168 research outputs found

    Reaction Null Space of a multibody system with applications in robotics

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    This paper provides an overview of implementation examples based on the Reaction Null Space formalism, developed initially to tackle the problem of satellite-base disturbance of a free-floating space robot, when the robot arm is activated. The method has been applied throughout the years to other unfixed-base systems, e.g. flexible-base and macro/mini robot systems, as well as to the balance control problem of humanoid robots. The paper also includes most recent results about complete dynamical decoupling of the end-link of a fixed-base robot, wherein the end-link is regarded as the unfixed-base. This interpretation is shown to be useful with regard to motion/force control scenarios. Respective implementation results are provided

    Magnetorheological Variable Stiffness Robot Legs for Improved Locomotion Performance

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    In an increasingly automated world, interest in the field of robotics is surging, with an exciting branch of this area being legged robotics. These biologically inspired robots have leg-like limbs which enable locomotion, suited to challenging terrains which wheels struggle to conquer. While it has been quite some time since the idea of a legged machine was first made a reality, this technology has been modernised with compliant legs to improve locomotion performance. Recently, developments in biological science have uncovered that humans and animals alike control their leg stiffness, adapting to different locomotion conditions. Furthermore, as these studies highlighted potential to improve upon the existing compliant-legged robots, modern robot designs have seen implementation of variable stiffness into their legs. As this is quite a new concept, few works have been published which document such designs, and hence much potential exists for research in this area. As a promising technology which can achieve variable stiffness, magnetorheological (MR) smart materials may be ideal for use in robot legs. In particular, recent advances have enabled the use of MR fluid (MRF) to facilitate variable stiffness in a robust manner, in contrast to MR elastomer (MRE). Developed in this thesis is what was at the time the first rotary MR damper variable stiffness mechanism. This is proposed by the author for use within a robot leg to enable rapid stiffness control during locomotion. Based its mechanics and actuation, the leg is termed the magnetorheological variable stiffness actuator leg mark-I (MRVSAL-I). The leg, with a C-shaped morphology suited to torque actuation is first characterised through linear compression testing, demonstrating a wide range of stiffness variation. This variation is in response to an increase in electric current supplied to the internal electromagnetic coils of the MR damper. A limited degrees-of-freedom (DOF) bipedal locomotion platform is designed and manufactured to study the locomotion performance resulting from the variable stiffness leg. It is established that optimal stiffness tuning of the leg could achieve reduced mechanical cost of transport (MCOT), thereby improving locomotion performance. Despite the advancements to locomotion demonstrated, some design issues with the leg required further optimisation and a new leg morphology

    Study of Motion Control of A Flexible Link

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    20th century has witnessed massive upsurge in the use of manipulators in several industries especially in space, defense, and medical industries. Among the types of manipulators used, single link manipulators are the most widely used. A single link robotic manipulator is nothing but a link controlled by an actuator to carry out a particular function such as placing a payload from point A to point B. For low power requirements single link manipulators are made up of light weight materials which require flexibility considerations.Flexibility makes the dynamics of the link heavily non-linear which induces vibrations and overshoot. In this project initially the dynamic model of rigid flexible manipulator is explained, then the state space model of the manipulator system is incorporated into MATLAB. The link flexibility is studied by a single beam FEmodel, where expressions for kinetic and potential energyare employed to derive the torqueequation.The 3 flexible link equations are coupled in terms of 3 variables, θ, Ø and v. The tip angle is finally given aslvfor flexible case whereas for the rigid manipulator the tip angle is same as the hub angle θ. Thereforeaccurate computation of v is very important. The joint flexibility is excluded from analysis.Several comparisons were made between the rigid and flexible link for torque requirement. The relation between the trajectory and hub angle is also plotted in a graph.Finally a PD controller taking the errors and its derivative is designed based on the rigid link dynamics

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing supplement 180, May 1978

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    This special bibliography lists 201 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in April 1978

    Robot Composite Learning and the Nunchaku Flipping Challenge

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    Advanced motor skills are essential for robots to physically coexist with humans. Much research on robot dynamics and control has achieved success on hyper robot motor capabilities, but mostly through heavily case-specific engineering. Meanwhile, in terms of robot acquiring skills in a ubiquitous manner, robot learning from human demonstration (LfD) has achieved great progress, but still has limitations handling dynamic skills and compound actions. In this paper, we present a composite learning scheme which goes beyond LfD and integrates robot learning from human definition, demonstration, and evaluation. The method tackles advanced motor skills that require dynamic time-critical maneuver, complex contact control, and handling partly soft partly rigid objects. We also introduce the "nunchaku flipping challenge", an extreme test that puts hard requirements to all these three aspects. Continued from our previous presentations, this paper introduces the latest update of the composite learning scheme and the physical success of the nunchaku flipping challenge

    Bio-Inspired Robotics

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    Modern robotic technologies have enabled robots to operate in a variety of unstructured and dynamically-changing environments, in addition to traditional structured environments. Robots have, thus, become an important element in our everyday lives. One key approach to develop such intelligent and autonomous robots is to draw inspiration from biological systems. Biological structure, mechanisms, and underlying principles have the potential to provide new ideas to support the improvement of conventional robotic designs and control. Such biological principles usually originate from animal or even plant models, for robots, which can sense, think, walk, swim, crawl, jump or even fly. Thus, it is believed that these bio-inspired methods are becoming increasingly important in the face of complex applications. Bio-inspired robotics is leading to the study of innovative structures and computing with sensory–motor coordination and learning to achieve intelligence, flexibility, stability, and adaptation for emergent robotic applications, such as manipulation, learning, and control. This Special Issue invites original papers of innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, and novel applications and business models relevant to the selected topics of ``Bio-Inspired Robotics''. Bio-Inspired Robotics is a broad topic and an ongoing expanding field. This Special Issue collates 30 papers that address some of the important challenges and opportunities in this broad and expanding field

    MUSME 2011 4 th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics

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    El libro de actas recoge las aportaciones de los autores a través de los correspondientes artículos a la Dinámica de Sistemas Multicuerpo y la Mecatrónica (Musme). Estas disciplinas se han convertido en una importante herramienta para diseñar máquinas, analizar prototipos virtuales y realizar análisis CAD sobre complejos sistemas mecánicos articulados multicuerpo. La dinámica de sistemas multicuerpo comprende un gran número de aspectos que incluyen la mecánica, dinámica estructural, matemáticas aplicadas, métodos de control, ciencia de los ordenadores y mecatrónica. Los artículos recogidos en el libro de actas están relacionados con alguno de los siguientes tópicos del congreso: Análisis y síntesis de mecanismos ; Diseño de algoritmos para sistemas mecatrónicos ; Procedimientos de simulación y resultados ; Prototipos y rendimiento ; Robots y micromáquinas ; Validaciones experimentales ; Teoría de simulación mecatrónica ; Sistemas mecatrónicos ; Control de sistemas mecatrónicosUniversitat Politècnica de València (2011). MUSME 2011 4 th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13224Archivo delegad

    Intelligent active torque control for vibration reduction of a sprayer boom suspension system

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    The most usual way of protecting crop from diseases is by using chemical method whereby mixture of chemicals and water are sprayed onto crop via nozzles. These nozzles are located consistently along a boom structure oriented perpendicular to the direction of motion to cover large areas. The most important factor on spray distribution pattern is spray boom vibration. Thus, suspension control aims to attenuate the unwanted vibration and should provide improvements in term of distribution uniformity. In this study, a combination of passive and active suspension was considered to create superior performance. A passive suspension was employed to control undesired vertical motion of sprayer boom structure while the roll movement of spray boom was reduced via active suspension. The active suspension system of sprayer was implemented by applying robust active torque control (ATC) scheme that integrates artificial intelligence (AI) methods plus another feedback control technique utilizing proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control. The proposed control system basically comprises of two feedback control loops; an innermost loop for compensation of the disturbances using ATC strategy and an outermost loop for the computation of the desired torque for the actuator using a PID controller. Two AI methods employing artificial neural network (ANN) and iterative learning (IL) were proposed and utilized to compute the estimated inertial parameter of the system through the ATC loop. The research proposes two main control schemes; the first is a combination of ATC and ANN (ATCANN) while the other is ATC and IL (ATCAIL). The suspension system was first modeled and a number of farmland terrains were simulated as the main disturbance components to verify the robustness of the system and sprayer boom dynamic performance related to distribution uniformity. The simulation results both in frequency and time domains show the effectiveness of the proposed ATC schemes in reducing the disturbances and other loading conditions. The control schemes were further implemented experimentally on a developed laboratory spray boom suspension test rig