20 research outputs found

    Very-efficient simulatable flipping of many coins into a well

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    Secure two-party parallel coin-flipping is a cryptographic functionality that allows two mutually distrustful parties to agree on a common random bit-string of a certain target length. In coin-flipping into-a-well, one party learns the bit-string and then decides whether to abort or to allow the other party to learn it. It is well known that this functionality can be securely achieved in the ideal/real simulation paradigm, using commitment schemes that are simultaneously extractable (X) and equivocable (Q). This paper presents two new constant-round simulatable coin-flipping protocols, based explicitly on one or a few X-commitments of short seeds and a Q-commitment of a short hash, independently of the large target length. A pseudo-random generator and a collision-resistant hash function are used to combine the separate X and Q properties (associated with short bit-strings) into a unified X&Q property amplified to the target length, thus amortizing the cost of the base commitments. In this way, the new protocols are significantly more efficient than an obvious batching or extension of coin-flippings designed (in the same security setting) for short bit-strings and based on inefficient X&Q commitments. The first protocol, simulatable with rewinding, deviates from the traditional coin-flipping template in order to improve simulatability in case of unknown adversarial probabilities of abort, without having to use a X&Q commitment scheme. The second protocol, one-pass simulatable, derives from a new construction of a universally composable X&Q commitment scheme for large bit-strings, achieving communication-rate asymptotically close to 1. Besides the base X and Q commitments, the new commitment scheme only requires corresponding collision-resistant hashing, pseudo-random generation and application of a threshold erasure code. Alternative constructions found in recent work with comparable communication complexity require explicit use of oblivious transfer and use different encodings of the committed value

    Somewhat Non-Committing Encryption and Efficient Adaptively Secure Oblivious Transfer

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    Designing efficient cryptographic protocols tolerating adaptive adversaries, who are able to corrupt parties on the fly as the computation proceeds, has been an elusive task. Indeed, thus far no \emph{efficient} protocols achieve adaptive security for general multi-party computation, or even for many specific two-party tasks such as oblivious transfer (OT). In fact, it is difficult and expensive to achieve adaptive security even for the task of \emph{secure communication}, which is arguably the most basic task in cryptography. In this paper we make progress in this area. First, we introduce a new notion called \emph{semi-adaptive} security which is slightly stronger than static security but \emph{significantly weaker than fully adaptive security}. The main difference between adaptive and semi-adaptive security is that, for semi-adaptive security, the simulator is not required to handle the case where \emph{both} parties start out honest and one becomes corrupted later on during the protocol execution. As such, semi-adaptive security is much easier to achieve than fully adaptive security. We then give a simple, generic protocol compiler which transforms any semi-adaptively secure protocol into a fully adaptively secure one. The compilation effectively decomposes the problem of adaptive security into two (simpler) problems which can be tackled separately: the problem of semi-adaptive security and the problem of realizing a weaker variant of secure channels. We solve the latter problem by means of a new primitive that we call {\em somewhat non-committing encryption} resulting in significant efficiency improvements over the standard method for realizing (fully) secure channels using (fully) non-committing encryption. Somewhat non-committing encryption has two parameters: an equivocality parameter ℓ\ell (measuring the number of ways that a ciphertext can be ``opened\u27\u27) and the message sizes kk. Our implementation is very efficient for small values ℓ\ell, \emph{even} when kk is large. This translates into a very efficient compilation of many semi-adaptively secure protocols (in particular, for a task with small input/output domains such as bit-OT) into a fully adaptively secure protocol. Finally, we showcase our methodology by applying it to the recent Oblivious Transfer protocol by Peikert \etal\ [Crypto 2008], which is only secure against static corruptions, to obtain the first efficient, adaptively secure and composable OT protocol. In particular, to transfer an nn-bit message, we use a constant number of rounds and O(n)O(n) public key operations

    Efficient UC Commitment Extension with Homomorphism for Free (and Applications)

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    Homomorphic universally composable (UC) commitments allow for the sender to reveal the result of additions and multiplications of values contained in commitments without revealing the values themselves while assuring the receiver of the correctness of such computation on committed values. In this work, we construct essentially optimal additively homomorphic UC commitments from any (not necessarily UC or homomorphic) extractable commitment. We obtain amortized linear computational complexity in the length of the input messages and rate 1. Next, we show how to extend our scheme to also obtain multiplicative homomorphism at the cost of asymptotic optimality but retaining low concrete complexity for practical parameters. While the previously best constructions use UC oblivious transfer as the main building block, our constructions only require extractable commitments and PRGs, achieving better concrete efficiency and offering new insights into the sufficient conditions for obtaining homomorphic UC commitments. Moreover, our techniques yield public coin protocols, which are compatible with the Fiat-Shamir heuristic. These results come at the cost of realizing a restricted version of the homomorphic commitment functionality where the sender is allowed to perform any number of commitments and operations on committed messages but is only allowed to perform a single batch opening of a number of commitments. Although this functionality seems restrictive, we show that it can be used as a building block for more efficient instantiations of recent protocols for secure multiparty computation and zero knowledge non-interactive arguments of knowledge

    The Cryptographic Strength of Tamper-Proof Hardware

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    Tamper-proof hardware has found its way into our everyday life in various forms, be it SIM cards, credit cards or passports. Usually, a cryptographic key is embedded in these hardware tokens that allows the execution of simple cryptographic operations, such as encryption or digital signing. The inherent security guarantees of tamper-proof hardware, however, allow more complex and diverse applications

    Efficient Resettably Secure Two-Party Computation

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    In 2000, Canetti, Goldreich, Goldwasser and Micali (STOC\u2700) proposed the notion of resettable zero-knowledge, which considers the scenario where a malicious verifier can reset the prover and force it to reuse its random tape. They provided a construction that resists such attacks, and in the following, the notion of resettability was considered in various other scenarios. Starting with resettably-sound zero-knowledge, over general resettable computation with one resettable party, to protocols where all parties are resettable. Most of these results are only concerned with the feasibility of resettable computation, while efficiency is secondary. There is a considerable gap in the round- and communication-efficiency between actively secure protocols and resettably secure protocols. Following the work of Goyal and Sahai (EUROCRYPT\u2709), we study the round- and communication-efficiency of resettable two-party computation in the setting where one of the two parties is resettable, and close the gap between the two notions of security: - We construct a fully simulatable resettable CRS in the plain model that directly yields constant-round resettable zero-knowledge and constant-round resettable two-party computation protocols in the plain model. - We present a new resettability compiler that follows the approach of Ishai, Prabhakaran and Sahai (CRYPTO\u2708) and yields constant-rate resettable two-party computation

    Secure and fair two-party computation

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    Consider several parties that do not trust each other, yet they wish to correctly compute some common function of their local inputs while keeping these inputs private. This problem is known as "Secure Multi-Party Computation", and was introduced by Andrew Yao in 1982. Secure multi-party computations have some real world examples like electronic auctions, electronic voting or fingerprinting. In this thesis we consider the case where there are only two parties involved. This is known as "Secure Two-Party Computation". If there is a trusted third party called Carol, then the problem is pretty straightforward. The participating parties could hand their inputs in Carol who can compute the common function correctly and could return the outputs to the corresponding parties. The goal is to achieve (almost) the same result when there is no trusted third party. Cryptographic protocols are designed in order to solve these kinds of problems. These protocols are analyzed within an appropriate model in which the behavior of parties is structured. The basic level is called the Semi-Honest Model where parties are assumed to follow the protocol specification, but later can derive additional information based on the messages which have been received so far. A more realistic model is the so-called Malicious Model. The common approach is to first analyze a protocol in the semi-honest model and then later extend it into the malicious model. Any cryptographic protocol for secure two-party computation must satisfy the following security requirements: correctness, privacy and fairness. It must guarantee the correctness of the result while preserving the privacy of the parties’ inputs, even if one of the parties is malicious and behaves arbitrarily throughout the protocol. It must also guarantee fairness. This roughly means that whenever a party aborts the protocol prematurely, he or she should not have any advantage over the other party in discovering the output. The main question for researchers is to construct new protocols that achieve the above mentioned goals for secure multi-party computation. Of course, such protocols must be secure in a given model, as well as be as efficient as possible. In 1986, Yao presented the first general protocol for secure two-party computation which was applicable only to the semi-honest model. He uses a tool called "Garbled Circuit". Yao’s protocol uses the underlying primitives ("Pseudorandom Generator" and "Oblivious Transfer") as blackboxes which lead to efficient results. After Yao’s work many variants and improvements have been proposed for the malicious model. In this thesis, we design several new protocols for secure two-party computation based on Yao’s garbled circuit. Before we present the details of our new designs, we first show several weaknesses, security flaws or problems with the existing protocols in the literature. We first work in the semi-honest model and then extend it into the malicious model by presenting new protocols. Finally we add fairness to our protocol. Oblivious transfer (OT) is a fundamental primitive in modern cryptography which is useful for implementing protocols for secure multi-party computation. We study several variants of oblivious transfer in this thesis. We present a new protocol for the so-called "Committed OT". This protocol is very efficient in the sense that it is quite good in comparison to the most efficient committed OT protocols in the literature. The abovementioned flaw with the use of OT can be fixed with our committed oblivious transfer protocol. Furthermore, it is more general than all previous protocols, and, therefore, it is of independent interest. We also deal with fairness in this thesis. For protocols based on garbled circuit, so far only Benny Pinkas has presented a protocol in the literature for achieving fairness. We show a subtle problem with this protocol where the privacy of the inputs of one party can be compromised. We also describe this problem in detail which is in fact related to the fairness, and finally propose a more efficient scheme that does achieve fairness

    Secure and fair two-party computation

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    Consider several parties that do not trust each other, yet they wish to correctly compute some common function of their local inputs while keeping these inputs private. This problem is known as "Secure Multi-Party Computation", and was introduced by Andrew Yao in 1982. Secure multi-party computations have some real world examples like electronic auctions, electronic voting or fingerprinting. In this thesis we consider the case where there are only two parties involved. This is known as "Secure Two-Party Computation". If there is a trusted third party called Carol, then the problem is pretty straightforward. The participating parties could hand their inputs in Carol who can compute the common function correctly and could return the outputs to the corresponding parties. The goal is to achieve (almost) the same result when there is no trusted third party. Cryptographic protocols are designed in order to solve these kinds of problems. These protocols are analyzed within an appropriate model in which the behavior of parties is structured. The basic level is called the Semi-Honest Model where parties are assumed to follow the protocol specification, but later can derive additional information based on the messages which have been received so far. A more realistic model is the so-called Malicious Model. The common approach is to first analyze a protocol in the semi-honest model and then later extend it into the malicious model. Any cryptographic protocol for secure two-party computation must satisfy the following security requirements: correctness, privacy and fairness. It must guarantee the correctness of the result while preserving the privacy of the parties’ inputs, even if one of the parties is malicious and behaves arbitrarily throughout the protocol. It must also guarantee fairness. This roughly means that whenever a party aborts the protocol prematurely, he or she should not have any advantage over the other party in discovering the output. The main question for researchers is to construct new protocols that achieve the above mentioned goals for secure multi-party computation. Of course, such protocols must be secure in a given model, as well as be as efficient as possible. In 1986, Yao presented the first general protocol for secure two-party computation which was applicable only to the semi-honest model. He uses a tool called "Garbled Circuit". Yao’s protocol uses the underlying primitives ("Pseudorandom Generator" and "Oblivious Transfer") as blackboxes which lead to efficient results. After Yao’s work many variants and improvements have been proposed for the malicious model. In this thesis, we design several new protocols for secure two-party computation based on Yao’s garbled circuit. Before we present the details of our new designs, we first show several weaknesses, security flaws or problems with the existing protocols in the literature. We first work in the semi-honest model and then extend it into the malicious model by presenting new protocols. Finally we add fairness to our protocol. Oblivious transfer (OT) is a fundamental primitive in modern cryptography which is useful for implementing protocols for secure multi-party computation. We study several variants of oblivious transfer in this thesis. We present a new protocol for the so-called "Committed OT". This protocol is very efficient in the sense that it is quite good in comparison to the most efficient committed OT protocols in the literature. The abovementioned flaw with the use of OT can be fixed with our committed oblivious transfer protocol. Furthermore, it is more general than all previous protocols, and, therefore, it is of independent interest. We also deal with fairness in this thesis. For protocols based on garbled circuit, so far only Benny Pinkas has presented a protocol in the literature for achieving fairness. We show a subtle problem with this protocol where the privacy of the inputs of one party can be compromised. We also describe this problem in detail which is in fact related to the fairness, and finally propose a more efficient scheme that does achieve fairness

    Universally Composable Verifiable Random Oracles

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    Random Oracles werden hĂ€ufig in der Kryptographie eingesetzt um sehr effiziente Instanziierungen mĂ€chtiger kryptographischer Primitive zu konstruieren. Jedoch ist diese Praxis im Allgemeinen nicht zulĂ€ssig wie verschiedene Nicht-Instanziierungs-Ergebnisse fĂŒr Random Oracles mittels lokal berechenbarer Familien von Funktionen durch Halevi et al. (JACM ’04) zeigt. Die Random Oracle Modell kann sicher eingesetzt werden, indem Random Oracles nicht mit einer lokal berechenbaren Hashfunktion, sondern stattdessen mit einem interaktiven Protokoll instanziiert werden. In der realen Welt könnte solch ein interaktives Protokoll beispielsweise aus einem vertrauenswĂŒrdigen Server, welcher ĂŒber das Internet erreichbar ist, bestehen. Dieser Server wĂŒrde sodann eine der bekannten Techniken wie lazy sampling oder das Auswerten einer Pseudo-ZufĂ€lligen Funktion verwenden, um die FunktionalitĂ€t eines Random Oracle bereitzustellen. Ein klarer Nachteil dieses Ansatzes ist die große Menge an Interaktion, die bei jeder Berechnung, die eine Auswertung des Random Oracle beinhaltet, nötig ist. Wir wollen diese Interaktion auf ein Minimum reduzieren. Um obiges Unmöglichkeitsresultat zu umgehen, muss die Auswertung des Random Oracle auf einer frischen Eingabe Interaktion der auswertenden Partei mit einer anderen Partei beinhalten. Dies ist jedoch nicht der einzige Verwendungszweck von Random Oracles, der hĂ€ufig in kryptographischen Protokollen auftritt. Bei einem weiteren solchen Zweck wertet zunĂ€chst eine Partei A das Orakel auf einer Eingabe aus und erhĂ€lt einen Hashwert. Im Anschluss sendet A Eingabe und Ausgabe (im Kontext eines Protokolls) an eine zweite Partei B und möchte B davon ĂŒberzeugen, dass das Random Oracle korrekt ausgewertet wurde. Eine einfache Möglichkeit dies zu prĂŒfen besteht darin, dass B selbst eine Auswertung des Random Oracle auf der erhaltenen Eingabe tĂ€tigt und die beiden Ausgaben vergleicht. In unserem Kontext benötigt dies jedoch erneut Interaktion. Der Wunsch diesen zweiten Verwendungszweck nicht-interaktiv zu machen fĂŒhrt uns zum Begriff eines Verifiable Random Oracle (VRO) als Erweiterung eines Random Oracle. Abstrakt besteht ein VRO aus zwei Orakeln. Das erste Orakel verhĂ€lt sich wie ein Random Oracle dessen Ausgabe um einen Korrektheitsbeweis erweitert wurde. Mit Hilfe dieses Beweises kann das zweite Orakel dazu verwendet werden öffentlich die korrekte Auswertung des Random Oracle zu verifizieren. Obwohl diese Orakel-basierte Formulierung nicht notwendigerweise nicht-interaktive Verifikation besitzt, so erlaubt jedoch die EinfĂŒhrung expliziter Korrektheitsbeweise dies. In dieser Masterarbeit formalisieren wir zunĂ€chst den Begriff eines VRO im Universal Composability Framework von Canetti (FOCS ’01). Danach wenden wir VROs auf zwei kryptographische Anwendungen an, die in ihrer ursprĂŒnglichen Formulierung das Random Oracle Modell verwenden, und zeigen, das deren Sicherheitseigenschaften erhalten bleiben. Um zu zeigen, dass unsere Definition realisierbar ist, konstruieren wir mehrere Protokolle, die die ideale VRO FunktionalitĂ€t realisieren. Diese reichen von Protokollen fĂŒr eine einzelne vertrauenswĂŒrdige Partei bis hin zu verteilten Protokollen, die eine gewisse Menge an böswilliger Korruption erlauben. Wir vergleichen weiterhin VROs mit Ă€hnlichen existierenden Primitiven