101 research outputs found

    Verifying a Hash Table and Its Iterators in Higher-Order Separation Logic

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    International audienceWe describe the specification and proof of an (imperative, sequential) hash table implementation. The usual dictionary operations (insertion, lookup, and so on) are supported, as well as iteration via folds and iterators. The code is written in OCaml and verified using higher-order separation logic, embedded in Coq, via the CFML tool and library. This case study is part of a larger project that aims to build a verified OCaml library of basic data structures

    Leaf: Modularity for Temporary Sharing in Separation Logic (Extended Version)

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    In concurrent verification, separation logic provides a strong story for handling both resources that are owned exclusively and resources that are shared persistently (i.e., forever). However, the situation is more complicated for temporarily shared state, where state might be shared and then later reclaimed as exclusive. We believe that a framework for temporarily-shared state should meet two key goals not adequately met by existing techniques. One, it should allow and encourage users to verify new sharing strategies. Two, it should provide an abstraction where users manipulate shared state in a way agnostic to the means with which it is shared. We present Leaf, a library in the Iris separation logic which accomplishes both of these goals by introducing a novel operator, which we call guarding, that allows one proposition to represent a shared version of another. We demonstrate that Leaf meets these two goals through a modular case study: we verify a reader-writer lock that supports shared state, and a hash table built on top of it that uses shared state

    Temporary Read-Only Permissions for Separation Logic

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    International audienceWe present an extension of Separation Logic with a general mechanism for temporarily converting any assertion (or "permission") to a read-only form. No accounting is required: our read-only permissions can be freely duplicated and discarded. We argue that, in circumstances where mutable data structures are temporarily accessed only for reading, our read-only permissions enable more concise specifications and proofs. The metatheory of our proposal is verified in Coq

    Integrating ADTs in KeY and their application to history-based reasoning about collection

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    We discuss integrating abstract data types (ADTs) in the KeY theorem prover by a new approach to model data types using Isabelle/HOL as an interactive back-end, and represent Isabelle theorems as user-defined taclets in KeY. As a case study of this new approach, we reason about Java’s Collection interface using histories, and we prove the correctness of several clients that operate on multiple objects, thereby significantly improving the state-of-the-art of history-based reasoning. Open Science. Includes video material (Bian and Hiep in FigShare, 2021. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5413263) and a source code artifact (Bian et al. in Zenodo, 2022. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7079126)


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    A side channel is an observable attribute of program execution other than explicit communication, e.g., power usage, execution time, or page fault patterns. A side-channel attack occurs when a malicious adversary observes program secrets through a side channel. This dissertation introduces Covert C++, a library which uses template metaprogramming to superimpose a security-type system on top of C++’s existing type system. Covert C++ enforces an information-flow policy that prevents secret data from influencing program control flow and memory access patterns, thus obviating side-channel leaks. Formally, Covert C++ can facilitate an extended definition of the classical noninterference property, broadened to also cover the dynamic execution property of memory-trace obliviousness. This solution does not require any modifications to the compiler, linker, or C++ standard. To verify that these security properties can be preserved by the compiler (i.e., by compiler optimizations), this dissertation introduces the Noninterference Verification Tool (NVT). The NVT employs a novel dynamic analysis technique which combines input fuzzing with dynamic memory tracing. Specifically, the NVT detects when secret data influences a program’s memory trace, i.e., the sequence of instruction fetches and data accesses. Moreover, the NVT signals when a program leaks secret data to a publicly-observable storage channel. The Covert C++ library and the NVT are two components of the broader Covert C++ toolchain. The toolchain also provides a collection of refactoring tools to interactively transform legacy C or C++ code into Covert C++ code. Finally, the dissertation introduces libOblivious, a library to facilitate high-performance memory-trace oblivious computation with Covert C++
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