116,769 research outputs found

    Dynamic Resource Management in Clouds: A Probabilistic Approach

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    Dynamic resource management has become an active area of research in the Cloud Computing paradigm. Cost of resources varies significantly depending on configuration for using them. Hence efficient management of resources is of prime interest to both Cloud Providers and Cloud Users. In this work we suggest a probabilistic resource provisioning approach that can be exploited as the input of a dynamic resource management scheme. Using a Video on Demand use case to justify our claims, we propose an analytical model inspired from standard models developed for epidemiology spreading, to represent sudden and intense workload variations. We show that the resulting model verifies a Large Deviation Principle that statistically characterizes extreme rare events, such as the ones produced by "buzz/flash crowd effects" that may cause workload overflow in the VoD context. This analysis provides valuable insight on expectable abnormal behaviors of systems. We exploit the information obtained using the Large Deviation Principle for the proposed Video on Demand use-case for defining policies (Service Level Agreements). We believe these policies for elastic resource provisioning and usage may be of some interest to all stakeholders in the emerging context of cloud networkingComment: IEICE Transactions on Communications (2012). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1209.515

    Mejora de la difusión de artículos científicos en la Oficina de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto, aplicando un Sistema Informático basado en el Modelo vectorial de recuperación de información web

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    El presente proyecto de investigación titulado “Mejora de la difusión de artículos científicos en la Oficina de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto, aplicando un Sistema Informático basado en el Modelo Vectorial de Recuperación de Información Web”, desarrollado el año 2018, con el objetivo de mejorar la difusión de artículos científicos de la Oficina de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto (UNSM-T). Es importante mencionar que la investigación fue de tipo Aplicada – Transeccional porque con los resultados obtenidos se aplica para la resolución de la problemática planteada el cual genera conocimiento nuevo, de igual manera el nivel de investigación fue correlacional ya que se manipula a la variable independiente con el fin de conseguir una mejora en la variable dependiente. El diseño de investigación fue experimental con Pre y Pos test, para una muestra de 118 investigadores de la UNSM-T, los cuales fueron encuestados para analizar la Difusión de Información antes y después de implementar un Sistema Informático basado en el Modelo Vectorial, encontrándose inicialmente una difusión de información en un nivel regular, posteriormente con la implementación del Sistema Informático la difusión de información de la Oficina de Investigación se situó en un nivel excelente, cabe destacar que en términos cuantitativos el Nivel de Difusión de Información se incrementó en un 128%.The following research project titled as "Improvement of the dissemination of scientific articles in the Research Office of the National University of San Martín - Tarapoto, applying a Computer System based on the Vector Model of Web Information Recovery", developed in 2018, with the objective of improving the dissemination of scientific articles of the Research Office of the National University of San Martín - Tarapoto (UNSM-T). It is important to mention that the research was of the Applied - Transectional type because with the obtained results it is applied for the resolution of the problematic raised which generates new knowledge, in the same way the research level was correlational since the independent variable is manipulated with in order to get an improvement in the dependent variable. The research design was experimental with Pre and Posttest, for a sample of 118 researchers from the UNSM-T, who were surveyed to analyze the Information Dissemination before and after implementing a Computer System based on the Vector Model, initially found a dissemination of information at a regular level, later with the implementation of the Information System the dissemination of information from the Research Office was at an excellent level, it should be noted that in quantitative terms the Level of Information Dissemination increased by 128% .TesisAp

    Mejora de la difusión de artículos científicos en la Oficina de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto, aplicando un Sistema Informático basado en el Modelo vectorial de recuperación de información web

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    El presente proyecto de investigación titulado “Mejora de la difusión de artículos científicos en la Oficina de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto, aplicando un Sistema Informático basado en el Modelo Vectorial de Recuperación de Información Web”, desarrollado el año 2018, con el objetivo de mejorar la difusión de artículos científicos de la Oficina de Investigación de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín – Tarapoto (UNSM-T). Es importante mencionar que la investigación fue de tipo Aplicada – Transeccional porque con los resultados obtenidos se aplica para la resolución de la problemática planteada el cual genera conocimiento nuevo, de igual manera el nivel de investigación fue correlacional ya que se manipula a la variable independiente con el fin de conseguir una mejora en la variable dependiente. El diseño de investigación fue experimental con Pre y Pos test, para una muestra de 118 investigadores de la UNSM-T, los cuales fueron encuestados para analizar la Difusión de Información antes y después de implementar un Sistema Informático basado en el Modelo Vectorial, encontrándose inicialmente una difusión de información en un nivel regular, posteriormente con la implementación del Sistema Informático la difusión de información de la Oficina de Investigación se situó en un nivel excelente, cabe destacar que en términos cuantitativos el Nivel de Difusión de Información se incrementó en un 128%.The following research project titled as "Improvement of the dissemination of scientific articles in the Research Office of the National University of San Martín - Tarapoto, applying a Computer System based on the Vector Model of Web Information Recovery", developed in 2018, with the objective of improving the dissemination of scientific articles of the Research Office of the National University of San Martín - Tarapoto (UNSM-T). It is important to mention that the research was of the Applied - Transectional type because with the obtained results it is applied for the resolution of the problematic raised which generates new knowledge, in the same way the research level was correlational since the independent variable is manipulated with in order to get an improvement in the dependent variable. The research design was experimental with Pre and Posttest, for a sample of 118 researchers from the UNSM-T, who were surveyed to analyze the Information Dissemination before and after implementing a Computer System based on the Vector Model, initially found a dissemination of information at a regular level, later with the implementation of the Information System the dissemination of information from the Research Office was at an excellent level, it should be noted that in quantitative terms the Level of Information Dissemination increased by 128% .TesisAp

    Electronic marking and identification techniques to discourage document copying

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    Modern computer networks make it possible to distribute documents quickly and economically by electronic means rather than by conventional paper means. However, the widespread adoption of electronic distribution of copyrighted material is currently impeded by the ease of illicit copying and dissemination. In this paper we propose techniques that discourage illicit distribution by embedding each document with a unique codeword. Our encoding techniques are indiscernible by readers, yet enable us to identify the sanctioned recipient of a document by examination of a recovered document. We propose three coding methods, describe one in detail, and present experimental results showing that our identification techniques are highly reliable, even after documents have been photocopied

    BaseFs - Basically Acailable, Soft State, Eventually Consistent Filesystem for Cluster Management

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    A peer-to-peer distributed filesystem for community cloud management. https://github.com/glic3rinu/basef

    Waltz - An exploratory visualization tool for volume data, using multiform abstract displays

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    Although, visualization is now widely used, misinterpretations still occur. There are three primary solutions intended to aid a user interpret data correctly. These are: displaying the data in different forms (Multiform visualization); simplifying (or abstracting) the structure of the viewed information; and linking objects and views together (allowing corresponding objects to be jointly manipulated and interrogated). These well-known visualization techniques, provide an emphasis towards the visualization display. We believe however that current visualization systems do not effectively utilise the display, for example, often placing it at the end of a long visualization process. Our visualization system, based on an adapted visualization model, allows a display method to be used throughout the visualization process, in which the user operates a 'Display (correlate) and Refine' visualization cycle. This display integration provides a useful exploration environment, where objects and Views may be directly manipulated; a set of 'portions of interest' can be selected to generate a specialized dataset. This may subsequently be further displayed, manipulated and filtered