9 research outputs found

    Interprocedural Reachability for Flat Integer Programs

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    We study programs with integer data, procedure calls and arbitrary call graphs. We show that, whenever the guards and updates are given by octagonal relations, the reachability problem along control flow paths within some language w1* ... wd* over program statements is decidable in Nexptime. To achieve this upper bound, we combine a program transformation into the same class of programs but without procedures, with an Np-completeness result for the reachability problem of procedure-less programs. Besides the program, the expression w1* ... wd* is also mapped onto an expression of a similar form but this time over the transformed program statements. Several arguments involving context-free grammars and their generative process enable us to give tight bounds on the size of the resulting expression. The currently existing gap between Np-hard and Nexptime can be closed to Np-complete when a certain parameter of the analysis is assumed to be constant.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    Branching-Time Model Checking Gap-Order Constraint Systems

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    Abstract. We consider the model checking problem for Gap-order Con-straint Systems (GCS) w.r.t. the branching-time temporal logic CTL, and in particular its fragments EG and EF. GCS are nondeterministic infinitely branching processes described by evolutions of integer-valued variables, subject to Presburger constraints of the form x−y ≥ k, where x and y are variables or constants and k ∈ N is a non-negative constant. We show that EG model checking is undecidable for GCS, while EF is decidable. In particular, this implies the decidability of strong and weak bisimulation equivalence between GCS and finite-state systems.

    Satisfiability of ECTL* with tree constraints

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    Recently, we have shown that satisfiability for ECTL∗\mathsf{ECTL}^* with constraints over Z\mathbb{Z} is decidable using a new technique. This approach reduces the satisfiability problem of ECTL∗\mathsf{ECTL}^* with constraints over some structure A (or class of structures) to the problem whether A has a certain model theoretic property that we called EHD (for "existence of homomorphisms is decidable"). Here we apply this approach to concrete domains that are tree-like and obtain several results. We show that satisfiability of ECTL∗\mathsf{ECTL}^* with constraints is decidable over (i) semi-linear orders (i.e., tree-like structures where branches form arbitrary linear orders), (ii) ordinal trees (semi-linear orders where the branches form ordinals), and (iii) infinitely branching trees of height h for each fixed h∈Nh\in \mathbb{N}. We prove that all these classes of structures have the property EHD. In contrast, we introduce Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse-games for WMSO+B\mathsf{WMSO}+\mathsf{B} (weak MSO\mathsf{MSO} with the bounding quantifier) and use them to show that the infinite (order) tree does not have property EHD. As a consequence, a different approach has to be taken in order to settle the question whether satisfiability of ECTL∗\mathsf{ECTL}^* (or even LTL\mathsf{LTL}) with constraints over the infinite (order) tree is decidable

    S.: Verification of gap-order constraint abstractions of counter systems

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    Abstract. We investigate verification problems for gap-order constraint systems (GCS), an (infinitely-branching) abstract model of counter machines, in which constraints (over Z) between the variables of the source state and the target state of a transition are gap-order constraints (GC) [27].GCS extend monotonicity constraint systems [5], integral relation automata [12], and constraint automata in [15]. First, we show that checking the existence of infinite runs in GCS satisfying acceptance conditions àlaBüchi (fairness problem) is decidable and PSPACEcomplete. Next, we consider a constrained branching-time logic, GCCTL ∗ , obtained by enriching CTL ∗ with GC, thus enabling expressive properties and subsuming the setting of [12]. We establish that, while model-checking GCS against the universal fragment of GCCTL ∗ is undecidable, model-checking against the existential fragment, and satisfiability of both the universal and existential fragments are instead decidable and PSPACE-complete (note that the two fragments are not dual since GC are not closed under negation). Moreover, our results imply PSPACE-completeness of the verification problems investigated and shown to be decidable in [12], but for which no elementary upper bounds are known.