27 research outputs found


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    On the pathwise approximation of stochastic differential equations

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    We consider one-step methods for integrating stochastic differential equations and prove pathwise convergence using ideas from rough path theory. In contrast to alternative theories of pathwise convergence, no knowledge is required of convergence in pth mean and the analysis starts from a pathwise bound on the sum of the truncation errors. We show how the theory is applied to the Euler-Maruyama method with fixed and adaptive time-stepping strategies. The assumption on the truncation errors suggests an error-control strategy and we implement this as an adaptive time-stepping Euler-Maruyama method using bounded diffusions. We prove the adaptive method converges and show some computational experiments.Comment: 21 page

    An asymptotic radius of convergence for the Loewner equation and simulation of SLEkSLE_k traces via splitting

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    In this paper, we shall study the convergence of Taylor approximations for the backward Loewner differential equation (driven by Brownian motion) near the origin. More concretely, whenever the initial condition of the backward Loewner equation (which lies in the upper half plane) is small and has the form Z0=εiZ_{0} = \varepsilon i, we show these approximations exhibit an O(ε)O(\varepsilon) error provided the time horizon is ε2+δ\varepsilon^{2+\delta} for δ>0\delta > 0. Statements of this theorem will be given using both rough path and L2(P)L^{2}(\mathbb{P}) estimates. Furthermore, over the time horizon of ε2−δ\varepsilon^{2-\delta}, we shall see that "higher degree" terms within the Taylor expansion become larger than "lower degree" terms for small ε\varepsilon. In this sense, the time horizon on which approximations are accurate scales like ε2\varepsilon^{2}. This scaling comes naturally from the Loewner equation when growing vector field derivatives are balanced against decaying iterated integrals of the Brownian motion. As well as being of theoretical interest, this scaling may be used as a guiding principle for developing adaptive step size strategies which perform efficiently near the origin. In addition, this result highlights the limitations of using stochastic Taylor methods (such as the Euler-Maruyama and Milstein methods) for approximating SLEκSLE_{\kappa} traces. Due to the analytically tractable vector fields of the Loewner equation, we will show Ninomiya-Victoir (or Strang) splitting is particularly well suited for SLE simulation. As the singularity at the origin can lead to large numerical errors, we shall employ the adaptive step size proposed by Tom Kennedy to discretize SLEκSLE_{\kappa} traces using this splitting. We believe that the Ninomiya-Victoir scheme is the first high order numerical method that has been successfully applied to SLEκSLE_{\kappa} traces.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Adaptive step size stochastic runge-kutta method of order 1.5(1.0) for stochastic differential equations (SDEs)

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    The stiff stochastic differential equations (SDEs) involve the solution with sharp turning points that permit us to use a very small step size to comprehend its behavior. Since the step size must be set up to be as small as possible, the implementation of the fixed step size method will result in high computational cost. Therefore, the application of variable step size method is needed where in the implementation of variable step size methods, the step size used can be considered more flexible. This paper devotes to the development of an embedded stochastic Runge-Kutta (SRK) pair method for SDEs. The proposed method is an adaptive step size SRK method. The method is constructed by embedding a SRK method of 1.0 order into a SRK method of 1.5 order of convergence. The technique of embedding is applicable for adaptive step size implementation, henceforth an estimate error at each step can be obtained. Numerical experiments are performed to demonstrate the efficiency of the method. The results show that the solution for adaptive step size SRK method of order 1.5(1.0) gives the smallest global error compared to the global error for fix step size SRK4, Euler and Milstein methods. Hence, this method is reliable in approximating the solution of SDEs

    Almost sure stability of the Euler-Maruyama method with random variable stepsize for stochastic differential equations

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    In this paper, the Euler–Maruyama (EM) method with random variable stepsize is studied to reproduce the almost sure stability of the true solutions of stochastic differential equations. Since the choice of the time step is based on the current state of the solution, the time variable is proved to be a stopping time. Then the semimartingale convergence theory is employed to obtain the almost sure stability of the random variable stepsize EM solution. To our best knowledge, this is the first paper to apply the random variable stepsize (with clear proof of the stopping time) to the analysis of the almost sure stability of the EM method