142 research outputs found

    On Routing Disjoint Paths in Bounded Treewidth Graphs

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    We study the problem of routing on disjoint paths in bounded treewidth graphs with both edge and node capacities. The input consists of a capacitated graph GG and a collection of kk source-destination pairs M={(s1,t1),ā€¦,(sk,tk)}\mathcal{M} = \{(s_1, t_1), \dots, (s_k, t_k)\}. The goal is to maximize the number of pairs that can be routed subject to the capacities in the graph. A routing of a subset Mā€²\mathcal{M}' of the pairs is a collection P\mathcal{P} of paths such that, for each pair (si,ti)āˆˆMā€²(s_i, t_i) \in \mathcal{M}', there is a path in P\mathcal{P} connecting sis_i to tit_i. In the Maximum Edge Disjoint Paths (MaxEDP) problem, the graph GG has capacities cap(e)\mathrm{cap}(e) on the edges and a routing P\mathcal{P} is feasible if each edge ee is in at most cap(e)\mathrm{cap}(e) of the paths of P\mathcal{P}. The Maximum Node Disjoint Paths (MaxNDP) problem is the node-capacitated counterpart of MaxEDP. In this paper we obtain an O(r3)O(r^3) approximation for MaxEDP on graphs of treewidth at most rr and a matching approximation for MaxNDP on graphs of pathwidth at most rr. Our results build on and significantly improve the work by Chekuri et al. [ICALP 2013] who obtained an O(rā‹…3r)O(r \cdot 3^r) approximation for MaxEDP

    Vertex Sparsifiers: New Results from Old Techniques

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    Given a capacitated graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) and a set of terminals KāŠ†VK \subseteq V, how should we produce a graph HH only on the terminals KK so that every (multicommodity) flow between the terminals in GG could be supported in HH with low congestion, and vice versa? (Such a graph HH is called a flow-sparsifier for GG.) What if we want HH to be a "simple" graph? What if we allow HH to be a convex combination of simple graphs? Improving on results of Moitra [FOCS 2009] and Leighton and Moitra [STOC 2010], we give efficient algorithms for constructing: (a) a flow-sparsifier HH that maintains congestion up to a factor of O(logā”k/logā”logā”k)O(\log k/\log \log k), where k=āˆ£Kāˆ£k = |K|, (b) a convex combination of trees over the terminals KK that maintains congestion up to a factor of O(logā”k)O(\log k), and (c) for a planar graph GG, a convex combination of planar graphs that maintains congestion up to a constant factor. This requires us to give a new algorithm for the 0-extension problem, the first one in which the preimages of each terminal are connected in GG. Moreover, this result extends to minor-closed families of graphs. Our improved bounds immediately imply improved approximation guarantees for several terminal-based cut and ordering problems.Comment: An extended abstract appears in the 13th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX), 2010. Final version to appear in SIAM J. Computin

    Degree-3 Treewidth Sparsifiers

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    We study treewidth sparsifiers. Informally, given a graph GG of treewidth kk, a treewidth sparsifier HH is a minor of GG, whose treewidth is close to kk, āˆ£V(H)āˆ£|V(H)| is small, and the maximum vertex degree in HH is bounded. Treewidth sparsifiers of degree 33 are of particular interest, as routing on node-disjoint paths, and computing minors seems easier in sub-cubic graphs than in general graphs. In this paper we describe an algorithm that, given a graph GG of treewidth kk, computes a topological minor HH of GG such that (i) the treewidth of HH is Ī©(k/polylog(k))\Omega(k/\text{polylog}(k)); (ii) āˆ£V(H)āˆ£=O(k4)|V(H)| = O(k^4); and (iii) the maximum vertex degree in HH is 33. The running time of the algorithm is polynomial in āˆ£V(G)āˆ£|V(G)| and kk. Our result is in contrast to the known fact that unless NPāŠ†coNP/polyNP \subseteq coNP/{\sf poly}, treewidth does not admit polynomial-size kernels. One of our key technical tools, which is of independent interest, is a construction of a small minor that preserves node-disjoint routability between two pairs of vertex subsets. This is closely related to the open question of computing small good-quality vertex-cut sparsifiers that are also minors of the original graph.Comment: Extended abstract to appear in Proceedings of ACM-SIAM SODA 201

    Steiner Point Removal with Distortion O(logā”k)O(\log k)

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    In the Steiner point removal (SPR) problem, we are given a weighted graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and a set of terminals KāŠ‚VK\subset V of size kk. The objective is to find a minor MM of GG with only the terminals as its vertex set, such that the distance between the terminals will be preserved up to a small multiplicative distortion. Kamma, Krauthgamer and Nguyen [KKN15] used a ball-growing algorithm with exponential distributions to show that the distortion is at most O(logā”5k)O(\log^5 k). Cheung [Che17] improved the analysis of the same algorithm, bounding the distortion by O(logā”2k)O(\log^2 k). We improve the analysis of this ball-growing algorithm even further, bounding the distortion by O(logā”k)O(\log k)

    Graph Sparsification by Edge-Connectivity and Random Spanning Trees

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    We present new approaches to constructing graph sparsifiers --- weighted subgraphs for which every cut has the same value as the original graph, up to a factor of (1Ā±Ļµ)(1 \pm \epsilon). Our first approach independently samples each edge uvuv with probability inversely proportional to the edge-connectivity between uu and vv. The fact that this approach produces a sparsifier resolves a question posed by Bencz\'ur and Karger (2002). Concurrent work of Hariharan and Panigrahi also resolves this question. Our second approach constructs a sparsifier by forming the union of several uniformly random spanning trees. Both of our approaches produce sparsifiers with O(nlogā”2(n)/Ļµ2)O(n \log^2(n)/\epsilon^2) edges. Our proofs are based on extensions of Karger's contraction algorithm, which may be of independent interest
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