76 research outputs found

    RePoseDM: Recurrent Pose Alignment and Gradient Guidance for Pose Guided Image Synthesis

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    Pose-guided person image synthesis task requires re-rendering a reference image, which should have a photorealistic appearance and flawless pose transfer. Since person images are highly structured, existing approaches require dense connections for complex deformations and occlusions because these are generally handled through multi-level warping and masking in latent space. But the feature maps generated by convolutional neural networks do not have equivariance, and hence even the multi-level warping does not have a perfect pose alignment. Inspired by the ability of the diffusion model to generate photorealistic images from the given conditional guidance, we propose recurrent pose alignment to provide pose-aligned texture features as conditional guidance. Moreover, we propose gradient guidance from pose interaction fields, which output the distance from the valid pose manifold given a target pose as input. This helps in learning plausible pose transfer trajectories that result in photorealism and undistorted texture details. Extensive results on two large-scale benchmarks and a user study demonstrate the ability of our proposed approach to generate photorealistic pose transfer under challenging scenarios. Additionally, we prove the efficiency of gradient guidance in pose-guided image generation on the HumanArt dataset with fine-tuned stable diffusion.Comment: 10 pages, 4 tables, 7 figure

    Unsupervised landmark discovery via self-training correspondence

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    Object parts, also known as landmarks, convey information about an object’s shape and spatial configuration in 3D space, especially for deformable objects. The goal of landmark detection is to have a model that, for a particular object instance, can estimate the locations of its parts. Research in this field is mainly driven by supervised approaches, where a sufficient amount of human-annotated data is available. As annotating landmarks for all objects is impractical, this thesis focuses on learning landmark detectors without supervision. Despite good performance on limited scenarios (objects showcasing minor rigid deformation), unsupervised landmark discovery mostly remains an open problem. Existing work fails to capture semantic landmarks, i.e. points similar to the ones assigned by human annotators and may not generalise well to highly articulated objects like the human body, complicated backgrounds or large viewpoint variations. In this thesis, we propose a novel self-training framework for the discovery of unsupervised landmarks. Contrary to existing methods that build on auxiliary tasks such as image generation or equivariance, we depart from generic keypoints and train a landmark detector and descriptor to improve itself, tuning the keypoints into distinctive landmarks. We propose an iterative algorithm that alternates between producing new pseudo-labels through feature clustering and learning distinctive features for each pseudo-class through contrastive learning. Our detector can discover highly semantic landmarks, that are more flexible in terms of capturing large viewpoint changes and out-of-plane rotations (3D rotations). New state-of-the-art performance is achieved in multiple challenging datasets

    Unsupervised landmark discovery via self-training correspondence

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    Object parts, also known as landmarks, convey information about an object’s shape and spatial configuration in 3D space, especially for deformable objects. The goal of landmark detection is to have a model that, for a particular object instance, can estimate the locations of its parts. Research in this field is mainly driven by supervised approaches, where a sufficient amount of human-annotated data is available. As annotating landmarks for all objects is impractical, this thesis focuses on learning landmark detectors without supervision. Despite good performance on limited scenarios (objects showcasing minor rigid deformation), unsupervised landmark discovery mostly remains an open problem. Existing work fails to capture semantic landmarks, i.e. points similar to the ones assigned by human annotators and may not generalise well to highly articulated objects like the human body, complicated backgrounds or large viewpoint variations. In this thesis, we propose a novel self-training framework for the discovery of unsupervised landmarks. Contrary to existing methods that build on auxiliary tasks such as image generation or equivariance, we depart from generic keypoints and train a landmark detector and descriptor to improve itself, tuning the keypoints into distinctive landmarks. We propose an iterative algorithm that alternates between producing new pseudo-labels through feature clustering and learning distinctive features for each pseudo-class through contrastive learning. Our detector can discover highly semantic landmarks, that are more flexible in terms of capturing large viewpoint changes and out-of-plane rotations (3D rotations). New state-of-the-art performance is achieved in multiple challenging datasets

    Feature extraction on faces : from landmark localization to depth estimation

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    Le sujet de cette thèse porte sur les algorithmes d'apprentissage qui extraient les caractéristiques importantes des visages. Les caractéristiques d’intérêt principal sont des points clés; La localisation en deux dimensions (2D) ou en trois dimensions (3D) de traits importants du visage telles que le centre des yeux, le bout du nez et les coins de la bouche. Les points clés sont utilisés pour résoudre des tâches complexes qui ne peuvent pas être résolues directement ou qui requièrent du guidage pour l’obtention de performances améliorées, telles que la reconnaissance de poses ou de gestes, le suivi ou la vérification du visage. L'application des modèles présentés dans cette thèse concerne les images du visage; cependant, les algorithmes proposés sont plus généraux et peuvent être appliqués aux points clés de d'autres objets, tels que les mains, le corps ou des objets fabriqués par l'homme. Cette thèse est écrite par article et explore différentes techniques pour résoudre plusieurs aspects de la localisation de points clés. Dans le premier article, nous démêlons l'identité et l'expression d'un visage donné pour apprendre une distribution à priori sur l'ensemble des points clés. Cette distribution à priori est ensuite combinée avec un classifieur discriminant qui apprend une distribution de probabilité indépendante par point clé. Le modèle combiné est capable d'expliquer les différences dans les expressions pour une même représentation d'identité. Dans le deuxième article, nous proposons une architecture qui vise à conserver les caractéristiques d’images pour effectuer des tâches qui nécessitent une haute précision au niveau des pixels, telles que la localisation de points clés ou la segmentation d’images. L’architecture proposée extrait progressivement les caractéristiques les plus grossières dans les étapes d'encodage pour obtenir des informations plus globales sur l’image. Ensuite, il étend les caractéristiques grossières pour revenir à la résolution de l'image originale en recombinant les caractéristiques du chemin d'encodage. Le modèle, appelé Réseaux de Recombinaison, a obtenu l’état de l’art sur plusieurs jeux de données, tout en accélérant le temps d’apprentissage. Dans le troisième article, nous visons à améliorer la localisation des points clés lorsque peu d'images comportent des étiquettes sur des points clés. En particulier, nous exploitons une forme plus faible d’étiquettes qui sont plus faciles à acquérir ou plus abondantes tel que l'émotion ou la pose de la tête. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une architecture permettant la rétropropagation du gradient des étiquettes les plus faibles à travers des points clés, ainsi entraînant le réseau de localisation des points clés. Nous proposons également une composante de coût non supervisée qui permet des prédictions de points clés équivariantes en fonction des transformations appliquées à l'image, sans avoir les vraies étiquettes des points clés. Ces techniques ont considérablement amélioré les performances tout en réduisant le pourcentage d'images étiquetées par points clés. Finalement, dans le dernier article, nous proposons un algorithme d'apprentissage permettant d'estimer la profondeur des points clés sans aucune supervision de la profondeur. Nous y parvenons en faisant correspondre les points clés de deux visages en les transformant l'un vers l'autre. Cette transformation nécessite une estimation de la profondeur sur un visage, ainsi que une transformation affine qui transforme le premier visage au deuxième. Nous démontrons que notre formulation ne nécessite que la profondeur et que les paramètres affines peuvent être estimés avec un solution analytique impliquant les points clés augmentés par profondeur. Même en l'absence de supervision directe de la profondeur, la technique proposée extrait des valeurs de profondeur raisonnables qui diffèrent des vraies valeurs de profondeur par un facteur d'échelle et de décalage. Nous démontrons des applications d'estimation de profondeur pour la tâche de rotation de visage, ainsi que celle d'échange de visage.This thesis focuses on learning algorithms that extract important features from faces. The features of main interest are landmarks; the two dimensional (2D) or three dimensional (3D) locations of important facial features such as eye centers, nose tip, and mouth corners. Landmarks are used to solve complex tasks that cannot be solved directly or require guidance for enhanced performance, such as pose or gesture recognition, tracking, or face verification. The application of the models presented in this thesis is on facial images; however, the algorithms proposed are more general and can be applied to the landmarks of other forms of objects, such as hands, full body or man-made objects. This thesis is written by article and explores different techniques to solve various aspects of landmark localization. In the first article, we disentangle identity and expression of a given face to learn a prior distribution over the joint set of landmarks. This prior is then merged with a discriminative classifier that learns an independent probability distribution per landmark. The merged model is capable of explaining differences in expressions for the same identity representation. In the second article, we propose an architecture that aims at uncovering image features to do tasks that require high pixel-level accuracy, such as landmark localization or image segmentation. The proposed architecture gradually extracts coarser features in its encoding steps to get more global information over the image and then it expands the coarse features back to the image resolution by recombining the features of the encoding path. The model, termed Recombinator Networks, obtained state-of-the-art on several datasets, while also speeding up training. In the third article, we aim at improving landmark localization when only a few images with labelled landmarks are available. In particular, we leverage a weaker form of data labels that are easier to acquire or more abundantly available such as emotion or head pose. To do so, we propose an architecture to backpropagate gradients of the weaker labels through landmarks, effectively training the landmark localization network. We also propose an unsupervised loss component which makes equivariant landmark predictions with respect to transformations applied to the image without having ground truth landmark labels. These techniques improved performance considerably when we have a low percentage of labelled images with landmarks. Finally, in the last article, we propose a learning algorithm to estimate the depth of the landmarks without any depth supervision. We do so by matching landmarks of two faces through transforming one to another. This transformation requires estimation of depth on one face and an affine transformation that maps the first face to the second one. Our formulation, which only requires depth estimation and affine parameters, can be estimated as a closed form solution of the 2D landmarks and the estimated depth. Even without direct depth supervision, the proposed technique extracts reasonable depth values that differ from the ground truth depth values by a scale and a shift. We demonstrate applications of the estimated depth in face rotation and face replacement tasks

    Visual Representation Learning with Limited Supervision

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    The quality of a Computer Vision system is proportional to the rigor of data representation it is built upon. Learning expressive representations of images is therefore the centerpiece to almost every computer vision application, including image search, object detection and classification, human re-identification, object tracking, pose understanding, image-to-image translation, and embodied agent navigation to name a few. Deep Neural Networks are most often seen among the modern methods of representation learning. The limitation is, however, that deep representation learning methods require extremely large amounts of manually labeled data for training. Clearly, annotating vast amounts of images for various environments is infeasible due to cost and time constraints. This requirement of obtaining labeled data is a prime restriction regarding pace of the development of visual recognition systems. In order to cope with the exponentially growing amounts of visual data generated daily, machine learning algorithms have to at least strive to scale at a similar rate. The second challenge consists in the learned representations having to generalize to novel objects, classes, environments and tasks in order to accommodate to the diversity of the visual world. Despite the evergrowing number of recent publications tangentially addressing the topic of learning generalizable representations, efficient generalization is yet to be achieved. This dissertation attempts to tackle the problem of learning visual representations that can generalize to novel settings while requiring few labeled examples. In this research, we study the limitations of the existing supervised representation learning approaches and propose a framework that improves the generalization of learned features by exploiting visual similarities between images which are not captured by provided manual annotations. Furthermore, to mitigate the common requirement of large scale manually annotated datasets, we propose several approaches that can learn expressive representations without human-attributed labels, in a self-supervised fashion, by grouping highly-similar samples into surrogate classes based on progressively learned representations. The development of computer vision as science is preconditioned upon the seamless ability of a machine to record and disentangle pictures' attributes that were expected to only be conceived by humans. As such, particular interest was dedicated to the ability to analyze the means of artistic expression and style which depicts a more complex task than merely breaking an image down to colors and pixels. The ultimate test for this ability is the task of style transfer which involves altering the style of an image while keeping its content. An effective solution of style transfer requires learning such image representation which would allow disentangling image style and its content. Moreover, particular artistic styles come with idiosyncrasies that affect which content details should be preserved and which discarded. Another pitfall here is that it is impossible to get pixel-wise annotations of style and how the style should be altered. We address this problem by proposing an unsupervised approach that enables encoding the image content in such a way that is required by a particular style. The proposed approach exchanges the style of an input image by first extracting the content representation in a style-aware way and then rendering it in a new style using a style-specific decoder network, achieving compelling results in image and video stylization. Finally, we combine supervised and self-supervised representation learning techniques for the task of human and animals pose understanding. The proposed method enables transfer of the representation learned for recognition of human poses to proximal mammal species without using labeled animal images. This approach is not limited to dense pose estimation and could potentially enable autonomous agents from robots to self-driving cars to retrain themselves and adapt to novel environments based on learning from previous experiences

    Bridging Domain Gaps for Cross-Spectrum and Long-Range Face Recognition Using Domain Adaptive Machine Learning

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    Face recognition technology has witnessed significant advancements in recent decades, enabling its widespread adoption in various applications such as security, surveillance, and biometrics applications. However, one of the primary challenges faced by existing face recognition systems is their limited performance when presented with images from different modalities or domains( such as infrared to visible, long range to close range, nighttime to daytime, profile to f rontal, e tc.) Additionally, advancements in camera sensors, analytics beyond the visible spectrum, and the increasing size of cross-modal datasets have led to a particular interest in cross-modal learning for face recognition in the biometrics and computer vision community. Despite a relatively large gap between source and target domains, existing approaches reduce or bridge such domain gaps by either synthesizing face imagery in the target domain using face imagery from the source domain, or by learning cross-modal image representations that are robust to both the source and the target domain. Therefore, this dissertation presents the design and implementation of a novel domain adaptation framework leveraging robust image representations to achieve state-of-the art performance in cross-spectrum and long-range face recognition. The proposed methods use machine learning and deep learning techniques to (1) efficiently ex tract an d le arn do main-invariant embedding from face imagery, (2) learn a mapping from the source to the target domain, and (3) evaluate the proposed framework on several cross-modal face datasets

    Neural Radiance Fields: Past, Present, and Future

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    The various aspects like modeling and interpreting 3D environments and surroundings have enticed humans to progress their research in 3D Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning. An attempt made by Mildenhall et al in their paper about NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields) led to a boom in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Vision, and the possible scope of High-Resolution Low Storage Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality-based 3D models have gained traction from res with more than 1000 preprints related to NeRFs published. This paper serves as a bridge for people starting to study these fields by building on the basics of Mathematics, Geometry, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics to the difficulties encountered in Implicit Representations at the intersection of all these disciplines. This survey provides the history of rendering, Implicit Learning, and NeRFs, the progression of research on NeRFs, and the potential applications and implications of NeRFs in today's world. In doing so, this survey categorizes all the NeRF-related research in terms of the datasets used, objective functions, applications solved, and evaluation criteria for these applications.Comment: 413 pages, 9 figures, 277 citation

    AI-generated Content for Various Data Modalities: A Survey

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    AI-generated content (AIGC) methods aim to produce text, images, videos, 3D assets, and other media using AI algorithms. Due to its wide range of applications and the demonstrated potential of recent works, AIGC developments have been attracting lots of attention recently, and AIGC methods have been developed for various data modalities, such as image, video, text, 3D shape (as voxels, point clouds, meshes, and neural implicit fields), 3D scene, 3D human avatar (body and head), 3D motion, and audio -- each presenting different characteristics and challenges. Furthermore, there have also been many significant developments in cross-modality AIGC methods, where generative methods can receive conditioning input in one modality and produce outputs in another. Examples include going from various modalities to image, video, 3D shape, 3D scene, 3D avatar (body and head), 3D motion (skeleton and avatar), and audio modalities. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of AIGC methods across different data modalities, including both single-modality and cross-modality methods, highlighting the various challenges, representative works, and recent technical directions in each setting. We also survey the representative datasets throughout the modalities, and present comparative results for various modalities. Moreover, we also discuss the challenges and potential future research directions
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