2,375 research outputs found

    Exploiting Adaptive Techniques to Improve Processor Energy Efficiency

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    Rapid device-miniaturization keeps on inducing challenges in building energy efficient microprocessors. As the size of the transistors continuously decreasing, more uncertainties emerge in their operations. On the other hand, integrating more and more transistors on a single chip accentuates the need to lower its supply-voltage. This dissertation investigates one of the primary device uncertainties - timing error, in microprocessor performance bottleneck in NTC era. Then it proposes various innovative techniques to exploit these opportunities to maintain processor energy efficiency, in the context of emerging challenges. Evaluated with the cross-layer methodology, the proposed approaches achieve substantial improvements in processor energy efficiency, compared to other start-of-art techniques

    Energy-Efficient Computing for Mobile Signal Processing

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    Mobile devices have rapidly proliferated, and deployment of handheld devices continues to increase at a spectacular rate. As today's devices not only support advanced signal processing of wireless communication data but also provide rich sets of applications, contemporary mobile computing requires both demanding computation and efficiency. Most mobile processors combine general-purpose processors, digital signal processors, and hardwired application-specific integrated circuits to satisfy their high-performance and low-power requirements. However, such a heterogeneous platform is inefficient in area, power and programmability. Improving the efficiency of programmable mobile systems is a critical challenge and an active area of computer systems research. SIMD (single instruction multiple data) architectures are very effective for data-level-parallelism intense algorithms in mobile signal processing. However, new characteristics of advanced wireless/multimedia algorithms require architectural re-evaluation to achieve better energy efficiency. Therefore, fourth generation wireless protocol and high definition mobile video algorithms are analyzed to enhance a wide-SIMD architecture. The key enhancements include 1) programmable crossbar to support complex data alignment, 2) SIMD partitioning to support fine-grain SIMD computation, and 3) fused operation to support accelerating frequently used instruction pairs. Near-threshold computation has been attractive in low-power architecture research because it balances performance and power. To further improve energy efficiency in mobile computing, near-threshold computation is applied to a wide SIMD architecture. This proposed near-threshold wide SIMD architecture-Diet SODA-presents interesting architectural design decisions such as 1) very wide SIMD datapath to compensate for degraded performance induced by near-threshold computation and 2) scatter-gather data prefetcher to exploit large latency gap between memory and the SIMD datapath. Although near-threshold computation provides excellent energy efficiency, it suffers from increased delay variations. A systematic study of delay variations in near-threshold computing is performed and simple techniques-structural duplication and voltage/frequency margining-are explored to tolerate and mitigate the delay variations in near-threshold wide SIMD architectures. This dissertation analyzes representative wireless/multimedia mobile signal processing algorithms, proposes an energy-efficient programmable platform, and evaluates performance and power. A main theme of this dissertation is that the performance and efficiency of programmable embedded systems can be significantly improved with a combination of parallel SIMD and near-threshold computations.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86356/1/swseo_1.pd

    Cross-Layer Approaches for an Aging-Aware Design of Nanoscale Microprocessors

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    Thanks to aggressive scaling of transistor dimensions, computers have revolutionized our life. However, the increasing unreliability of devices fabricated in nanoscale technologies emerged as a major threat for the future success of computers. In particular, accelerated transistor aging is of great importance, as it reduces the lifetime of digital systems. This thesis addresses this challenge by proposing new methods to model, analyze and mitigate aging at microarchitecture-level and above

    Circuits and Systems Advances in Near Threshold Computing

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    Modern society is witnessing a sea change in ubiquitous computing, in which people have embraced computing systems as an indispensable part of day-to-day existence. Computation, storage, and communication abilities of smartphones, for example, have undergone monumental changes over the past decade. However, global emphasis on creating and sustaining green environments is leading to a rapid and ongoing proliferation of edge computing systems and applications. As a broad spectrum of healthcare, home, and transport applications shift to the edge of the network, near-threshold computing (NTC) is emerging as one of the promising low-power computing platforms. An NTC device sets its supply voltage close to its threshold voltage, dramatically reducing the energy consumption. Despite showing substantial promise in terms of energy efficiency, NTC is yet to see widescale commercial adoption. This is because circuits and systems operating with NTC suffer from several problems, including increased sensitivity to process variation, reliability problems, performance degradation, and security vulnerabilities, to name a few. To realize its potential, we need designs, techniques, and solutions to overcome these challenges associated with NTC circuits and systems. The readers of this book will be able to familiarize themselves with recent advances in electronics systems, focusing on near-threshold computing

    Voltage stacking for near/sub-threshold operation

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    로직 및 피지컬 합성에서의 타이밍 분석과 최적화

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2020. 8. 김태환.Timing analysis is one of the necessary steps in the development of a semiconductor circuit. In addition, it is increasingly important in the advanced process technologies due to various factors, including the increase of process–voltage–temperature variation. This dissertation addresses three problems related to timing analysis and optimization in logic and physical synthesis. Firstly, most static timing analysis today are based on conventional fixed flip-flop timing models, in which every flip-flop is assumed to have a fixed clock-to-Q delay. However, setup and hold skews affect the clock-to-Q delay in reality. In this dissertation, I propose a mathematical formulation to solve the problem and apply it to the clock skew scheduling problems as well as to the analysis of a given circuit, with a scalable speedup technique. Secondly, near-threshold computing is one of the promising concepts for energy-efficient operation of VLSI systems, but wide performance variation and nonlinearity to process variations block the proliferation. To cope with this, I propose a holistic hardware performance monitoring methodology for accurate timing prediction in a near-threshold voltage regime and advanced process technology. Lastly, an asynchronous circuit is one of the alternatives to the conventional synchronous style, and asynchronous pipeline circuit especially attractive because of its small design effort. This dissertation addresses the synthesis problem of lightening two-phase bundled-data asynchronous pipeline controllers, in which delay buffers are essential for guaranteeing the correct handshaking operation but incurs considerable area increase.타이밍 분석은 반도체 회로 개발 필수 과정 중 하나로, 최신 공정일수록 공정-전압-온도 변이 증가를 포함한 다양한 요인으로 하여금 그 중요성이 커지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 로직 및 피지컬 합성과 관련하여 세 가지 타이밍 분석 및 최적화 문제에 대해 다룬다. 첫째로, 오늘날 대부분의 정적 타이밍 분석은 모든 플립-플롭의 클럭-출력 딜레이가 고정된 값이라는 가정을 바탕으로 이루어졌다. 하지만 실제 클럭-출력 딜레이는 해당 플립-플롭의 셋업 및 홀드 스큐에 영향을 받는다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 특성을 수학적으로 정리하였으며, 이를 확장 가능한 속도 향상 기법과 더불어 주어진 회로의 타이밍 분석 및 클럭 스큐 스케쥴링 문제에 적용하였다. 둘째로, 유사 문턱 연산은 초고집적 회로 동작의 에너지 효율을 끌어 올릴 수 있다는 점에서 각광받지만, 큰 폭의 성능 변이 및 비선형성 때문에 널리 활용되고 있지 않다. 이를 해결하기 위해 유사 문턱 전압 영역 및 최신 공정 노드에서 보다 정확한 타이밍 예측을 위한 하드웨어 성능 모니터링 방법론 전반을 제안하였다. 마지막으로, 비동기 회로는 기존 동기 회로의 대안 중 하나로, 그 중에서도 비동기 파이프라인 회로는 비교적 적은 설계 노력만으로도 구현 가능하다는 장점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 2위상 묶음 데이터 프로토콜 기반 비동기 파이프라인 컨트롤러 상에서, 정확한 핸드셰이킹 통신을 위해 삽입된 딜레이 버퍼에 의한 면적 증가를 완화할 수 있는 합성 기법을 제시하였다.1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Flexible Flip-Flop Timing Model 1 1.2 Hardware Performance Monitoring Methodology 4 1.3 Asynchronous Pipeline Controller 10 1.4 Contributions of this Dissertation 15 2 ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION CONSIDERING FLEXIBLE FLIP-FLOP TIMING MODEL 17 2.1 Preliminaries 17 2.1.1 Terminologies 17 2.1.2 Timing Analysis 20 2.1.3 Clock-to-Q Delay Surface Modeling 21 2.2 Clock-to-Q Delay Interval Analysis 22 2.2.1 Derivation 23 2.2.2 Additional Constraints 26 2.2.3 Analysis: Finding Minimum Clock Period 28 2.2.4 Optimization: Clock Skew Scheduling 30 2.2.5 Scalable Speedup Technique 33 2.3 Experimental Results 37 2.3.1 Application to Minimum Clock Period Finding 37 2.3.2 Application to Clock Skew Scheduling 39 2.3.3 Efficacy of Scalable Speedup Technique 43 2.4 Summary 44 3 HARDWARE PERFORMANCE MONITORING METHODOLOGY AT NTC AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY NODE 45 3.1 Overall Flow of Proposed HPM Methodology 45 3.2 Prerequisites to HPM Methodology 47 3.2.1 BEOL Process Variation Modeling 47 3.2.2 Surrogate Model Preparation 49 3.3 HPM Methodology: Design Phase 52 3.3.1 HPM2PV Model Construction 52 3.3.2 Optimization of Monitoring Circuits Configuration 54 3.3.3 PV2CPT Model Construction 58 3.4 HPM Methodology: Post-Silicon Phase 60 3.4.1 Transfer Learning in Silicon Characterization Step 60 3.4.2 Procedures in Volume Production Phase 61 3.5 Experimental Results 62 3.5.1 Experimental Setup 62 3.5.2 Exploration of Monitoring Circuits Configuration 64 3.5.3 Effectiveness of Monitoring Circuits Optimization 66 3.5.4 Considering BEOL PVs and Uncertainty Learning 68 3.5.5 Comparison among Different Prediction Flows 69 3.5.6 Effectiveness of Prediction Model Calibration 71 3.6 Summary 73 4 LIGHTENING ASYNCHRONOUS PIPELINE CONTROLLER 75 4.1 Preliminaries and State-of-the-Art Work 75 4.1.1 Bundled-data vs. Dual-rail Asynchronous Circuits 75 4.1.2 Two-phase vs. Four-phase Bundled-data Protocol 76 4.1.3 Conventional State-of-the-Art Pipeline Controller Template 77 4.2 Delay Path Sharing for Lightening Pipeline Controller Template 78 4.2.1 Synthesizing Sharable Delay Paths 78 4.2.2 Validating Logical Correctness for Sharable Delay Paths 80 4.2.3 Reformulating Timing Constraints of Controller Template 81 4.2.4 Minimally Allocating Delay Buffers 87 4.3 In-depth Pipeline Controller Template Synthesis with Delay Path Reusing 88 4.3.1 Synthesizing Delay Path Units 88 4.3.2 Validating Logical Correctness of Delay Path Units 89 4.3.3 Updating Timing Constraints for Delay Path Units 91 4.3.4 In-depth Synthesis Flow Utilizing Delay Path Units 95 4.4 Experimental Results 99 4.4.1 Environment Setup 99 4.4.2 Piecewise Linear Modeling of Delay Path Unit Area 99 4.4.3 Comparison of Power, Performance, and Area 102 4.5 Summary 107 5 CONCLUSION 109 5.1 Chapter 2 109 5.2 Chapter 3 110 5.3 Chapter 4 110 Abstract (In Korean) 127Docto

    Near-Threshold Computing

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    Valmistustekniikoiden kehittyessä IC-piireille saadaan mahtumaan yhä enemmän transistoreja. Monimutkaisemmat piirit mahdollistavat suurempien laskutoimitusmäärien suorittamisen aikayksikössä. Piirien aktiivisuuden lisääntyessä myös niiden energiankulutus lisääntyy, ja tämä puolestaan lisää piirin lämmöntuotantoa. Liiallinen lämpö rajoittaa piirien toimintaa. Tämän takia tarvitaan tekniikoita, joilla piirien energiankulutusta saadaan pienennettyä. Uudeksi tutkimuskohteeksi ovat tulleet pienet laitteet, jotka seuraavat esimerkiksi ihmiskehon toimintaa, rakennuksia tai siltoja. Tällaisten laitteiden on oltava energiankulutukseltaan pieniä, jotta ne voivat toimia pitkiä aikoja ilman akkujen lataamista. Near-Threshold Computing on tekniikka, jolla pyritään pienentämään integroitujen piirien energiankulutusta. Periaatteena on käyttää piireillä pienempää käyttöjännitettä kuin piirivalmistaja on niille alunperin suunnitellut. Tämä hidastaa ja haittaa piirin toimintaa. Jos kuitenkin laitteen toiminnassa pystyään hyväksymään huonompi laskentateho ja pienentynyt toimintavarmuus, voidaan saavuttaa säästöä energiankulutuksessa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikkaa eri näkökulmista: aluksi perustuen kirjallisuudesta löytyviin aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin, ja myöhemmin tutkimalla Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikan soveltamista kahden tapaustutkimuksen kautta. Tapaustutkimuksissa tarkastellaan FO4-invertteriä sekä 6T SRAM -solua piirisimulaatioiden avulla. Näiden komponenttien käyttäytymisen Near-Threshold Computing –jännitteillä voidaan tulkita antavan kattavan kuvan suuresta osasta tavanomaisen IC-piirin pinta-alaa ja energiankulusta. Tapaustutkimuksissa käytetään 130 nm teknologiaa, ja niissä mallinnetaan todellisia piirivalmistusprosessin tuotteita ajamalla useita Monte Carlo -simulaatioita. Tämä valmistuskustannuksiltaan huokea teknologia yhdistettynä Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikkaan mahdollistaa matalan energiankulutuksen piirien valmistaminen järkevään hintaan. Tämän diplomityön tulokset näyttävät, että Near-Threshold Computing pienentää piirien energiankulutusta merkittävästi. Toisaalta, piirien nopeus heikkenee, ja yleisesti käytetty 6T SRAM -muistisolu muuttuu epäluotettavaksi. Pidemmät polut logiikkapiireissä sekä transistorien kasvattaminen muistisoluissa osoitetaan tehokkaiksi vastatoimiksi Near- Threshold Computing -tekniikan huonoja puolia vastaan. Tulokset antavat perusteita matalan energiankulutuksen IC-piirien suunnittelussa sille, kannattaako käyttää normaalia käyttöjännitettä, vai laskea sitä, jolloin piirin hidastuminen ja epävarmempi käyttäytyminen pitää ottaa huomioon.Siirretty Doriast

    Timing speculation and adaptive reliable overclocking techniques for aggressive computer systems

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    Computers have changed our lives beyond our own imagination in the past several decades. The continued and progressive advancements in VLSI technology and numerous micro-architectural innovations have played a key role in the design of spectacular low-cost high performance computing systems that have become omnipresent in today\u27s technology driven world. Performance and dependability have become key concerns as these ubiquitous computing machines continue to drive our everyday life. Every application has unique demands, as they run in diverse operating environments. Dependable, aggressive and adaptive systems improve efficiency in terms of speed, reliability and energy consumption. Traditional computing systems run at a fixed clock frequency, which is determined by taking into account the worst-case timing paths, operating conditions, and process variations. Timing speculation based reliable overclocking advocates going beyond worst-case limits to achieve best performance while not avoiding, but detecting and correcting a modest number of timing errors. The success of this design methodology relies on the fact that timing critical paths are rarely exercised in a design, and typical execution happens much faster than the timing requirements dictated by worst-case design methodology. Better-than-worst-case design methodology is advocated by several recent research pursuits, which exploit dependability techniques to enhance computer system performance. In this dissertation, we address different aspects of timing speculation based adaptive reliable overclocking schemes, and evaluate their role in the design of low-cost, high performance, energy efficient and dependable systems. We visualize various control knobs in the design that can be favorably controlled to ensure different design targets. As part of this research, we extend the SPRIT3E, or Superscalar PeRformance Improvement Through Tolerating Timing Errors, framework, and characterize the extent of application dependent performance acceleration achievable in superscalar processors by scrutinizing the various parameters that impact the operation beyond worst-case limits. We study the limitations imposed by short-path constraints on our technique, and present ways to exploit them to maximize performance gains. We analyze the sensitivity of our technique\u27s adaptiveness by exploring the necessary hardware requirements for dynamic overclocking schemes. Experimental analysis based on SPEC2000 benchmarks running on a SimpleScalar Alpha processor simulator, augmented with error rate data obtained from hardware simulations of a superscalar processor, are presented. Even though reliable overclocking guarantees functional correctness, it leads to higher power consumption. As a consequence, reliable overclocking without considering on-chip temperatures will bring down the lifetime reliability of the chip. In this thesis, we analyze how reliable overclocking impacts the on-chip temperature of a microprocessor and evaluate the effects of overheating, due to such reliable dynamic frequency tuning mechanisms, on the lifetime reliability of these systems. We then evaluate the effect of performing thermal throttling, a technique that clamps the on-chip temperature below a predefined value, on system performance and reliability. Our study shows that a reliably overclocked system with dynamic thermal management achieves 25% performance improvement, while lasting for 14 years when being operated within 353K. Over the past five decades, technology scaling, as predicted by Moore\u27s law, has been the bedrock of semiconductor technology evolution. The continued downscaling of CMOS technology to deep sub-micron gate lengths has been the primary reason for its dominance in today\u27s omnipresent silicon microchips. Even as the transition to the next technology node is indispensable, the initial cost and time associated in doing so presents a non-level playing field for the competitors in the semiconductor business. As part of this thesis, we evaluate the capability of speculative reliable overclocking mechanisms to maximize performance at a given technology level. We evaluate its competitiveness when compared to technology scaling, in terms of performance, power consumption, energy and energy delay product. We present a comprehensive comparison for integer and floating point SPEC2000 benchmarks running on a simulated Alpha processor at three different technology nodes in normal and enhanced modes. Our results suggest that adopting reliable overclocking strategies will help skip a technology node altogether, or be competitive in the market, while porting to the next technology node. Reliability has become a serious concern as systems embrace nanometer technologies. In this dissertation, we propose a novel fault tolerant aggressive system that combines soft error protection and timing error tolerance. We replicate both the pipeline registers and the pipeline stage combinational logic. The replicated logic receives its inputs from the primary pipeline registers while writing its output to the replicated pipeline registers. The organization of redundancy in the proposed Conjoined Pipeline system supports overclocking, provides concurrent error detection and recovery capability for soft errors, intermittent faults and timing errors, and flags permanent silicon defects. The fast recovery process requires no checkpointing and takes three cycles. Back annotated post-layout gate-level timing simulations, using 45nm technology, of a conjoined two-stage arithmetic pipeline and a conjoined five-stage DLX pipeline processor, with forwarding logic, show that our approach, even under a severe fault injection campaign, achieves near 100% fault coverage and an average performance improvement of about 20%, when dynamically overclocked