11,563 research outputs found

    A computer vision approach to drone-based traffic analysis of road intersections

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    Recentemente, tem existido interesse na monitorização do tráfego automóvel, particularmente em cruzamentos, com o objectivo de obter um modelo estátistco do fluxo de veículos através dos ditos. Enquanto que os métodos convencionais - sensores em cada uma das entradas/saídas do cruzamento - permitem contar o número de veículos, estes são limitados, dado que não permitem acompanhar um veículo da entrada à saída. Estes dados são preciosos para perceber como funciona a dinâmica de mobilidade de uma cidade, e como pode ser melhorada, pelo que novas técnicas que forneçam esse tipo de informação têm que ser desenvolvidas. Uma das abordagens possíveis a este problema é a análise, por meio de algoritmos de visão por computador, de vídeo capturado dum cruzamento, para identificar e seguir veículos. Uma das formas possíveis de obtenção de vídeo é a utilização de um "drone" - um pequeno veículo aéreo não tripulado - com uma câmera, para voar por cima de um cruzamento e o filmar.Algum trabalho foi feito com esta ideia em mente, mas a utilização de uma perspectiva vertical "birds-eye", em vez de uma perspectiva inclinada, é limitada ou inexistente. Esta abordagem é interessante porque controna o problema das oclusões patente noutras formas de captura de imagem. O objectivo desta dissertação é, então, desenvolver e aplicar algoritmos de visão por computador a imagens obtidas desta maneira, para identificar e seguir veículos num cruzamento, para que um modelo estatístico do dito possa ser obtido. Este modelo baseia-se na supracitada associação de entradas a saídas. Com base na implementação que foi desenvolvida, esta abordagem para ser útil para, pelo menos, alguns tipos de veículos.In recent years, there has been interest in detailed monitoring of road traffic, particularly in intersections, in order to obtain a statistical model of the flow of vehicles through them. While conventional methods - sensors at each of the intersection's entrances/exits - allow for counting, they are limited in the sense that it is impossible to track a vehicle from origin to destination. This data is invaluable to understand the how the dynamic of a city's mobility works, and how it can be improved, therefore new techniques must be developed which provide that kind of information. One of the possible approaches to this problem is to analyse video footage of said intersections by means of computer vision algorithms, in order to identify and track individual vehicles. One of the possible ways to obtain this footage is by flying a drone - a small unmanned air vehicle (UAV) - carrying a camera over an intersection.Some work has been done with this solution in mind, but the usage of a top-down birds-eye perspective, obtained by flying the drone directly above the intersection, rather than at an angle, is limited or inexistent. This approach is interesting because it circumvents the problem of occlusions present in other footage capture set ups. The focus of this dissertation is, then, to develop and apply computer vision algorithms to footage obtained in this way in order to identify and track vehicles across intersections, so that a statistical model may be extracted. This model is based on said association of an origin and a destination. Based on the implementation which was developed, this approach seems to be useful for at least some types of vehicles

    CityFlow: A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Environment for Large Scale City Traffic Scenario

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    Traffic signal control is an emerging application scenario for reinforcement learning. Besides being as an important problem that affects people's daily life in commuting, traffic signal control poses its unique challenges for reinforcement learning in terms of adapting to dynamic traffic environment and coordinating thousands of agents including vehicles and pedestrians. A key factor in the success of modern reinforcement learning relies on a good simulator to generate a large number of data samples for learning. The most commonly used open-source traffic simulator SUMO is, however, not scalable to large road network and large traffic flow, which hinders the study of reinforcement learning on traffic scenarios. This motivates us to create a new traffic simulator CityFlow with fundamentally optimized data structures and efficient algorithms. CityFlow can support flexible definitions for road network and traffic flow based on synthetic and real-world data. It also provides user-friendly interface for reinforcement learning. Most importantly, CityFlow is more than twenty times faster than SUMO and is capable of supporting city-wide traffic simulation with an interactive render for monitoring. Besides traffic signal control, CityFlow could serve as the base for other transportation studies and can create new possibilities to test machine learning methods in the intelligent transportation domain.Comment: WWW 2019 Demo Pape

    A Microscopic Simulation Study of Applications of Signal Phasing and Timing Information in a Connected Vehicle Environment

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    The connected vehicle technology presents an innovative way of sharing information between vehicles and the transportation infrastructure through wireless communications. The technology can potentially solve safety, mobility, and environmental challenges that face the transportation sector. Signal phasing and timing information is one category of information that can be broadcasted through connected vehicle technology. This thesis presents an in-depth study of possible ways signal phasing and timing information can be beneficial as far as safety and mobility are concerned. In total, three studies describing this research are outlined. The first study presented herein focuses on data collection and calibration efforts of the simulation model that was used for the next two studies. The study demonstrated a genetic algorithm procedure for calibrating VISSIM discharge headways based on queue discharge headways measured in the field. Video data was used to first compute intersection discharge headways for individual vehicle queue position and then to develop statistical distributions of discharge headways for each vehicle position. Except for the 4th vehicle position, which was best fitted by the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution, the Log-logistic distribution was observed to be the best fit distribution for the rest of vehicle positions. Starting with the default values, the VISSIM parameters responsible for determining discharge headways were heuristically adjusted to produce optimal values. The optimal solutions were achieved by minimizing the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between the simulated and observed data. Through calibration, for each vehicle position, it was possible to obtain the simulated headways that reflect the means of the observed field headways. However, calibration was unable to replicate the dispersion of the headways observed in the field mainly due to VISSIM limitations. Based on the findings of this study, future work on calibration in VISSIM that would account for the dispersion of mixed traffic flow characteristics is warranted. The second study addresses the potential of connected vehicles in improving safety at the vicinity of signalized intersections. Although traffic signals are installed to reduce the overall number of collisions at intersections, rear-end collisions are increased due to signalization. One dominant factor associated with rear-end crashes is the indecisiveness of the driver, especially in the dilemma zone. An advisory system to help the driver make the stop-or-pass decision would greatly improve intersection safety. This study proposed and evaluated an Advanced Stop Assist System (ASAS) at signalized intersections by using Infrastructure-to-Vehicle (I2V) and Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication. The proposed system utilizes communication data, received from Roadside Unit (RSU), to provide drivers in approaching vehicles with vehicle-specific advisory speed messages to prevent vehicle hard-braking upon a yellow and red signal indication. A simulation test bed was modeled using VISSIM to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed system. The results demonstrate that at full market penetration (100% saturation of vehicles equipped with on-board communication equipment), the proposed system reduces the number of hard-braking vehicles by nearly 50%. Sensitivity analyses of market penetration rates also show a degradation in safety conditions at penetration rates lower than 40%. The results suggest that at least 60% penetration rate is required for the proposed system to minimize rear-end collisions and improve safety at the signalized intersections. The last study addresses the fact that achieving smooth urban traffic flow requires reduction of excessive stop-and-go driving on urban arterials. Smooth traffic flow comes with several benefits including reduction of fuel consumption and emissions. Recently, more research efforts have been directed towards reduction of vehicle emissions. One such effort is the use of Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) systems which use wireless communications to provide individual drivers with information on the approaching traffic signal phase and advisory speeds to arrive at the intersection on a green phase. Previously developed GLOSA algorithms do not address the impact of time to discharge queues formed at the intersection. Thus, this study investigated the influence of formed intersection queues on the performance of GLOSA systems. A simulation test-bed was modeled inside VISSIM to evaluate the algorithm’s effectiveness. Three simulation scenarios were designed; the baseline with no GLOSA in place, scenario 2 with GLOSA activated and queue discharge time not considered, and scenario 3 with GLOSA activated and where queue dissipation time was used to compute advisory speeds. At confidence level the results show a significant reduction in the time spent in queue when GLOSA is activated (scenarios 2 and 3). The change in the average number of stops along the corridor was found not to be significant when the base scenario was compared against scenario 2. However, a comparison between scenarios 2 and 3 demonstrates a significant reduction in the average number of stops along the corridor, and also in the time spent waiting in queue

    Street Viewer: An Autonomous Vision Based Traffic Tracking System

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    The development of intelligent transportation systems requires the availability of both accurate traffic information in real time and a cost-effective solution. In this paper, we describe Street Viewer, a system capable of analyzing the traffic behavior in different scenarios from images taken with an off-the-shelf optical camera. Street Viewer operates in real time on embedded hardware architectures with limited computational resources. The system features a pipelined architecture that, on one side, allows one to exploit multi-threading intensively and, on the other side, allows one to improve the overall accuracy and robustness of the system, since each layer is aimed at refining for the following layers the information it receives as input. Another relevant feature of our approach is that it is self-adaptive. During an initial setup, the application runs in learning mode to build a model of the flow patterns in the observed area. Once the model is stable, the system switches to the on-line mode where the flow model is used to count vehicles traveling on each lane and to produce a traffic information summary. If changes in the flow model are detected, the system switches back autonomously to the learning mode. The accuracy and the robustness of the system are analyzed in the paper through experimental results obtained on several different scenarios and running the system for long periods of time

    Understanding Vehicular Traffic Behavior from Video: A Survey of Unsupervised Approaches

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    Recent emerging trends for automatic behavior analysis and understanding from infrastructure video are reviewed. Research has shifted from high-resolution estimation of vehicle state and instead, pushed machine learning approaches to extract meaningful patterns in aggregates in an unsupervised fashion. These patterns represent priors on observable motion, which can be utilized to describe a scene, answer behavior questions such as where is a vehicle going, how many vehicles are performing the same action, and to detect an abnormal event. The review focuses on two main methods for scene description, trajectory clustering and topic modeling. Example applications that utilize the behavioral modeling techniques are also presented. In addition, the most popular public datasets for behavioral analysis are presented. Discussion and comment on future directions in the field are also provide