119 research outputs found

    Online Video Deblurring via Dynamic Temporal Blending Network

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    State-of-the-art video deblurring methods are capable of removing non-uniform blur caused by unwanted camera shake and/or object motion in dynamic scenes. However, most existing methods are based on batch processing and thus need access to all recorded frames, rendering them computationally demanding and time consuming and thus limiting their practical use. In contrast, we propose an online (sequential) video deblurring method based on a spatio-temporal recurrent network that allows for real-time performance. In particular, we introduce a novel architecture which extends the receptive field while keeping the overall size of the network small to enable fast execution. In doing so, our network is able to remove even large blur caused by strong camera shake and/or fast moving objects. Furthermore, we propose a novel network layer that enforces temporal consistency between consecutive frames by dynamic temporal blending which compares and adaptively (at test time) shares features obtained at different time steps. We show the superiority of the proposed method in an extensive experimental evaluation.Comment: 10 page

    Multiframe visual-inertial blur estimation and removal for unmodified smartphones

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    Pictures and videos taken with smartphone cameras often suffer from motion blur due to handshake during the exposure time. Recovering a sharp frame from a blurry one is an ill-posed problem but in smartphone applications additional cues can aid the solution. We propose a blur removal algorithm that exploits information from subsequent camera frames and the built-in inertial sensors of an unmodified smartphone. We extend the fast non-blind uniform blur removal algorithm of Krishnan and Fergus to non-uniform blur and to multiple input frames. We estimate piecewise uniform blur kernels from the gyroscope measurements of the smartphone and we adaptively steer our multiframe deconvolution framework towards the sharpest input patches. We show in qualitative experiments that our algorithm can remove synthetic and real blur from individual frames of a degraded image sequence within a few seconds

    High Dynamic Range Imaging with Context-aware Transformer

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    Avoiding the introduction of ghosts when synthesising LDR images as high dynamic range (HDR) images is a challenging task. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are effective for HDR ghost removal in general, but are challenging to deal with the LDR images if there are large movements or oversaturation/undersaturation. Existing dual-branch methods combining CNN and Transformer omit part of the information from non-reference images, while the features extracted by the CNN-based branch are bound to the kernel size with small receptive field, which are detrimental to the deblurring and the recovery of oversaturated/undersaturated regions. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical dual Transformer method for ghost-free HDR (HDT-HDR) images generation, which extracts global features and local features simultaneously. First, we use a CNN-based head with spatial attention mechanisms to extract features from all the LDR images. Second, the LDR features are delivered to the Hierarchical Dual Transformer (HDT). In each Dual Transformer (DT), the global features are extracted by the window-based Transformer, while the local details are extracted using the channel attention mechanism with deformable CNNs. Finally, the ghost free HDR image is obtained by dimensional mapping on the HDT output. Abundant experiments demonstrate that our HDT-HDR achieves the state-of-the-art performance among existing HDR ghost removal methods.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure