3,615 research outputs found

    Two approaches toward constrained vector optimization and identity of the solutions

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    In this paper we deal with a Fritz John type constrained vector optimization problem. In spite that there are many concepts of solutions for an unconstrained vector optimization problem, we show the possibility “to double” the number of concepts when a constrained problem is considered. In particular we introduce sense I and sense II isolated minimizers, properly efficient points, efficient points and weakly efficient points. As a motivation leading to these concepts we give some results concerning optimality conditions in constrained vector optimization and stability properties of isolated minimizers and properly efficient points. Our main investigation and results concern relations between sense I and sense II concepts. These relations are proved mostly under convexity type conditions. Key words: Constrained vector optimization, Optimality conditions, Stability, Type of solutions and their identity, Vector optimization and convexity type conditions.

    Well-posed Vector Optimization Problems and Vector Variational Inequalities

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    In this paper we introduce notions of well-posedness for a vector optimization problem and for a vector variational inequality of differential type, we study their basic properties and we establish the links among them. The proposed concept of well-posedness for a vector optimization problem generalizes the notion of well-setness for scalar optimization problems, introduced in [2]. On the other side, the introduced definition of well-posedness for a vector variational inequality extends the one given in [13] for the scalar case.Keywords: vector optimization, vector variational inequality, well-posedness

    Variational inequalities in vector optimization

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    In this paper we investigate the links among generalized scalar variational inequalities of differential type, vector variational inequalities and vector optimization problems. The considered scalar variational inequalities are obtained through a nonlinear scalarization by means of the so called ”oriented distance” function [14, 15]. In the case of Stampacchia-type variational inequalities, the solutions of the proposed ones coincide with the solutions of the vector variational inequalities introduced by Giannessi [8]. For Minty-type variational inequalities, analogous coincidence happens under convexity hypotheses. Furthermore, the considered variational inequalities reveal useful in filling a gap between scalar and vector variational inequalities. Namely, in the scalar case Minty variational inequalities of differential type represent a sufficient optimality condition without additional assumptions, while in the vector case the convexity hypothesis was needed. Moreover it is shown that vector functions admitting a solution of the proposed Minty variational inequality enjoy some well-posedness properties, analogously to the scalar case [4].

    Perron vector optimization applied to search engines

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    In the last years, Google's PageRank optimization problems have been extensively studied. In that case, the ranking is given by the invariant measure of a stochastic matrix. In this paper, we consider the more general situation in which the ranking is determined by the Perron eigenvector of a nonnegative, but not necessarily stochastic, matrix, in order to cover Kleinberg's HITS algorithm. We also give some results for Tomlin's HOTS algorithm. The problem consists then in finding an optimal outlink strategy subject to design constraints and for a given search engine. We study the relaxed versions of these problems, which means that we should accept weighted hyperlinks. We provide an efficient algorithm for the computation of the matrix of partial derivatives of the criterion, that uses the low rank property of this matrix. We give a scalable algorithm that couples gradient and power iterations and gives a local minimum of the Perron vector optimization problem. We prove convergence by considering it as an approximate gradient method. We then show that optimal linkage stategies of HITS and HOTS optimization problems verify a threshold property. We report numerical results on fragments of the real web graph for these search engine optimization problems.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure