13 research outputs found

    Analysis of Composite Web Services using Logging Facilities

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    Web services are becoming more and more complex, involving numerous interacting business objects within considerable processes. In order to fully explore Web service business opportunities while ensuring a correct and reliable modelling and execution, analyzing and tracking Web services interactions will enable them to be well understood and controlled. Then, given the resulting event log we want to verify certain specified properties, to provide knowledge about the context of and the reasons for discrepancies between services'behaviours and related instances. This paper advocates a novel technique to log composite Web services and a formal approach, based on an algeabric specification of the discrete event calculus language DEC, to check behavioural properties of composite Web services regarding their execution log. An automated induction-based theorem prover SPIKE is used as verification back-end

    Towards Formal Verification of Web Service Composition

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    http://www.springerlink.com/Web services composition is an emerging paradigm for enabling application integration within and across organizational boundaries. Current Web services composition proposals, such as BPML, WSBPEL, WSCI, and OWL-S, provide solutions for describing the control and data flows in Web service composition. However, such proposals remain at the descriptive level, without providing any kind of mechanisms or tool support for analysis and verification. Therefore, there is a growing interest for the verification techniques which enable designers to test and repair design errors even before actual running of the service, or allow designers to detect erroneous properties and formally verify whether the service process design does have certain desired properties. In this paper, we propose to verify Web services composition using an event driven approach. We assume Web services that are coordinated by a composition process expressed in WSBPEL and we use Event Calculus to specify the properties and requirements to be monitored

    Web Service Mining and Verification of Properties: An approach based on Event Calculus

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    http://www.springerlink.com/Web services are becoming more and more complex, involving numerous interacting business objects within complex distributed processes. In order to fully explore Web service business opportunities, while ensuring a correct and reliable execution, analyzing and tracking Web services interactions will enable them to be well understood and controlled. The work described in this paper is a contribution to these issues for Web services based process applications. This article describes a novel way of applying process mining techniques to Web services logs in order to enable ''Web service intelligence''. Our work attempts to apply Web service log-based analysis and process mining techniques in order to provide semantical knowledge about the context of and the reasons for discrepancies between process models and related instances

    A Semantical Framework To Engineering WSBPEL Processes

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    International audienceWeb services promise the interoperability of various applications running on heterogeneous platforms over the Internet, and are gaining more and more attention. Web service composition refers to the process of combining Web services to provide value-added services, which has received much interest in supporting enterprize application integration. Industry standards for Web Service composition, such as WSBPEL, provide the notation and additional control mechanisms for the execution of business processes in Web service collaborations. However, these standards do not provide support for checking interesting properties related to Web Service and process behavior. In an attempt to fill this gap, we describe a formalization of WSBPEL business processes, that adds communications semantics to the specifications of interacting Web services, and uses a formal logic to model their dynamic behavior, which enables their formal analysis and the inference of relevant properties of the systems being built

    Business Process Variability:a study into process management and verification

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    Business process management (BPM) beheert en optimaliseert bedrijfsprocessen met het doel om productiviteit en bedrijfsprestaties te verhogen. BPM is een snel evoluerend veld door nieuw opkomende vereisten vanuit flexibele bedrijfstakken waar bedrijfsprocessen steeds minder star behoren te zijn. Waar BPM in het verleden specifieke rigide en repetitieve werkeenheden ondersteunde voor de lokale gebruiker, wordt tegenwoordig vereist dat het losgekoppelde processen ondersteunt in cloud configuraties, te midden van vele gebruikers met elk vele verschillende eisen.Zolang het BPM veld een stijgend aantal snel evoluerende bedrijfsprocessen in flexibele bedrijfstakken ondersteunt, moet de evolutie van elk bedrijfsproces aanhoudend correct gedrag vertonen en tevens voldoen aan de opgelegde wet- en regelgeving en interne bedrijfsregels. Om het aanhoudend correct gedrag te ondersteunen van snel evoluerende BP, of de definitie van een breed aantal soortgelijke bedrijfsprocessen, evalueren we de toepassing van formele verificatietechnieken als mogelijke oplossing voor analyse van het juiste gedrag en wettelijk conforme ontwerp van bedrijfsprocessen binnen mogelijke proces families, welke plaatsvindt voorafgaand aan de uitvoering van dat bedrijfsproces.Een innovatieve benadering voor verificatie tijdens de ontwerpfase wordt gepresenteerd. De benadering ondersteunt de verschillende vertakkende en samenvoegende constructies zoals toegestaan in bedrijfsprocesmodellen en hun service composities. Evaluaties met betrekking tot expressiviteit bewijzen dat, anders dan doorgaans toegepaste transitiesystemen, het voorgestelde model bekende bedrijfsprocespatronen juist vastlegt. Verder behoudt het model informatie over de aanwezigheid van parallelle activiteiten en de lokale volgende activiteit: een eigenschap uniek aan de voorgestelde aanpak.Business Process Management (BPM) manages and optimizes business processes with the intent to increase productivity and performance. BPM is a rapidly evolving field due to new requirements emerging at agile branches of business where business processes are required to be less and less rigid. Where BPM supported local user-specific rigid and repetitive units of work in the past, these days it is required to support loosely-coupled processes in cloud configurations among many users with each many different requirements.As the field of BPM continues to manage an increasing number of rapidly evolving business processes in agile environments, the evolution of each business process must continue to always behave in a correct manner and remain compliant with the laws, regulations, and internal business requirements imposed upon it. To manage the correct behavior of quickly evolving business processes, or the definition of a wide variety of similar business processes, we evaluate the application of formal verification techniques as a possible solution for the pre-runtime analysis of the correct behavior and compliant design of business processes within possible process families. A novel approach allowing pre-runtime verification that supports the different branching and merging constructs allowed by business process models and their service compositions is presented. Evaluations on expressive power demonstrate that, other than the generally employed transition systems, the proposed model correctly captures well-known business process patterns. Furthermore, it maintains information on parallel occurrences of activities and the local next activity occurrence: an ability which is unique to the presented approach