6 research outputs found

    The phenomenon of empty gallery

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    Text řeší otázky týkající se vystavování prázdné galerie. Problém prázdna je nahlížen prismatem teorie výtvarného umění, sémiotiky a fenomenologie, resp. hermeneutiky. Text se vztahuje k diskurzům teorii výtvarného umění vzdálenějším a pokouší se definovat podstatu a obecnější zákonitosti vystavení prázdna v galerii. Dizertační práce předkládá tezi o prostém prázdnu jako uměleckém díle a pokouší se zkonstruovat logicko-sémantickou tezi o specifické formě prázdna v galerii, která generuje umění ze své podstaty. V neposlední řadě text znovu otevírá obecné problémy konceptuálního umění a snaží se nabídnout širší čtenářské obci srozumitelný výklad možností jeho aplikace.The doctoral thesis deals with the topic of exihibiting of an empty gallery. The problem of the emptiness is presented by using a prism of theory of art, semiotics and phenomenology, more precisely hermeneutics. The matter is in a relation with some remote domains, it tries to give a definition of substance and general rules by exihibiting of the emptiness in a gallery. According to one of the presented propositions the plain emptiness itself comes to be an artwork. By semantics of logic method the text is tryiing to form another proposition about specific emptiness in a gallery that generates artwork naturally. The text tries to reopen the theme of some crucial problems in conceptual art. It presents an explanation of the aplication of conceptual method to general public.

    Provisional Realities: Live Art 1951-2015

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    This thesis reframes the history of live art as a mode of simultaneous production, exhibition and reception that emerged as an aesthetic form of new significance post-1945. In an attempt to complicate the existing terrain of interpretation, I present the history of live art as a mode of representation, and method of making, rooted not just in space but, importantly, in time. Over five chapters I trace a trans-historical dialogue between the neo-avant-garde and contemporary live art since the turn of the millennium. The thesis is structured around four temporal framings: the vernissage; the night; the stage, and the museum; four sites of live production in which the live event emerged as a new aesthetic paradigm. In Chapter One I deploy the vernissage as a discursive framework and focus on two case-studies: Yves Klein’s Le Vide (1958), and Giuseppe Pinot-Gallizio’s Cavern of Anti-Matter (1959). Chapter Two positions Group Zero’s night work as a key example of the post-war development towards live art, whilst Chapter Three underscores the transnational nature of that development in a study of the Tokyo-based collective Jikken Kōbō first work The Joy of Life (1951). The final two chapters examine the situational aesthetic and its strategic manipulation of the museum since the turn of the millennium through the work of Tino Sehgal, Tania Bruguera, and Roman Ondák. Central to the history I am tracing is the relationship between live art and the contemporary art museum. In an effort to expand the existing history beyond a narrative of consensuality or dissent, I propose a history of live art and the museum as active, rather than reactive and recast the relationship as dialogic in character rather than necessarily effective as institutional critique. I address the museum as a dispositif, a performative apparatus in its own right

    Virtual Museum of Contemporary Art

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    Esta tese de doutorado consiste na remontagem virtual da exposição A casa tomada (de Julio Cortázar) por desenhos que não deram certo. Desenhos de 1978/80. Apogeu do Claro-escuro Pós-Caravaggio, do artista joinvilense Luiz Henrique Schwanke, realizada no Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), em 1980. Tal remontagem é ancorada na curadoria educativa, entendida no contexto desta pesquisa como uma forma de desenhar exposições pensadas para todos os tipos de público, por meio da qual a arte se coloca em articulação com o indivíduo e com a sociedade, de maneira a ser ativada como um instrumento de ação cultural. Essa exposição acontece no Museu de Arte Contemporânea Luiz Henrique Schwanke Virtual (MAC Schwanke Virtual), localizado no website do museu, que ainda não possui sede física, mas que já atua enquanto tal mediante seus programas e suas ações. Defende-se a existência do museu no ambiente virtual em rede, assim como a utilização desse espaço pela exploração de suas especificidades, ou seja, como um meio de ampliar as ações do museu e de pôr o seu acervo constantemente em ativação, para deleite, pesquisa e estudo, sem reproduzir os recursos utilizados na realidade física. Portanto, a versão virtual da exposição promovida está alicerçada na exploração da natureza não linear e hipermidiática no ciberespaço, e não na tentativa de reprodução do espaço e da lógica de exposições existentes na realidade física, o que aqui, conforme já dito, ocorreu por intermédio da curadoria educativa.This PhD thesis consists on the virtual reinstallation of A Casa Tomada exhibition (by Julio Cortázar) with drawings that did not work. Drawings from 1978/1980. The prime of post-Caravaggio chiaroscuro, by Joinville-born artist Luiz Henrique Schwanke, at the National Fine Arts Museum, of Rio de Janeiro, in 1980. Such reinstallation is anchored on educational curating, understood in the context of this research as a way to plan exhibitions for all kinds of public, through the means of which art is articulated with the individual and with society, so that it is activated as an instrument of cultural action. This exhibition is at Schwanke Virtual Museum of Contemporary Art, located in the website of the museum, which does not have a physical headquarters yet, but is already active through its programs and actions. We defend the existence of the museum in the virtual network environment, just as utilizing this space from the exploration of its specificities, that is, as a means to enlarge the actions of the museum and activate its collection, for delight, research and studies, without reproducing the resources of the physical reality. Thus, the virtual version of the exhibition is based on the exploration of non-linear and hypermediatic nature of cyberspace, and not in the attempt to reproduce the space and the logic of exhibitions that exist in physical reality, which, as said, was achieved by the means of educational curating


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    Esta tese de doutorado consiste na remontagem virtual da exposição A casa tomada (de Julio Cortázar) por desenhos que não deram certo. Desenhos de 1978/80. Apogeu do Claro-escuro Pós-Caravaggio, do artista joinvilense Luiz Henrique Schwanke, realizada no Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), em 1980. Tal remontagem é ancorada na curadoria educativa, entendida no contexto desta pesquisa como uma forma de desenhar exposições pensadas para todos os tipos de público, por meio da qual a arte se coloca em articulação com o indivíduo e com a sociedade, de maneira a ser ativada como um instrumento de ação cultural. Essa exposição acontece no Museu de Arte Contemporânea Luiz Henrique Schwanke Virtual (MAC Schwanke Virtual), localizado no website do museu, que ainda não possui sede física, mas que já atua enquanto tal mediante seus programas e suas ações. Defende-se a existência do museu no ambiente virtual em rede, assim como a utilização desse espaço pela exploração de suas especificidades, ou seja, como um meio de ampliar as ações do museu e de pôr o seu acervo constantemente em ativação, para deleite, pesquisa e estudo, sem reproduzir os recursos utilizados na realidade física. Portanto, a versão virtual da exposição promovida está alicerçada na exploração da natureza não linear e hipermidiática no ciberespaço, e não na tentativa de reprodução do espaço e da lógica de exposições existentes na realidade física, o que aqui, conforme já dito, ocorreu por intermédio da curadoria educativa.This PhD thesis consists on the virtual reinstallation of A Casa Tomada exhibition (by Julio Cortázar) with drawings that did not work. Drawings from 1978/1980. The prime of post-Caravaggio chiaroscuro, by Joinville-born artist Luiz Henrique Schwanke, at the National Fine Arts Museum, of Rio de Janeiro, in 1980. Such reinstallation is anchored on educational curating, understood in the context of this research as a way to plan exhibitions for all kinds of public, through the means of which art is articulated with the individual and with society, so that it is activated as an instrument of cultural action. This exhibition is at Schwanke Virtual Museum of Contemporary Art, located in the website of the museum, which does not have a physical headquarters yet, but is already active through its programs and actions. We defend the existence of the museum in the virtual network environment, just as utilizing this space from the exploration of its specificities, that is, as a means to enlarge the actions of the museum and activate its collection, for delight, research and studies, without reproducing the resources of the physical reality. Thus, the virtual version of the exhibition is based on the exploration of non-linear and hypermediatic nature of cyberspace, and not in the attempt to reproduce the space and the logic of exhibitions that exist in physical reality, which, as said, was achieved by the means of educational curating