10 research outputs found

    A robust lesion boundary segmentation algorithm using level set methods

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    This paper addresses the issue of accurate lesion segmentation in retinal imagery, using level set methods and a novel stopping mechanism - an elementary features scheme. Specifically, the curve propagation is guided by a gradient map built using a combination of histogram equalization and robust statistics. The stopping mechanism uses elementary features gathered as the curve deforms over time, and then using a lesionness measure, defined herein, ’looks back in time’ to find the point at which the curve best fits the real object. We compare the proposed method against five other segmentation algorithms performed on 50 randomly selected images of exudates with a database of clinician demarcated boundaries as ground truth

    Segmentation-based blood flow parameter refinement in cerebrovascular structures using 4D arterial spin labeling MRA

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    Objective: Cerebrovascular diseases are one of the main global causes of death and disability in the adult population. The preferred imaging modality for the diagnostic routine is digital subtraction angiography, an invasive modality. Time-resolved three-dimensional arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance angiography (4D ASL MRA) is an alternative non-invasive modality, which captures morphological and blood flow data of the cerebrovascular system, with high spatial and temporal resolution. This work proposes advanced medical image processing methods that extract the anatomical and hemodynamic information contained in 4D ASL MRA datasets. Methods: A previously published segmentation method, which uses blood flow data to improve its accuracy, is extended to estimate blood flow parameters by fitting a mathematical model to the measured vascular signal. The estimated values are then refined using regression techniques within the cerebrovascular segmentation. The proposed method was evaluated using fifteen 4D ASL MRA phantoms, with ground-truth morphological and hemodynamic data, fifteen 4D ASL MRA datasets acquired from healthy volunteers, and two 4D ASL MRA datasets from patients with a stenosis. Results: The proposed method reached an average Dice similarity coefficient of 0.957 and 0.938 in the phantom and real dataset segmentation evaluations, respectively. The estimated blood flow parameter values are more similar to the ground-truth values after the refinement step, when using phantoms. A qualitative analysis showed that the refined blood flow estimation is more realistic compared to the raw hemodynamic parameters. Conclusion: The proposed method can provide accurate segmentations and blood flow parameter estimations in the cerebrovascular system using 4D ASL MRA datasets. Significance: The information obtained with the proposed method can help clinicians and researchers to study the cerebrovascular system non-invasively

    A survey of high level frameworks in block-structured adaptive mesh refinement packages

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    pre-printOver the last decade block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (SAMR) has found increasing use in large, publicly available codes and frameworks. SAMR frameworks have evolved along different paths. Some have stayed focused on specific domain areas, others have pursued a more general functionality, providing the building blocks for a larger variety of applications. In this survey paper we examine a representative set of SAMR packages and SAMR-based codes that have been in existence for half a decade or more, have a reasonably sized and active user base outside of their home institutions, and are publicly available. The set consists of a mix of SAMR packages and application codes that cover a broad range of scientific domains. We look at their high-level frameworks, their design trade-offs and their approach to dealing with the advent of radical changes in hardware architecture. The codes included in this survey are BoxLib, Cactus, Chombo, Enzo, FLASH, and Uintah

    Metodologia computacional para a simulação interativa de fluidos em estruturas tubulares

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2010Este trabalho aborda a simulação de fluidos através de estruturas tubulares arbitrárias. O fluido é simulado através do método baseado em partículas denominado Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, enquanto que a estrutura tubular pode ser representada por uma malha de triângulos simples. Este cenário de simulação é utilizado tanto em ferramentas de apoio ao especialista como programas de CAD e simulações cirúrgicas quanto em jogos e na indústria de efeitos especiais, onde o efeito visual é mais importante do que a física. Existe um equilíbrio entre a fidelidade da simulação ao fenômeno físico correspondente e a resposta visual e interatividade com o usuário. O modelo apresentado neste trabalho visa oferecer um ambiente que permita simulações interativas visualmente atraentes em um cenário potencialmente complexo, onde o líquido e a estrutura são representados por milhares de entidades. A interação entre a estrutura e o fluido é simplificada em uma força que utiliza o Eixo Médio Aproximado para guiar as partículas, que são coloridas de acordo com grandezas físicas como velocidade e pressão

    Human retinal oximetry using hyperspectral imaging

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    The aim of the work reported in this thesis was to investigate the possibility of measuring human retinal oxygen saturation using hyperspectral imaging. A direct non-invasive quantitative mapping of retinal oxygen saturation is enabled by hyperspectral imaging whereby the absorption spectra of oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin are recorded and analysed. Implementation of spectral retinal imaging thus requires ophthalmic instrumentation capable of efficiently recording the requisite spectral data cube. For this purpose, a spectral retinal imager was developed for the first time by integrating a liquid crystal tuneable filter into the illumination system of a conventional fundus camera to enable the recording of narrow-band spectral images in time sequence from 400nm to 700nm. Postprocessing algorithms were developed to enable accurate exploitation of spectral retinal images and overcome the confounding problems associated with this technique due to the erratic eye motion and illumination variation. Several algorithms were developed to provide semi-quantitative and quantitative oxygen saturation measurements. Accurate quantitative measurements necessitated an optical model of light propagation into the retina that takes into account the absorption and scattering of light by red blood cells. To validate the oxygen saturation measurements and algorithms, a model eye was constructed and measurements were compared with gold-standard measurements obtained by a Co-Oximeter. The accuracy of the oxygen saturation measurements was (3.31%± 2.19) for oxygenated blood samples. Clinical trials from healthy and diseased subjects were analysed and oxygen saturation measurements were compared to establish a merit of certain retinal diseases. Oxygen saturation measurements were in agreement with clinician expectations in both veins (48%±9) and arteries (96%±5). We also present in this thesis the development of novel clinical instrument based on IRIS to perform retinal oximetry.Al-baath University, Syri

    Implicit deformable models for biomedical image segmentation.

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    In this thesis, new methods for the efficient segmentation of images are presented. The proposed methods are based on the deformable model approach, and can be used efficiently in the segmentation of complex geometries from various imaging modalities. A novel deformable model that is based on a geometrically induced external force field which can be conveniently generalized to arbitrary dimensions is presented. This external force field is based on hypothesized interactions between the relative geometries of the deformable model and the object boundary characterized by image gradient. The evolution of the deformable model is solved using the level set method so that topological changes are handled automatically. The relative geometrical configurations between the deformable model and the object boundaries contributes to a dynamic vector force field that changes accordingly as the deformable model evolves. The geometrically induced dynamic interaction force has been shown to greatly improve the deformable model performance in acquiring complex geometries and highly concave boundaries, and give the deformable model a high invariance in initialization configurations. The voxel interactions across the whole image domain provides a global view of the object boundary representation, giving the external force a long attraction range. The bidirectionality of the external force held allows the new deformable model to deal with arbitrary cross-boundary initializations, and facilitates the handling of weak edges and broken boundaries. In addition, it is shown that by enhancing the geometrical interaction field with a nonlocal edge-preserving algorithm, the new deformable model can effectively overcome image noise. A comparative study on the segmentation of various geometries with different topologies from both synthetic and real images is provided, and the proposed method is shown to achieve significant improvements against several existing techniques. A robust framework for the segmentation of vascular geometries is described. In particular, the framework consists of image denoising, optimal object edge representation, and segmentation using implicit deformable model. The image denoising is based on vessel enhancing diffusion which can be used to smooth out image noise and enhance the vessel structures. The image object boundaries are derived using an edge detection technique which can produce object edges of single pixel width. The image edge information is then used to derive the geometric interaction field for optimal object edge representation. The vascular geometries are segmented using an implict deformable model. A region constraint is added to the deformable model which allows it to easily get around calcified regions and propagate across the vessels to segment the structures efficiently. The presented framework is ai)plied in the accurate segmentation of carotid geometries from medical images. A new segmentation model with statistical shape prior using a variational approach is also presented in this thesis. The proposed model consists of an image attraction force that propagates contours towards image object boundaries, and a global shape force that attracts the model towards similar shapes in the statistical shape distribution. The image attraction force is derived from gradient vector interactions across the whole image domain, which makes the model more robust to image noise, weak edges and initializations. The statistical shape information is incorporated using kernel density estimation, which allows the shape prior model to handle arbitrary shape variations. It is shown that the proposed model with shape prior can be used to segment object shapes from images efficiently

    Segmentation and Deformable Modelling Techniques for a Virtual Reality Surgical Simulator in Hepatic Oncology

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    Liver surgical resection is one of the most frequently used curative therapies. However, resectability is problematic. There is a need for a computer-assisted surgical planning and simulation system which can accurately and efficiently simulate the liver, vessels and tumours in actual patients. The present project describes the development of these core segmentation and deformable modelling techniques. For precise detection of irregularly shaped areas with indistinct boundaries, the segmentation incorporated active contours - gradient vector flow (GVF) snakes and level sets. To improve efficiency, a chessboard distance transform was used to replace part of the GVF effort. To automatically initialize the liver volume detection process, a rotating template was introduced to locate the starting slice. For shape maintenance during the segmentation process, a simplified object shape learning step was introduced to avoid occasional significant errors. Skeletonization with fuzzy connectedness was used for vessel segmentation. To achieve real-time interactivity, the deformation regime of this system was based on a single-organ mass-spring system (MSS), which introduced an on-the-fly local mesh refinement to raise the deformation accuracy and the mesh control quality. This method was now extended to a multiple soft-tissue constraint system, by supplementing it with an adaptive constraint mesh generation. A mesh quality measure was tailored based on a wide comparison of classic measures. Adjustable feature and parameter settings were thus provided, to make tissues of interest distinct from adjacent structures, keeping the mesh suitable for on-line topological transformation and deformation. More than 20 actual patient CT and 2 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) liver datasets were tested to evaluate the performance of the segmentation method. Instrument manipulations of probing, grasping, and simple cutting were successfully simulated on deformable constraint liver tissue models. This project was implemented in conjunction with the Division of Surgery, Hammersmith Hospital, London; the preliminary reality effect was judged satisfactory by the consultant hepatic surgeon