17 research outputs found

    A modified kohonen self-organizing map (KSOM) clustering for four categorical data

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    The Kohonen Self-Organizing Map (KSOM) is one of the Neural Network unsupervised learning algorithms. This algorithm is used in solving problems in various areas, especially in clustering complex data sets. Despite its advantages, the KSOM algorithm has a few drawbacks; such as overlapped cluster and non-linear separable problems. Therefore, this paper proposes a modified KSOM that inspired from pheromone approach in Ant Colony Optimization. The modification is focusing on the distance calculation amongst objects. The proposed algorithm has been tested on four real categorical data that are obtained from UCI machine learning repository; Iris, Seeds, Glass and Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database. From the results, it shows that the modified KSOM has produced accurate clustering result and all clusters can clearly be identified

    SOMvisua: Data Clustering and Visualization Based on SOM and GHSOM

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    Text in web pages is based on expert opinion of a large number of people including the views of authors. These views are based on cultural or community aspects, which make extracting information from text very difficult. Search in text usually finds text similarities between paragraphs in documents. This paper proposes a framework for data clustering and visualization called SOMvisua. SOMvisua is based on a graph representation of data input for Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and Growing Hierarchically Self-Organizing Map (GHSOM) algorithms. In SOMvisua, sentences from an input article are represented as graph model instead of vector space model. SOM and GHSOM clustering algorithms construct knowledge from this article

    Fusion of Visualization Induced SOM

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    In this study ensemble techniques have been applied in the frame of topology preserving mappings with visualization purposes. A novel extension of the ViSOM (Visualization Induced SOM) is obtained by the use of the ensemble meta-algorithm and a later fusion process. This main fusion algorithm has two different variants, considering two different criteria for the similarity of nodes. These criteria are Euclidean distance and similarity on Voronoi polygons. The goal of this upgrade is to improve the quality and robustness of the single model. Some experiments performed over different datasets applying the two variants of the fusion and other simpler models are included for comparison purposes

    An Adaptive Multidimensional Scaling and Principled Nonlinear Manifold

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    The self-organizing map (SOM) and some of its variants such as visualization induced SOM (ViSOM) have been shown to yield similar results to multidimensional scaling (MDS). However the exact connection has yet been established. In this paper we first examine their relationship with (generalized) MDS from their cost functions in the aspect of data visualization and dimensionality reduction. The SOM is shown to produce a quantized, qualitative or nonmetric scaling and while the ViSOM is a quantitative metric scaling. Then we propose a way to use the core principle of the ViSOM, i.e. local distance preserving, to adaptively and incrementally construct a metric local scaling and to extract nonlinear manifold. Comparison with other methods such as ISOMAP and LLE has been made, especially in mapping highly nonlinear subspaces. The advantages over other methods are also discussed

    Automated Ham Quality Classification Using Ensemble Unsupervised Mapping Models

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    This multidisciplinary study focuses on the application and comparison of several topology preserving mapping models upgraded with some classifier ensemble and boosting techniques in order to improve those visualization capabilities. The aim is to test their suitability for classification purposes in the field of food industry and more in particular in the case of dry cured ham. The data is obtained from an electronic device able to emulate a sensory olfative taste of ham samples. Then the data is classified using the previously mentioned techniques in order to detect which batches have an anomalous smelt (acidity, rancidity and different type of taints) in an automated way

    Quality of Adaptation of Fusion ViSOM

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    This work presents a research on the performance capabilities of an extension of the ViSOM (Visualization Induced SOM) algorithm by the use of the ensemble meta-algorithm and a later fusion process. This main fusion process has two different variants, considering two different criteria for the similarity of nodes. These criteria are Euclidean distance and similarity on Voronoi polygons. The capabilities, strengths and weakness of the different variants of the model are discussed and compared more deeply in the present work. The details of several experiments performed over different datasets applying the variants of the fusion to the ViSOM algorithm along with same variants of fusion with the SOM are included for this purpose

    Analyzing Key Factors of Human Resources Management

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    This study presents the application of an unsupervised neural projection model for the analysis of Human Resources (HR) from a Knowledge Management (KM) standpoint. This work examines the critical role that the acquisition and retention of specialized employees play in Hi-tech companies, particularly following the configuration approach of Strategic HR Management. From the projections obtained through the connectionist models, experts in the field may extract conclusions related to some key factors of the HR Management. One of the main goals is to deploy improvement and efficiency actions in the implantation and execution of the HR practices in firms. The proposal is validated by means of an empirical study on a real case study related to the Spanish Hi-tech sector

    Hierarchical Kohonenen Net for Anomaly Detection in Network Security

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    A novel multilevel hierarchicalKohonen Net (K-Map) for an intrusion detection system is presented. Each level of the hierarchical map is modeled as a simple winner-take-all K-Map. One significant advantage of this multilevel hierarchical K-Map is its computational efficiency. Unlike other statistical anomaly detection methods such as nearest neighbor approach, K-means clustering or probabilistic analysis that employ distance computation in the feature space to identify the outliers, our approach does not involve costly point-to-point computation in organizing the data into clusters. Another advantage is the reduced network size. We use the classification capability of the K-Map on selected dimensions of data set in detecting anomalies. Randomly selected subsets that contain both attacks and normal records from the KDD Cup 1999 benchmark data are used to train the hierarchical net. We use a confidence measure to label the clusters. Then we use the test set from the same KDD Cup 1999 benchmark to test the hierarchical net. We show that a hierarchical K-Map in which each layer operates on a small subset of the feature space is superior to a single-layer K-Map operating on the whole feature space in detecting a variety of attacks in terms of detection rate as well as false positive rate

    WeVoS scale invariant map

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    A novel method for improving the training of some topology preserving algorithms characterized by its scale invariant mapping is presented and analyzed in this study. It is called Weighted Voting Superposition (WeVoS), and in this research is applied to the Scale Invariant Feature Map (SIM) and the Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning Scale Invariant Map (Max-SIM) providing two new versions, the WeVoS–SIM and the WeVoS–Max-SIM. The method is based on the training of an ensemble of networks and the combination of them to obtain a single one, including the best features of each one of the networks in the ensemble. To accomplish this combination, a weighted voting process takes place between the units of the maps in the ensemble in order to determine the characteristics of the units of the resulting map. To provide a complete comparative study of these new models, they are compared with their original models, the SIM and Max-SIM and also to probably the best known topology preserving model: the Self-Organizing Map. The models are tested under the frame of two ad hoc artificial data sets and a real-world one, characterized for having an internal radial distribution. Four different quality measures have been applied for each model in order to present a complete study of their capabilities. The results obtained confirm that the novel models presented in this study based on the application of WeVoS can outperform the classic models in terms of organization of the presented information