8,346 research outputs found

    On Particle Learning

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    This document is the aggregation of six discussions of Lopes et al. (2010) that we submitted to the proceedings of the Ninth Valencia Meeting, held in Benidorm, Spain, on June 3-8, 2010, in conjunction with Hedibert Lopes' talk at this meeting, and of a further discussion of the rejoinder by Lopes et al. (2010). The main point in those discussions is the potential for degeneracy in the particle learning methodology, related with the exponential forgetting of the past simulations. We illustrate in particular the resulting difficulties in the case of mixtures.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, discussions on the invited paper of Lopes, Carvalho, Johannes, and Polson, for the Ninth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, held in Benidorm, Spain, on June 3-8, 2010. To appear in Bayesian Statistics 9, Oxford University Press (except for the final discussion

    A Bayesian information criterion for singular models

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    We consider approximate Bayesian model choice for model selection problems that involve models whose Fisher-information matrices may fail to be invertible along other competing submodels. Such singular models do not obey the regularity conditions underlying the derivation of Schwarz's Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and the penalty structure in BIC generally does not reflect the frequentist large-sample behavior of their marginal likelihood. While large-sample theory for the marginal likelihood of singular models has been developed recently, the resulting approximations depend on the true parameter value and lead to a paradox of circular reasoning. Guided by examples such as determining the number of components of mixture models, the number of factors in latent factor models or the rank in reduced-rank regression, we propose a resolution to this paradox and give a practical extension of BIC for singular model selection problems

    Local mixture models of exponential families

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    Exponential families are the workhorses of parametric modelling theory. One reason for their popularity is their associated inference theory, which is very clean, both from a theoretical and a computational point of view. One way in which this set of tools can be enriched in a natural and interpretable way is through mixing. This paper develops and applies the idea of local mixture modelling to exponential families. It shows that the highly interpretable and flexible models which result have enough structure to retain the attractive inferential properties of exponential families. In particular, results on identification, parameter orthogonality and log-concavity of the likelihood are proved.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/07-BEJ6170 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Mixtures of g-priors in Generalized Linear Models

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    Mixtures of Zellner's g-priors have been studied extensively in linear models and have been shown to have numerous desirable properties for Bayesian variable selection and model averaging. Several extensions of g-priors to Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) have been proposed in the literature; however, the choice of prior distribution of g and resulting properties for inference have received considerably less attention. In this paper, we unify mixtures of g-priors in GLMs by assigning the truncated Compound Confluent Hypergeometric (tCCH) distribution to 1/(1 + g), which encompasses as special cases several mixtures of g-priors in the literature, such as the hyper-g, Beta-prime, truncated Gamma, incomplete inverse-Gamma, benchmark, robust, hyper-g/n, and intrinsic priors. Through an integrated Laplace approximation, the posterior distribution of 1/(1 + g) is in turn a tCCH distribution, and approximate marginal likelihoods are thus available analytically, leading to "Compound Hypergeometric Information Criteria" for model selection. We discuss the local geometric properties of the g-prior in GLMs and show how the desiderata for model selection proposed by Bayarri et al, such as asymptotic model selection consistency, intrinsic consistency, and measurement invariance may be used to justify the prior and specific choices of the hyper parameters. We illustrate inference using these priors and contrast them to other approaches via simulation and real data examples. The methodology is implemented in the R package BAS and freely available on CRAN

    Model selection in High-Dimensions: A Quadratic-risk based approach

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    In this article we propose a general class of risk measures which can be used for data based evaluation of parametric models. The loss function is defined as generalized quadratic distance between the true density and the proposed model. These distances are characterized by a simple quadratic form structure that is adaptable through the choice of a nonnegative definite kernel and a bandwidth parameter. Using asymptotic results for the quadratic distances we build a quick-to-compute approximation for the risk function. Its derivation is analogous to the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), but unlike AIC, the quadratic risk is a global comparison tool. The method does not require resampling, a great advantage when point estimators are expensive to compute. The method is illustrated using the problem of selecting the number of components in a mixture model, where it is shown that, by using an appropriate kernel, the method is computationally straightforward in arbitrarily high data dimensions. In this same context it is shown that the method has some clear advantages over AIC and BIC.Comment: Updated with reviewer suggestion
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