503 research outputs found

    Development Environment for Optimized Locomotion System of Planetary Rovers

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    This paper addresses the first steps that have been undergone to set up the development environement w.r.t optimization and to modelling and simulation of overall dynamics of the rover driving behaviour under all critical surface terrains, like soft and hard soils, slippage, bulldozing effect and digging in soft soil. Optimization is based on MOPS (Multi-Objective Prameter Synthesis), that is capable for handling several objective functions such as mass reduction, motor power reduction, increase of traction forces, rover stability guarantee, and more. The tool interferes with Matlab/Simulink and with Modelica/Dymola for dynamics model implementation. For modelling and simulation of the overall rover dynamics and terramechanical behaviour in all kind of soils we apply a Matlab based tool that takes advantage of the multibody dynamics tool Simpack. First results of very promising rover optimizations 6 wheels are presented that improve ExoMars rover type wheel suspension systems. Performance of driveability behaviour in different soils is presented as well. The next steps are discusses in order to achieve the planned overall development environment

    On multi-objective optimization of planetary exploration rovers applied to ExoMars-type rovers

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    ExoMars is the first robotic mission of the Aurora program of the European Space Agency (EAS). Surface mobility (as provided by ExoMarks rover) is one of the enabling technologies necessary for future exploration missions. This work uses previouly developed mathematical models to represent an ExoMars rover operation in soft/rocky terrain. The models are used in an optimization loop to evaluate multiple objective functions affected by the change in geometrical design parameters. Several objective funktions can be used in our optimization environment powered by MOPS (Multi-Objective Parameter Synthesis). Two environments are used to simulate the rover in stability sensitive conditions and power and sinkage sensitive conditions. Finally, an ExoMars-like configuration is proposed and consistent improvemnt directions are pointed out

    A novel concept for analysis and performance evaluation of wheeled rovers

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    [Abstract] - The analysis, design, and operation planning of rovers are often based on predictive dynamic simulation, where the multibody model of the vehicle is combined with terramechanics relations for the representation of the wheel–ground interaction. There are, however, limitations in terramechanics models that prevent their use in parametric analysis and simulation studies. Increasing mobility is generally a primary objective for the design and operation of rovers. The models and assumptions used in the analysis phase should target this objective. In this paper we put forward a new concept for the analysis of wheeled rovers, particularly for applications in off-road environments on soft soil. We propose a novel view of the problem based on the development of models that are primarily intended to represent how parameter changes in the robot design can influence performance. These models allow for the definition of indicators, which gives information about the behavior of the system. We term such models observative. In the reported work, a set of indicators for rover performance is formulated using such models. The ability of these indicators to characterize the behavior of a rover is assessed with a series of simulation tests and experiments. The indicators defined using observative models succeeded to capture the changes in rover performance due to variations in the system parameters. Results show that the proposed models can provide a useful tool for the design and operation of planetary exploration rovers

    Mobility Evaluation of Wheeled Robots on Soft Terrain: Effect of Internal Force Distribution

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    [Abstract] Many applications of wheeled robots include operations in unstructured environments. Optimizing vehicle mobility is of key importance in these cases. Reduced mobility can limit the ability of the robot to achieve the mission goals and can even render it immobile in extreme cases. In this paper, some aspects of the effect of the wheel–ground interaction force distribution on mobility are investigated. A performance index based on the normal force distribution is used to compare different design layouts and vehicle configurations. The validity of this index was assessed using both multibody dynamics simulation and experimental results obtained with a six-wheeled rover prototype. Results confirmed that modifying the system configuration and employing active suspensions to alter the normal force distribution can lead to an increase of traction force available at the wheel–terrain interfaces, thus improving rover mobility. Finally, the study was extended to consider the change of soil properties during operation due to the multipass effect. Optimum load distributions were obtained as the solution of a constrained maximization problem.MINECO; JCI-2012-1237

    Comparative Study of Different Methods in Vibration-Based Terrain Classification for Wheeled Robots with Shock Absorbers

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    open access articleAutonomous robots that operate in the field can enhance their security and efficiency by accurate terrain classification, which can be realized by means of robot-terrain interaction-generated vibration signals. In this paper, we explore the vibration-based terrain classification (VTC), in particular for a wheeled robot with shock absorbers. Because the vibration sensors are usually mounted on the main body of the robot, the vibration signals are dampened significantly, which results in the vibration signals collected on different terrains being more difficult to discriminate. Hence, the existing VTC methods applied to a robot with shock absorbers may degrade. The contributions are two-fold: (1) Several experiments are conducted to exhibit the performance of the existing feature-engineering and feature-learning classification methods; and (2) According to the long short-term memory (LSTM) network, we propose a one-dimensional convolutional LSTM (1DCL)-based VTC method to learn both spatial and temporal characteristics of the dampened vibration signals. The experiment results demonstrate that: (1) The feature-engineering methods, which are efficient in VTC of the robot without shock absorbers, are not so accurate in our project; meanwhile, the feature-learning methods are better choices; and (2) The 1DCL-based VTC method outperforms the conventional methods with an accuracy of 80.18%, which exceeds the second method (LSTM) by 8.23%

    Path planning for reconfigurable rovers in planetary exploration

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    This paper introduces a path planning algorithm that takes into consideration different locomotion modes in a wheeled reconfigurable rover. Such algorithm, based on Fast Marching, calculates the optimal path in terms of power consumption between two positions, providing the most appropriate locomotion mode to be used at each position. Finally, the path planning algorithm is validated on a virtual Martian scene created within the V-REP simulation platform, where a virtual model of a planetary rover prototype is controlled by the same software that is used on the real one. Results of this contribution also demonstrate how the use of two locomotion modes, wheel-walking and normal-driving, can reduce the power consumption for a particular area.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Rover technology for manned Mars missions

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    A set of roving vehicle design requirements were postulated, corresponding to an idealized Mars transport vehicle operational scenario which could serve as a reference for a manned Mars mission. The ability of conventional vehicles to satisfy these requirements were examined. The study indicated that no conventional vehicle could satisfy all of the requirements, as the vehicles are presently configured. Consequently, the requirements have to either be relaxed and/or an alternative, less conventional vehicle design will have to be developed. A possible unconventional vehicle design which has received considerable attention for DARPA and the Army is the walker vehicle. The design issues associated with this vehicle are presented, along with a comparison of the performance capabilities of this technology vs. conventional vehicle technology
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