47,359 research outputs found

    Canavanine Inhibits Vimentin Assembly But Not Its Synthesis in Chicken Embryo Erythroid Cells

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    In chicken embryo erythroid cells, newly synthesized vimentin first enters a Triton X-100 (TX-100)-soluble pool and subsequently assembles posttranslationally into TX-100-insoluble vimentin filaments (Blikstad I., and E. Lazarides, J. Cell Biol., 96:1803-1808). Here we show that incubation of chicken embryo erythroid cells in a medium in which arginine has been substituted by its amino acid analogue, canavanine, results in the inhibition of the posttranslational assembly of vimentin into the TX-100-insoluble filaments. Immunoprecipitation and subsequent SDS gel electrophoresis showed that the synthesis of canavanine-vimentin is not inhibited and that it accumulates in the TX-100-soluble compartment. Pulse-chase experiments with [35S]methionine demonstrated that while arginine-vimentin can be rapidly chased from the soluble to the cytoskeletal fraction, canavanine-vimentin remains in the soluble fraction, where it turns over. The effect of canavanine on the assembly of vimentin did not prevent the assembly of arginine-vimentin, as cells labeled with [35S]methionine first in the presence of canavanine and then in the presence of arginine contained labeled canavanine-vimentin only in the soluble fraction, and arginine-vimentin in both the soluble and cytoskeletal fractions. These results suggest that arginine residues play an essential role in the assembly of vimentin in vivo

    Vimentin filaments are assembled from a soluble precursor in avian erythroid cells

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    The synthesis and assembly of vimentin was studied in erythroid cells from 10-d-old chicken embryos. After various periods of [35S]methionine incorporation, cells were lysed in a Triton X-100-containing buffer and separated into a soluble and an insoluble (cytoskeletal) fraction. Analysis of these two fractions by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis shows that vimentin is almost exclusively present in the cytoskeletal fraction and that newly synthesized vimentin is rapidly incorporated into this fraction. However, after a short pulse-labeling period, a prominent labeled protein at the position of vimentin is present in the soluble fraction. By immunoautoradiography and immunoprecipitations with vimentin antibodies, this protein was identified as vimentin. The vimentin in the soluble fraction is not sedimented by high speed centrifugation, suggesting that it does not consist of short filaments. After different pulse-labeling periods, assembly of newly synthesized vimentin in the cytoskeletal fraction increases linearly, while the radioactivity in the soluble vimentin remains constant. During a 2-h pulse-chase period, the vimentin in the soluble fraction is chased into the cytoskeletal fraction, with a half-life of 7 min. These results suggest that in chicken embryo erythroid cells newly synthesized vimentin is rapidly assembled into filaments from a soluble precursor

    Continuous growth of vimentin filaments in mouse fibroblasts

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    We have investigated the dynamics of intermediate filament assembly in vivo by following the fate of heterologous chicken vimentin subunits expressed under the control of an inducible promoter in transfected mouse fibroblasts. Using RNase protection, metabolic protein pulse-chase and immunofluorescence microscopy, we have examined the fate of newly assembled subunits under physiological conditions in situ. Following induction and subsequent removal of inducer, chicken vimentin mRNA had a half-life of approximately 6 h while both chicken and mouse vimentin protein polymer had long half-lives--roughly equivalent to the cell generation time. Moreover, following deinduction, chicken vimentin immunolocalization progressed from a continuous (8-10 h chase) to a discontinuous (> or = 20 h chase) pattern. The continuous chicken vimentin staining reflects the uniform incorporation of chicken vimentin throughout the endogenous mouse vimentin network while the discontinuous or punctate chicken vimentin staining represents short interspersed segments of assembled chicken vimentin superimposed on the endogenous polymer. This punctate staining pattern of chicken vimentin was present throughout the entire array of intermediate filaments, with no bias toward the perinuclear region. These results are consistent with a continuous growth model of intermediate filament assembly, wherein subunit addition occurs at discrete sites located throughout the cytoskeleton

    Vimentin downregulation is an inherent feature of murine erythropoiesis and occurs independently of lineage

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    In mammalian erythropoiesis, the mature cells of the primitive lineage remain nucleated while those of the definitive lineage are anuclear. One of the molecular and structural changes that precedes enucleation in cells of the definitive lineage is the cessation in the expression of the gene for the intermediate filament (IF) protein vimentin and the removal of all vimentin filaments from the cytoplasm. We show here that in immature primitive cells vimentin is synthesized and forms a cytoplasmic network of IFs. As differentiation proceeds in vivo, vimentin gene expression is downregulated in these cells; this is accompanied by the loss of vimentin filaments from the cytoplasm. This loss temporally coincides with the nucleus becoming freely mobile within the cytoplasm, suggesting that, while IF removal is not directly linked to the physical process of enucleation, it may be a prerequisite for the initiation of nuclear mobility in both lineages. These changes are also observed in early primitive cells cultured in vitro, suggesting that they constitute an intrinsic part of the murine erythroid differentiation program independent of lineage and hematopoietic microenvironment

    Isolation of a new high molecular weight protein associated with desmin and vimentin filaments from avian embryonic skeletal muscle

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    Filaments with a diameter of 80-120 Å have been prepared from 14-d-old chick embryonic skeletal muscle, using a physiological salt solution and gel filtration chromatography. The filaments obtained are composed of the two known muscle intermediate-filament proteins, vimentin and desmin, as well as the vimentin- and desmin-associated high molecular weight protein, synemin (230,000 mol. wt). In addition, they contain a previously unidentified high molecular weight protein (280,000 mol wt) which differs from synemin by isoelectric point, molecular weight, and immunological reactivity. Immunofluorescence on cultured myogenic cells,using antisera to the 280,000-dalton polypeptide, has revealed that this protein has the same spatial distribution as desmin, vimentin, and synemin in both early myotubes, where it associates with cytoplasmic filaments, and late in myotubes, where it is associated with myofibril Z lines. Examination by immunofluorescence of frozen sections of developing embryonic skeletal muscle reveals a gradual diminution in the presence of the 280,000-dalton protein. The 280,000-dalton protein is undetectable in adult skeletal and smooth muscle, as shown by immunofluorescence and immunoautoradiography. In chick embryonic fibroblasts grown in tissue culture, only a subpopulation of the cells is reactive with antibodies to the 280,000-dalton protein even though all these cells contain vimentin. In the reactive cells, vimentin and the 280,000-dalton polypeptide exhibit an indistinguishable cytoplasmic filamentous network, which aggregates into filamentious bundles when the cells are exposed to colcemid. These results suggest that this newly identified high molecular weight protein is closely associated with intermediate filaments containing either vimentin alone or vimentin, desmin and synemin. The expression of this protein appears to be developmentally regulated and does not appear to parallel the expression of any of the other three intermediate-filament proteins. The absence of the 280,000-dalton polypeptide in adult muscle cells and its gradual reduction during development implies that is probably not required for the maintenance of Z-disk structure after the assembly of the sarcomere

    Citrullinated vimentin as an important antigen in immune complexes from synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis patients with antibodies against citrullinated proteins

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    Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease, which results in destruction of the joint. The presence of immune complexes (IC) in serum and synovial fluid of RA patients might contribute to this articular damage through different mechanisms, such as complement activation. Therefore, identification of the antigens from these IC is important to gain more insight into the pathogenesis of RA. Since RA patients have antibodies against citrullinated proteins (ACPA) in their serum and synovial fluid (SF) and since elevated levels of citrullinated proteins are detected in the joints of RA patients, citrullinated antigens are possibly present in IC from RA patients. Methods: IC from serum of healthy persons, serum of RA patients and IC from synovial fluid of RA patients and Spondyloarthropathy (SpA) patients were isolated by immunoprecipitation. Identification of the antigens was performed by SDS-PAGE, mass spectrometry and immunodetection. The presence of citrullinated proteins was evaluated by anti-modified citrulline (AMC) staining. Results: Circulating IC in the serum of RA patients and healthy controls contain fibrinogen beta and fibronectin, both in a non-citrullinated form. Additionally, in IC isolated from RA SF, fibrinogen. and vimentin were identified as well. More importantly, vimentin and a minor portion of fibrinogen beta were found to be citrullinated in the isolated complexes. Moreover these citrullinated antigens were only found in ACPA+ patients. No citrullinated antigens were found in IC from SF of SpA patients. Conclusions: Citrullinated fibrinogen beta and citrullinated vimentin were found in IC from SF of ACPA+ RA patients, while no citrullinated antigens were found in IC from SF of ACPA-RA patients or SpA patients or in IC from serum of RA patients or healthy volunteers. The identification of citrullinated vimentin as a prominent citrullinated antigen in IC from SF of ACPA+ RA patients strengthens the hypothesis that citrullinated vimentin plays an important role in the pathogenesis of RA

    In wound repair vimentin mediates the transition of mesenchymal leader cells to a myofibroblast phenotype.

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    Following injury, mesenchymal repair cells are activated to function as leader cells that modulate wound healing. These cells have the potential to differentiate to myofibroblasts, resulting in fibrosis and scarring. The signals underlying these differing pathways are complex and incompletely understood. The ex vivo mock cataract surgery cultures are an attractive model with which to address this question. With this model we study, concurrently, the mechanisms that control mesenchymal leader cell function in injury repair within their native microenvironment and the signals that induce this same cell population to acquire a myofibroblast phenotype when these cells encounter the environment of the adjacent tissue culture platform. Here we show that on injury, the cytoskeletal protein vimentin is released into the extracellular space, binds to the cell surface of the mesenchymal leader cells located at the wound edge in the native matrix environment, and supports wound closure. In profibrotic environments, the extracellular vimentin pool also links specifically to the mesenchymal leader cells and has an essential role in signaling their fate change to a myofibroblast. These findings suggest a novel role for extracellular, cell-surface-associated vimentin in mediating repair-cell function in wound repair and in transitioning these cells to a myofibroblast phenotype