1,795 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the ECSCW'95 Workshop on the Role of Version Control in CSCW Applications

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    The workshop entitled "The Role of Version Control in Computer Supported Cooperative Work Applications" was held on September 10, 1995 in Stockholm, Sweden in conjunction with the ECSCW'95 conference. Version control, the ability to manage relationships between successive instances of artifacts, organize those instances into meaningful structures, and support navigation and other operations on those structures, is an important problem in CSCW applications. It has long been recognized as a critical issue for inherently cooperative tasks such as software engineering, technical documentation, and authoring. The primary challenge for versioning in these areas is to support opportunistic, open-ended design processes requiring the preservation of historical perspectives in the design process, the reuse of previous designs, and the exploitation of alternative designs. The primary goal of this workshop was to bring together a diverse group of individuals interested in examining the role of versioning in Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Participation was encouraged from members of the research community currently investigating the versioning process in CSCW as well as application designers and developers who are familiar with the real-world requirements for versioning in CSCW. Both groups were represented at the workshop resulting in an exchange of ideas and information that helped to familiarize developers with the most recent research results in the area, and to provide researchers with an updated view of the needs and challenges faced by application developers. In preparing for this workshop, the organizers were able to build upon the results of their previous one entitled "The Workshop on Versioning in Hypertext" held in conjunction with the ECHT'94 conference. The following section of this report contains a summary in which the workshop organizers report the major results of the workshop. The summary is followed by a section that contains the position papers that were accepted to the workshop. The position papers provide more detailed information describing recent research efforts of the workshop participants as well as current challenges that are being encountered in the development of CSCW applications. A list of workshop participants is provided at the end of the report. The organizers would like to thank all of the participants for their contributions which were, of course, vital to the success of the workshop. We would also like to thank the ECSCW'95 conference organizers for providing a forum in which this workshop was possible

    A Configuration Management System for Software Product Lines

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    Software product line engineering (SPLE) is a methodology for developing a family of software products in a particular domain by systematic reuse of shared code in order to improve product quality and reduce development time and cost. Currently, there are no software configuration management (SCM) tools that support software product line evolution. Conventional SCM tools are designed to support single product development. The use of conventional SCM tools forces developers to treat a software product line as a single software project by introducing new programming language constructs or using conditional compilation. We propose a research conguration management prototype called Molhado SPL that is designed specifically to support the evolution of software product lines. Molhado SPL addresses the evolution problem at the configuration level instead of at the code level. We studied the type of operations needed to support the evolution of software product lines and proposed a versioning model and eight cases of change propagation. Molhado SPL supports independent evolution of core assets and products, the sharing of code and the tracking relationships between products and shared code, and the eight cases of change propagation. The Molhado SPL consists of four layers with each layer providing a different type of service. At the heart of Molhado SPL are the versioning model, component object, shared component object, and project objects that allow for independent evolution of products and shared artifacts, for sharing, and for supporting change propagation. Furthermore,they allow product specific changes to shared code without interfering with the core asset that is shared. Products can also introduce product specific assets that only exist in that product. In order to for Molhado SPL to support product line, we implemented XML merging, feature model editing and debugging, and version-aware XML documents. To support merging of XML documents, we implemented a 3-way XML document merging algorithm that uses versioned data structures, change detection, and node identity. To support software product line derivation or modeling of software product line, we implemented support for feature model including editing and debugging. Finally, we created the version-aware XML document framework to support collaborative editing of XML documents without requiring a version repository. The version history is embedded in the documents using XML namespaces, so that the documents remain valid under the XML specification. The version-aware XML framework can also be used to support the exporting of documents from Molhado SPL repository to be edit outside and import back the change history made to the document. We evaluated Molhado SPL with two product lines: a document product line and a the graph data structures product line. This evaluation showed that Molhado SPL supports independently evolution of products and core assets and the eight change propagation cases. We did not evaluate MolhadoSPL in terms of scalability or usability. The main contributions of this dissertation research are: 1) Molhado SPL that supports the evolution of product lines, 2) a fast 3-way XML merge algorithm, 3) a version-aware XML document framework, and 4) a feature model editor and debugger

    Archiving scientific data

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    We present an archiving technique for hierarchical data with key structure. Our approach is based on the notion of timestamps whereby an element appearing in multiple versions of the database is stored only once along with a compact description of versions in which it appears. The basic idea of timestamping was discovered by Driscoll et. al. in the context of persistent data structures where one wishes to track the sequences of changes made to a data structure. We extend this idea to develop an archiving tool for XML data that is capable of providing meaningful change descriptions and can also efficiently support a variety of basic functions concerning the evolution of data such as retrieval of any specific version from the archive and querying the temporal history of any element. This is in contrast to diff-based approaches where such operations may require undoing a large number of changes or significant reasoning with the deltas. Surprisingly, our archiving technique does not incur any significant space overhead when contrasted with other approaches. Our experimental results support this and also show that the compacted archive file interacts well with other compression techniques. Finally, another useful property of our approach is that the resulting archive is also in XML and hence can directly leverage existing XML tools

    Versioning in Interactive Systems

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    Dealing with past states of an interactive system is often difficult, and users often resort to unwieldy methods such as saving and naming multiple copies. Versioning tools can help users save and manipulate different versions of a document, but traditional tools designed for coding are often unsuitable for interactive systems. Supporting versioning in interactive systems requires investigation of how users think about versions and how they want to access and manipulate past states. We first surveyed users to understand what a ‘version’ means to them in the context of digital interactive work, and the circumstances under which they create new versions or go back to previous ones. We then built a versioning tool that can store versions using a variety of explicit and implicit mechanisms and shows a graphical representation of the version tree to allow easy inspection and manipulation. To observe how users used versions in different work contexts, we tested our versioning tool in two interactive systems – a game level editor and a web analysis tool. We report several new findings about how users of interactive systems create versions and use them as undo alternatives, exploring options, and planning future work. Our results show that versioning can be a valuable component that improves the power and usability of interactive systems. The new understanding that we gained about versioning in interactive environments by developing and evaluating our custom version tool can help us design more effective versioning tools for interactive systems

    Principles of Dataset Versioning: Exploring the Recreation/Storage Tradeoff

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    The relative ease of collaborative data science and analysis has led to a proliferation of many thousands or millions of versionsversions of the same datasets in many scientific and commercial domains, acquired or constructed at various stages of data analysis across many users, and often over long periods of time. Managing, storing, and recreating these dataset versions is a non-trivial task. The fundamental challenge here is the storage−recreation  trade−offstorage-recreation\;trade-off: the more storage we use, the faster it is to recreate or retrieve versions, while the less storage we use, the slower it is to recreate or retrieve versions. Despite the fundamental nature of this problem, there has been a surprisingly little amount of work on it. In this paper, we study this trade-off in a principled manner: we formulate six problems under various settings, trading off these quantities in various ways, demonstrate that most of the problems are intractable, and propose a suite of inexpensive heuristics drawing from techniques in delay-constrained scheduling, and spanning tree literature, to solve these problems. We have built a prototype version management system, that aims to serve as a foundation to our DATAHUB system for facilitating collaborative data science. We demonstrate, via extensive experiments, that our proposed heuristics provide efficient solutions in practical dataset versioning scenarios

    Efficient Change Management of XML Documents

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    XML-based documents play a major role in modern information architectures and their corresponding work-flows. In this context, the ability to identify and represent differences between two versions of a document is essential. A second important aspect is the merging of document versions, which becomes crucial in parallel editing processes. Many different approaches exist that meet these challenges. Most rely on operational transformation or document annotation. In both approaches, the operations leading to changes are tracked, which requires corresponding editing applications. In the context of software development, however, a state-based approach is common. Here, document versions are compared and merged using external tools, called diff and patch. This allows users for freely editing documents without being tightened to special tools. Approaches exist that are able to compare XML documents. A corresponding merge capability is still not available. In this thesis, I present a comprehensive framework that allows for comparing and merging of XML documents using a state-based approach. Its design is based on an analysis of XML documents and their modification patterns. The heart of the framework is a context-oriented delta model. I present a diff algorithm that appears to be highly efficient in terms of speed and delta quality. The patch algorithm is able to merge document versions efficiently and reliably. The efficiency and the reliability of my approach are verified using a competitive test scenario
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