2,453 research outputs found

    Speculative Approximations for Terascale Analytics

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    Model calibration is a major challenge faced by the plethora of statistical analytics packages that are increasingly used in Big Data applications. Identifying the optimal model parameters is a time-consuming process that has to be executed from scratch for every dataset/model combination even by experienced data scientists. We argue that the incapacity to evaluate multiple parameter configurations simultaneously and the lack of support to quickly identify sub-optimal configurations are the principal causes. In this paper, we develop two database-inspired techniques for efficient model calibration. Speculative parameter testing applies advanced parallel multi-query processing methods to evaluate several configurations concurrently. The number of configurations is determined adaptively at runtime, while the configurations themselves are extracted from a distribution that is continuously learned following a Bayesian process. Online aggregation is applied to identify sub-optimal configurations early in the processing by incrementally sampling the training dataset and estimating the objective function corresponding to each configuration. We design concurrent online aggregation estimators and define halting conditions to accurately and timely stop the execution. We apply the proposed techniques to distributed gradient descent optimization -- batch and incremental -- for support vector machines and logistic regression models. We implement the resulting solutions in GLADE PF-OLA -- a state-of-the-art Big Data analytics system -- and evaluate their performance over terascale-size synthetic and real datasets. The results confirm that as many as 32 configurations can be evaluated concurrently almost as fast as one, while sub-optimal configurations are detected accurately in as little as a 1/20th1/20^{\text{th}} fraction of the time

    On the Treatment of Field Quantities and Elemental Continuity in FEM Solutions

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    As the finite element method (FEM) and the finite volume method (FVM), both traditional and high-order variants, continue their proliferation into various applied engineering disciplines, it is important that the visualization techniques and corresponding data analysis tools that act on the results produced by these methods faithfully represent the underlying data. To state this in another way: the interpretation of data generated by simulation needs to be consistent with the numerical schemes that underpin the specific solver technology. As the verifiable visualization literature has demonstrated: visual artifacts produced by the introduction of either explicit or implicit data transformations, such as data resampling, can sometimes distort or even obfuscate key scientific features in the data. In this paper, we focus on the handling of elemental continuity, which is often only C0 continuous or piecewise discontinuous, when visualizing primary or derived fields from FEM or FVM simulations. We demonstrate that traditional data handling and visualization of these fields introduce visual errors. In addition, we show how the use of the recently proposed line-SIAC filter provides a way of handling elemental continuity issues in an accuracy-conserving manner with the added benefit of casting the data in a smooth context even if the representation is element discontinuous

    Society-oriented cryptographic techniques for information protection

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    Groups play an important role in our modern world. They are more reliable and more trustworthy than individuals. This is the reason why, in an organisation, crucial decisions are left to a group of people rather than to an individual. Cryptography supports group activity by offering a wide range of cryptographic operations which can only be successfully executed if a well-defined group of people agrees to co-operate. This thesis looks at two fundamental cryptographic tools that are useful for the management of secret information. The first part looks in detail at secret sharing schemes. The second part focuses on society-oriented cryptographic systems, which are the application of secret sharing schemes in cryptography. The outline of thesis is as follows
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