knowledge Coordination across Virtual Organizational Boundaries

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    This paper examines boundary-spanning knowledge-coordination in the definition of information systems by the e-Commerce systems group for a global service consultancy. We report on the findings of an eighteen-month field study to investigate distributed and virtual knowledge coordination across organizational boundaries. Our study reveals multiple ways in which knowledge is coordinated by means of a web of functional and domain-expert roles, distributed knowledge-resources, and imposed or negotiated procedures. We identify a “problem- coordination distance” that relates to the organizational-span of coordination and the type of problems to be resolved. We observe that different forms of group memory are used to manage boundary-spanning collaboration according to three degrees of problem-coordination-distance. These findings are related to the potential use of knowledge management systems to support boundary-spanning coordination for enterprise managers in virtual organizations

    Caraterísticas do E-commerce nas organizações do desporto: uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    A revolução digital tem vindo a modificar muitos processos físicos, especialmente no meio comercial. Nos dias de hoje é possível comprar, vender ou trocar produtos e serviços, obter informações e até comparar preços, através da ligação à Internet. Este tipo de fenómeno designa-se por comércio eletrónico, também conhecido por e-commerce. Dentro das organizações desportivas que possuem uma plataforma comercial virtual ocorre e-commerce, seja em empresas ou marcas de roupa desportiva, associações, clubes ou outras. O comércio eletrónico é um assunto atual que merece investigação no âmbito do seu desenvolvimento, dado que a constante evolução das tecnologias tem um impacto direto no mesmo. Nesse âmbito, o presente estudo visa a análise da literatura disponibilizada em diferentes fontes de informação, para apresentar o maior número de resultados possível, discutir o seu conteúdo e tirar conclusões pertinentes para todos os interessados no ramo, de forma a que a prestação deste serviço melhore tanto para as organizações como para os consumidores, estimulando da melhor forma possível o comércio de material desportivo online.The digital revolution has been changing many physical processes, especially in the commercial environment. Nowadays it is possible to buy, sell or exchange products and services, obtain information and even compare prices through the internet connection. This type of phenomenon is called electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce. Within the sports organizations which have a virtual commercial platform it is possible to notice the practice of e-commerce, whether in companies or brands of sportswear, associations, clubs or others. E-commerce is a current topic that deserves research in its development, as the constant evolution of technologies has a direct impact on it. In this context, this study aims to analyze the literature available in different sources of information, to present as many results as possible, to discuss its contents and to draw relevant conclusions for all those interested in the field, so that the provision of this service may be improved for both organizations and consumers by encouraging the trade of sports related products and services online

    Software agents and contracts

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    In the current economical context, characterized by the existence of a global society, the access to information is crucial for any economical and social development; yet, important technological challenges still remain. The representation, maintenance, and querying of information is a central part of this problem. How can we obtain the adequate information at the adequate time? How can we supply the correct items for the correct people at the correct time? How and where can we get the relevant information for a good decision-making? The organizations focus their competences in strategical areas and have recourse to external supplies, cooperating with sporadic partners, with the objective of reducing costs, risks, and technological faults or maximizing benefits and business opportunities. One of the most radical and spectacular changes is the information dematerialization, the procedure automation, the recourse to decision support systems or intelligent systems, and to new forms of celebrating contracts (e.g., is it possible to practice commercial acts and celebrate deals using autonomous and pro-active computational agents?). The virtual organizations face new challenges and there must be a search for new answers to old questions. The negotiation processes through electronic means and the e-commerce platforms may set new forms of contracts, with engagements and negotiations among virtual entities

    Online Decision Making in VR Application Environments

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    The aim of this paper is to understand the process by which consumers’ perception of online VR environments impact their purchase decision. Combining factor and process models, we propose a transaction framework suggestive of consumer decision-making in VR e-commerce environments. The framework is informed by theory to be validated by an experimental design to understand the antecedents and contingencies that shape decision-making. The study contributes to research by considering a pertinent, yet parsimonious set of factors and processes that culminate in consumer decision making in rich, VR driven environments. The study contributes to practitioners by investigating how consumers perceive virtual environments that organizations are spending enormous amounts to develop and maintain, and whether consumer perceptions do impact the positive purchase decision