430,856 research outputs found

    A Rigorous Approach to Relate Enterprise and Computational Viewpoints

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    Multiviewpoint approaches allow stakeholders to design a system from stakeholder-specific viewpoints. By this, a separation of concerns is achieved, which makes designs more manageable. However, to construct a consistent multiviewpoint design, the relations between viewpoints must be defined precisely, so that the consistency of designs from these viewpoints can be verified. The goal of this paper is to make the consistency rules between (a slightly adapted version of) the RM-ODP enterprise and computational viewpoints more precise and to make checking the consistency between these viewpoints practically applicable. To achieve this goal, we apply a generic framework for relating viewpoints that includes reusable consistency rules. We implemented the consistency rules in a tool to show their applicability

    Resource management: European viewpoints

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    The Marine Environment and Resource Management - Should careful and rational management of fish stocks be considered a myth or a realistic prospect? Recent history has shown how. because of over-exploitation of certain fish-stocks - among which herring. Anchovy and cod are prime examples - the survival of some species has become an acute problem. Today all fishing zones are threatened, and no stock is safe from potential collapse. The situation is so serious that some scientists and fish- workers' organisations have acted to sound the alarm and to demand from governments that measures to protect the resource be implemented. However, looking beyond the indispensable need for legislation, it is the search for maximum profit which, unfortunately, so often governs fish production and marketing that must be challenged. Moreover, the question of resource management must integrate the need to safe-guard the ecology of the marine environment, which requires profound changes of mentality. In Lisbon, Portugal, in June 1989, about one hundred scientists, fishermen and organization representatives from 25 different countries met at a symposium to develop their thinking on these questions. In this dossier, we publish some papers by European speakers at this inter-national meeting organised by ICSF. (56pp.) (Bellec, F. (ed)

    XML for Domain Viewpoints

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    Within research institutions like CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) there are often disparate databases (different in format, type and structure) that users need to access in a domain-specific manner. Users may want to access a simple unit of information without having to understand detail of the underlying schema or they may want to access the same information from several different sources. It is neither desirable nor feasible to require users to have knowledge of these schemas. Instead it would be advantageous if a user could query these sources using his or her own domain models and abstractions of the data. This paper describes the basis of an XML (eXtended Markup Language) framework that provides this functionality and is currently being developed at CERN. The goal of the first prototype was to explore the possibilities of XML for data integration and model management. It shows how XML can be used to integrate data sources. The framework is not only applicable to CERN data sources but other environments too.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, conference report from SCI'2001 Multiconference on Systemics & Informatics, Florid

    Community engagement: managers’ viewpoints

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    Managers are invaluable for their support of fieldwork placement for social work students. This chapter examines factors that influence managers’ decision-making towards student placement provision, a role which has traditionally been overlooked in the literature. Understandings were gained from fifteen non-statutory managers gathered in a qualitative study in New Zealand. Māori and non-Māori managers were interviewed twice, with a three month interval between data gathering. Four themes of organisational, cultural, student and relational factors are considered for their influence on provision. Findings suggest the importance of student quality and their ability to make connections with local indigenous communities and reciprocity in relationships between educational institutions and social service agencies

    Viewpoint Discovery and Understanding in Social Networks

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    The Web has evolved to a dominant platform where everyone has the opportunity to express their opinions, to interact with other users, and to debate on emerging events happening around the world. On the one hand, this has enabled the presence of different viewpoints and opinions about a - usually controversial - topic (like Brexit), but at the same time, it has led to phenomena like media bias, echo chambers and filter bubbles, where users are exposed to only one point of view on the same topic. Therefore, there is the need for methods that are able to detect and explain the different viewpoints. In this paper, we propose a graph partitioning method that exploits social interactions to enable the discovery of different communities (representing different viewpoints) discussing about a controversial topic in a social network like Twitter. To explain the discovered viewpoints, we describe a method, called Iterative Rank Difference (IRD), which allows detecting descriptive terms that characterize the different viewpoints as well as understanding how a specific term is related to a viewpoint (by detecting other related descriptive terms). The results of an experimental evaluation showed that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on viewpoint discovery, while a qualitative analysis of the proposed IRD method on three different controversial topics showed that IRD provides comprehensive and deep representations of the different viewpoints

    A Portable Active Binocular Robot Vision Architecture for Scene Exploration

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    We present a portable active binocular robot vision archi- tecture that integrates a number of visual behaviours. This vision archi- tecture inherits the abilities of vergence, localisation, recognition and si- multaneous identification of multiple target object instances. To demon- strate the portability of our vision architecture, we carry out qualitative and comparative analysis under two different hardware robotic settings, feature extraction techniques and viewpoints. Our portable active binoc- ular robot vision architecture achieved average recognition rates of 93.5% for fronto-parallel viewpoints and, 83% percentage for anthropomorphic viewpoints, respectively

    Iterative Processes Related to Riordan Arrays: The Reciprocation and the Inversion of Power Series

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    We point out how Banach Fixed Point Theorem, and the Picard successive approximation methods induced by it, allows us to treat some mathematical methods in Combinatorics. In particular we get, by this way, a proof and an iterative algorithm for the Lagrange Inversion Formula.Comment: 17 pages. We extend the results in the previuous version proving finally the Lagrange Inversion Formula via Banach Fixed Point Theore

    Viewpoint consistency in Z and LOTOS: A case study

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    Specification by viewpoints is advocated as a suitable method of specifying complex systems. Each viewpoint describes the envisaged system from a particular perspective, using concepts and specification languages best suited for that perspective. Inherent in any viewpoint approach is the need to check or manage the consistency of viewpoints and to show that the different viewpoints do not impose contradictory requirements. In previous work we have described a range of techniques for consistency checking, refinement, and translation between viewpoint specifications, in particular for the languages LOTOS and Z. These two languages are advocated in a particular viewpoint model, viz. that of the Open Distributed Processing (ODP) reference model. In this paper we present a case study which demonstrates how all these techniques can be combined in order to show consistency between a viewpoint specified in LOTOS and one specified in Z. Keywords: Viewpoints; Consistency; Z; LOTOS; ODP
