3,255 research outputs found

    LOMo: Latent Ordinal Model for Facial Analysis in Videos

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    We study the problem of facial analysis in videos. We propose a novel weakly supervised learning method that models the video event (expression, pain etc.) as a sequence of automatically mined, discriminative sub-events (eg. onset and offset phase for smile, brow lower and cheek raise for pain). The proposed model is inspired by the recent works on Multiple Instance Learning and latent SVM/HCRF- it extends such frameworks to model the ordinal or temporal aspect in the videos, approximately. We obtain consistent improvements over relevant competitive baselines on four challenging and publicly available video based facial analysis datasets for prediction of expression, clinical pain and intent in dyadic conversations. In combination with complimentary features, we report state-of-the-art results on these datasets.Comment: 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR

    Discriminatively Trained Latent Ordinal Model for Video Classification

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    We study the problem of video classification for facial analysis and human action recognition. We propose a novel weakly supervised learning method that models the video as a sequence of automatically mined, discriminative sub-events (eg. onset and offset phase for "smile", running and jumping for "highjump"). The proposed model is inspired by the recent works on Multiple Instance Learning and latent SVM/HCRF -- it extends such frameworks to model the ordinal aspect in the videos, approximately. We obtain consistent improvements over relevant competitive baselines on four challenging and publicly available video based facial analysis datasets for prediction of expression, clinical pain and intent in dyadic conversations and on three challenging human action datasets. We also validate the method with qualitative results and show that they largely support the intuitions behind the method.Comment: Paper accepted in IEEE TPAMI. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1604.0150

    Deep learning model for detection of pain intensity from facial expression

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    Many people who are suffering from a chronic pain face pe- riods of acute pain and resulting problems during their illness and ade- quate reporting of symptoms is necessary for treatment. Some patients have difficulties in adequately alerting caregivers to their pain or describ- ing the intensity which can impact on effective treatment. Pain and its intensity can be noticeable in ones face. Movements in facial muscles can depict ones current emotional state. Machine learning algorithms can detect pain intensity from facial expressions. The algorithm can ex- tract and classify facial expression of pain among patients. In this paper, we propose a new deep learning model for detection of pain intensity from facial expressions. This automatic pain detection system may help clinicians to detect pain and its intensity in patients and by doing this healthcare organizations may have access to more complete and more regular information of patients regarding their pain

    Gaussian processes for modeling of facial expressions

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    Automated analysis of facial expressions has been gaining significant attention over the past years. This stems from the fact that it constitutes the primal step toward developing some of the next-generation computer technologies that can make an impact in many domains, ranging from medical imaging and health assessment to marketing and education. No matter the target application, the need to deploy systems under demanding, real-world conditions that can generalize well across the population is urgent. Hence, careful consideration of numerous factors has to be taken prior to designing such a system. The work presented in this thesis focuses on tackling two important problems in automated analysis of facial expressions: (i) view-invariant facial expression analysis; (ii) modeling of the structural patterns in the face, in terms of well coordinated facial muscle movements. Driven by the necessity for efficient and accurate inference mechanisms we explore machine learning techniques based on the probabilistic framework of Gaussian processes (GPs). Our ultimate goal is to design powerful models that can efficiently handle imagery with spontaneously displayed facial expressions, and explain in detail the complex configurations behind the human face in real-world situations. To effectively decouple the head pose and expression in the presence of large out-of-plane head rotations we introduce a manifold learning approach based on multi-view learning strategies. Contrary to the majority of existing methods that typically treat the numerous poses as individual problems, in this model we first learn a discriminative manifold shared by multiple views of a facial expression. Subsequently, we perform facial expression classification in the expression manifold. Hence, the pose normalization problem is solved by aligning the facial expressions from different poses in a common latent space. We demonstrate that the recovered manifold can efficiently generalize to various poses and expressions even from a small amount of training data, while also being largely robust to corrupted image features due to illumination variations. State-of-the-art performance is achieved in the task of facial expression classification of basic emotions. The methods that we propose for learning the structure in the configuration of the muscle movements represent some of the first attempts in the field of analysis and intensity estimation of facial expressions. In these models, we extend our multi-view approach to exploit relationships not only in the input features but also in the multi-output labels. The structure of the outputs is imposed into the recovered manifold either from heuristically defined hard constraints, or in an auto-encoded manner, where the structure is learned automatically from the input data. The resulting models are proven to be robust to data with imbalanced expression categories, due to our proposed Bayesian learning of the target manifold. We also propose a novel regression approach based on product of GP experts where we take into account people's individual expressiveness in order to adapt the learned models on each subject. We demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed models on the task of facial expression recognition and intensity estimation.Open Acces

    Facial Action Unit Detection Using Attention and Relation Learning

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    Attention mechanism has recently attracted increasing attentions in the field of facial action unit (AU) detection. By finding the region of interest of each AU with the attention mechanism, AU-related local features can be captured. Most of the existing attention based AU detection works use prior knowledge to predefine fixed attentions or refine the predefined attentions within a small range, which limits their capacity to model various AUs. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end deep learning based attention and relation learning framework for AU detection with only AU labels, which has not been explored before. In particular, multi-scale features shared by each AU are learned firstly, and then both channel-wise and spatial attentions are adaptively learned to select and extract AU-related local features. Moreover, pixel-level relations for AUs are further captured to refine spatial attentions so as to extract more relevant local features. Without changing the network architecture, our framework can be easily extended for AU intensity estimation. Extensive experiments show that our framework (i) soundly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for both AU detection and AU intensity estimation on the challenging BP4D, DISFA, FERA 2015 and BP4D+ benchmarks, (ii) can adaptively capture the correlated regions of each AU, and (iii) also works well under severe occlusions and large poses.Comment: This paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Affective Computin

    Context-sensitive dynamic ordinal regression for intensity estimation of facial action units

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    Modeling intensity of facial action units from spontaneously displayed facial expressions is challenging mainly because of high variability in subject-specific facial expressiveness, head-movements, illumination changes, etc. These factors make the target problem highly context-sensitive. However, existing methods usually ignore this context-sensitivity of the target problem. We propose a novel Conditional Ordinal Random Field (CORF) model for context-sensitive modeling of the facial action unit intensity, where the W5+ (who, when, what, where, why and how) definition of the context is used. While the proposed model is general enough to handle all six context questions, in this paper we focus on the context questions: who (the observed subject), how (the changes in facial expressions), and when (the timing of facial expressions and their intensity). The context questions who and howare modeled by means of the newly introduced context-dependent covariate effects, and the context question when is modeled in terms of temporal correlation between the ordinal outputs, i.e., intensity levels of action units. We also introduce a weighted softmax-margin learning of CRFs from data with skewed distribution of the intensity levels, which is commonly encountered in spontaneous facial data. The proposed model is evaluated on intensity estimation of pain and facial action units using two recently published datasets (UNBC Shoulder Pain and DISFA) of spontaneously displayed facial expressions. Our experiments show that the proposed model performs significantly better on the target tasks compared to the state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, compared to traditional learning of CRFs, we show that the proposed weighted learning results in more robust parameter estimation from the imbalanced intensity data
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