27,211 research outputs found

    Jesus the Jew: Contributions of Geza Vermes to the Modern Jesus Debate

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    In the spirit of interfaith dialog between Jews and Christians, this project focuses on the Jewish Jesus presented by Geza Vermes in his trilogy of books published during the last quarter of the twentieth century. The paper begins by looking at the life of Vermes as seen from his autobiography and continues into a review and reflection of the major themes Vermes examines in his three books on the search for the historical Jesus. Specifically, the paper covers Vermes\u27 theories regarding intertestamental Palestine, Jesus\u27 observance of Mosaic Law, His notion of the Kingdom of God, and His relation to the charismatic hasidim. These four sections create a believable picture of the Judaism of Jesus while also demonstrating the unique aspects of Jesus\u27 Jewishness. The paper then attempts to reconcile the Jesus presented by Vermes with the Jesus traditionally presented by Christianity

    CD Manuscript B and the Community Rule – Reflections on a Literary Relationship

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    This article begins by noting the proliferation of textual overlap between the Damascus Document and the Rule of the Community. Some examples of such overlap, such as the penal code, have received a large amount of scholarly attention in the wake of the publication of all the Cave 4 manuscripts. This study returns to a passage from CD manuscript B (CD 20:1b-8a) that has long been recognized as closely related to 1QS 8-9 and offers a reconsideration of the relationship between both texts in the light of the full publication of all the S manuscripts. The analysis offered here uncovers a complex inter-relationship between both texts as well as some intriguing pointers towards a complex literary history within the S tradition

    The Sons of Aaron in the Dead Sea Scrolls

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    Hawks\u27 Herald -- February 5, 2015

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    Strategy for Tomorro

    Hawks\u27 Herald -- February 5, 2015

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    Influence of biological variations and sample handling on measured microalbuminuria in diabetic patients

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    Five immunochemical assays for determining low concentrations of albumin were investigated. These were a radioimmunoassay (RIA); turbidimetric immunoassays (TIA) both according to end-point measuring principle on a Cobas Fara and Hitachi 717 analysers, and according to kinetic measuring principle on a Turbitimer instrument; and a nephelometric immunoassay (NIA). All achieved the analytical goal necessary for optimal patient care. The correlations between the albumin concentrations measured with the different techniques were very good. In vitro glycation of albumin did not influence albumin concentrations measured by the five assays. Urine albumin excretion measured over 3 consecutie days showed considerable day-to-day variation. This was highest for spot-urine specimens and significantly lower for 24 h and timed-overnight samples. Variation of storage temperature (room temperature, 4°C, -20°C), time (up till 3 months), and pH (within the range pH 5-8) of the urine samples did not change significantly the measured albumin concentrations. Different sample preparations (vortex-mixing, centrifugation, and thawing) had no influence on the measured albumin concentration. In conclusion, a maximum standardization of the collection of timed-overnight urine samples for screening and 24 h urine sampels for confirmation of microalbuminuria during 3 consecutive days is more crucial than the choice of the immunological technique

    Intervenção educacional sobre enteroparasitoses: um estudo quase experimental

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    Introdução: As enteroparasitoses vêm ocasionando sérios problemas de saúde pública no mundo, sobretudo nos países em desenvolvimento. Mesmo com a população em geral relatando que tem conhecimento sobre as parasitoses intestinais, estudos apontam que não sabem identificar as verminoses. Objetivo: Elaborar, implementar e avaliar um programa educativo sobre parasitoses intestinais em uma escola pública de Ribeirão Preto – SP. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo quase experimental, não randomizado realizado com 56 alunos do 1º a 4º ano do ensino fundamental. Para avaliar o conhecimento dos alunos antes e após intervenção educativa, foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado (Pré e Pós - teste). Resultados: Houve mudanças nas respostas dos alunos em relação hábitos de higiene, especialmente nas questões sobre como os vermes se alimentam (p=0,008); o que não fazer para não se contaminar com vermes (p=0,05); qual o formato dos vermes quando é ingerido (p=0,001); quais órgãos os vermes atravessam (p=0,001). Assim, ficou evidente que este tipo de atividade educativa foi eficiente para auxiliar na aprendizagem de alunos do ensino fundamental. Discussão: Após a atividade educativa sem notou um crescimento nos acertos para a maioria das questões, contudo ainda houve dificuldades de compreensão sobre os sintomas, o ciclo e quais organismos são vermes. Conclusões: Espera-se que este trabalho incentive profissionais da saúde e da educação a incluir práticas educativas sobre saúde no contexto escolar.Como citar este artigo: Bragagnollo GR, Godoy PCGT, Santos TS, Ribeiro VS, Morero JAP, Ferreira BR. Intervenção educacional sobre enteroparasitoses: um estudo quase experimental. Rev Cuid. 2018; 9(1): 2030-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.v9i1.486
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