4 research outputs found

    Віртуальне освітнє середовище в системі іншомовної підготовки сучасного закладу вищої освіти

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    The following objectives have been defined in this study: to clarify the concepts “virtual learning environment”, “virtual language environment”; to list the modern software and tools for creating virtual learning environment in the foreign language teaching process and to identify their technical and didactic possibilities. The authors investigate also the main requirements for teachers’ information and communication competence that can develop their teaching skills and strategies. A virtual learning environment is a system of learning resources delivering to the students via Internet. It consists of a set of tools, information resources, web connections to support the teaching process, in which teachers can create and publish in Internet the educational content, and students are to use this content to improve their foreign language knowledge. A virtual learning environment can be defined also as a platform that includes a content management system and incorporates course materials, tests, student tracking, assessments, electronic communication tools, social media tools, etc. Teachers should become nowadays more proficient in the use of new information and communication technologies, Internet-resources, because these provide many diverse opportunities for teachers in terms of new effective teaching strategies. They should be able to use blogs, wikis, apps for creating and sharing multimedia, including audios, videos, book and text collections, web links, etc

    Collaborative learning in Lithuanian schools:findings from a nationwide teacher survey

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    The main focus in this research is on teachers in Lithuania, and their experiences about engaging with collaborative learning enhanced with different information and communication technologies (ICT). This collaborative learning study, which takes account of the uses of technologies among teachers, is the first of its type in Lithuania. This state-of-the-art research gives an opportunity to see how collaborative learning is happening in practice from teachers’ perspectives

    Implementation of virtual reality in foreign language teaching

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    The article highlights the main features of the virtual educational environment, the advantages and formats of using virtual reality in learning a foreign language. The purpose of the article is to study the role and possibilities of virtual reality as a necessary component in learning a foreign language. The methodological concept is aimed at shaping the role and capabilities of virtual reality as a necessary component in foreign language learning. The results of the study show the importance of the main modules of the multimedia virtual environment for learning cultures and languages in institutions of higher education; the technology of writing a pedagogical script for a computerized course is proposed for the design of distance courses for learning a foreign language, the construction of a high-quality virtual language environment, and the methods of using virtual reality tools are presented. The experimental work was devoted to the study of the role and possibilities of virtual reality as a necessary component in learning a foreign language; the degree of change in the memory of students of higher education, operational characteristics of thinking, perception in the process of using virtual reality educational programs. The change of attention, which is closely related to the functioning of cognitive processes, was also studie

    Virtual Learning Environments as a Supplement to Traditional Teaching

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    Abstract. Many factors influence teaching nowadays. Numbers of students are increasing, some students pay for studies and require more flexible teaching, more students have access to Internet, the learning material is changing rapidly (especially of subjects, related to information technologies), publishing industry is slow and expensive. All that stimulates usage of modern technologies in education. Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) is one of the forms of e-learning. They open new ways of teaching and communication such as management of online learning, course delivery mechanism, communication and assessment tools, student tracking, access to electronic resources, etc. All these means correspond to the needs of contemporary teachers and students. VLEs have primarily been used for distance education but they are being used increasingly as supplement of traditional classroom based education. The author is interested in this latter aspect of VLEs. The paper briefly reviews main types of Virtual Learning Environments and analyses the use of VLEs in Lithuania. The results of the investigation of two different learning environments – traditional (Web CT) and collaborative (FLE3) at the Vilnius Pedagogical University are also discussed in the article. Key words: e-learning, web based learning, virtual learning environments. 1