853 research outputs found

    A PCA approach to the object constancy for faces using view-based models of the face

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    The analysis of object and face recognition by humans attracts a great deal of interest, mainly because of its many applications in various fields, including psychology, security, computer technology, medicine and computer graphics. The aim of this work is to investigate whether a PCA-based mapping approach can offer a new perspective on models of object constancy for faces in human vision. An existing system for facial motion capture and animation developed for performance-driven animation of avatars is adapted, improved and repurposed to study face representation in the context of viewpoint and lighting invariance. The main goal of the thesis is to develop and evaluate a new approach to viewpoint invariance that is view-based and allows mapping of facial variation between different views to construct a multi-view representation of the face. The thesis describes a computer implementation of a model that uses PCA to generate example- based models of the face. The work explores the joint encoding of expression and viewpoint using PCA and the mapping between viewspecific PCA spaces. The simultaneous, synchronised video recording of 6 views of the face was used to construct multi-view representations, which helped to investigate how well multiple views could be recovered from a single view via the content addressable memory property of PCA. A similar approach was taken to lighting invariance. Finally, the possibility of constructing a multi-view representation from asynchronous view-based data was explored. The results of this thesis have implications for a continuing research problem in computer vision – the problem of recognising faces and objects from different perspectives and in different lighting. It also provides a new approach to understanding viewpoint invariance and lighting invariance in human observers

    Imaging methods for understanding and improving visual training in the geosciences

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    Experience in the field is a critical educational component of every student studying geology. However, it is typically difficult to ensure that every student gets the necessary experience because of monetary and scheduling limitations. Thus, we proposed to create a virtual field trip based off of an existing 10-day field trip to California taken as part of an undergraduate geology course at the University of Rochester. To assess the effectiveness of this approach, we also proposed to analyze the learning and observation processes of both students and experts during the real and virtual field trips. At sites intended for inclusion in the virtual field trip, we captured gigapixel resolution panoramas by taking hundreds of images using custom built robotic imaging systems. We gathered data to analyze the learning process by fitting each geology student and expert with a portable eye- tracking system that records a video of their eye movements and a video of the scene they are observing. An important component of analyzing the eye-tracking data requires mapping the gaze of each observer into a common reference frame. We have made progress towards developing a software tool that helps automate this procedure by using image feature tracking and registration methods to map the scene video frames from each eye-tracker onto a reference panorama for each site. For the purpose of creating a virtual field trip, we have a large scale semi-immersive display system that consists of four tiled projectors, which have been colorimetrically and photometrically calibrated, and a curved widescreen display surface. We use this system to present the previously captured panoramas, which simulates the experience of visiting the sites in person. In terms of broader geology education and outreach, we have created an interactive website that uses Google Earth as the interface for visually exploring the panoramas captured for each site

    Coordination of appearance and motion data for virtual view generation of traditional dances

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    A novel method is proposed for virtual view generation of traditional dances. In the proposed framework, a traditional dance is captured separately for appearance registration and motion registration. By coordinating the appearance and motion data, we can easily control virtual camera motion within a dancer-centered coordinate system. For this purpose, a coordination problem should be solved between the appearance and motion data, since they are captured separately and the dancer moves freely in the room. The present paper shows a practical algorithm to solve it. A set of algorithms are also provided for appearance and motion registration, and virtual view generation from archived data. In the appearance registration, a 3D human shape is recovered in each time from a set of input images after suppressing their backgrounds. By combining the recovered 3D shape and a set of images for each time, we can compose archived dance data. In the motion registration, stereoscopic tracking is accomplished for color markers placed on the dancer. A virtual view generation is formalized as a color blending among multiple views, and a novel and efficient algorithm is proposed for the composition of a natural virtual view from a set of images. In the proposed method, weightings of the linear combination are calculated from both an assumed viewpoint and a surface normal.</p

    Spherical Image Processing for Immersive Visualisation and View Generation

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    This research presents the study of processing panoramic spherical images for immersive visualisation of real environments and generation of in-between views based on two views acquired. For visualisation based on one spherical image, the surrounding environment is modelled by a unit sphere mapped with the spherical image and the user is then allowed to navigate within the modelled scene. For visualisation based on two spherical images, a view generation algorithm is developed for modelling an indoor manmade environment and new views can be generated at an arbitrary position with respect to the existing two. This allows the scene to be modelled using multiple spherical images and the user to move smoothly from one sphere mapped image to another one by going through in-between sphere mapped images generated

    Structural Optimization of a Distributed Actuation System in a Flexible In-Plane Morphing Wing

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    Structural weight and efficiency are hurdles for morphing aircraft being realizable on the full-scale level. The optimal distribution and orientation of actuators throughout an in-plane flexible morphing wing structure is investigated. The drive to minimize structural weight causes a wing to be more flexible and the location and orientation of the actuators become more critical as the structure becomes more flexible. NextGen\u27s N-MAS morphing wing is used as a case study. The wing is modeled as a number of unit cells assembled in a scissor-like structure, each comprised of four linkages pinned together and an actuator. The flexible skin of the wing is modeled with a nonlinear material stretched between two opposing vertices. It will be shown that the optimal orientation of the actuators will vary depending on the loading conditions and initial configuration of the wing. Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) optimization techniques are utilized to orient those actuators and effectively size the members of the structure. The goal is to minimize weight while maximizing the geometric advantage and efficiency. The constraints are member stresses and the force transferred to the actuators is not to be greater than the force the actuator is able to produce. Matlab® code is developed to do the SQP optimization while NASTRAN™ is utilized to do the nonlinear finite element analysis required to evaluate the objective function and constraints. The single-cell results are compared to experimental data to validate the finite element model (FEM) and optimization routine. A three-cell experiment is designed by utilizing aeroelastic scaling techniques. Matlab is used to develop the scaling problem while the actual scaling is done as an optimization in NASTRAN. The objective for scaling the wing is to minimize the differences in the non-dimensional displacements and strain energies between the two models, using the element cross-sectional dimensions as design variables
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