868,274 research outputs found

    Refinement Derivatives and Values of Games

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    A definition of set-wise differentiability for set functions is given through refining the partitions of sets. Such a construction is closely related to the one proposed by Rosenmuller (1977) as well as that studied by Epstein (1999) and Epstein and Marinacci (2001). We present several classes of TU games which are differentiable and study differentiation rules. The last part of the paper applies refinement derivatives to the calculation of value of games. Following Hart and Mas-Colell (1989), we define a value operator through the derivative of the potential of the game. We show that this operator is a truly value when restricted to some appropriate spaces of games. We present two alternative spaces where this occurs: the spaces pM( ) and POT2. The latter space is closely related to Myerson's balanced contribution axiom.TU games; large games; non-additive set functions; value; derivatives

    Local identification in nonseparable models

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    Conditions are derived under which there is local nonpara metric identification of values of structural functions and of their derivatives in potentially nonlinear nonseparable models. The attack on this problem is via conditional quantile functions and exploits local quantile independence conditions. The identification conditions include local analogues of the order and rank conditions familiar in the analysis of linear simultaneous equations models. The derivatives whose identification is sought are derivatives of structural equations at a point defined by values of covariates and quantiles of the distributions of the stochastic drivers of the system. These objects convey information about the distribution of the exogenous impact of changes in variables potentially endogenous in the data generating process. The identification conditions point directly to analogue estimators of derivatives of structural functions which are functionals of quantile regression function estimators

    Existence of Hilbert cusp forms with non-vanishing LL-values

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    We give a derivative version of the relative trace formula on PGL(2) studied in our previous work, and obtain a formula of an average of central values (derivatives) of automorphic LL-functions for Hilbert cusp forms. As an application, we prove existence of Hilbert cusp forms with non-vanishing central values (derivatives) such that the absolute degrees of their Hecke fields are sufficiently large

    Derivatives of tangent function and tangent numbers

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    In the paper, by induction, the Fa\`a di Bruno formula, and some techniques in the theory of complex functions, the author finds explicit formulas for higher order derivatives of the tangent and cotangent functions as well as powers of the sine and cosine functions, obtains explicit formulas for two Bell polynomials of the second kind for successive derivatives of sine and cosine functions, presents curious identities for the sine function, discovers explicit formulas and recurrence relations for the tangent numbers, the Bernoulli numbers, the Genocchi numbers, special values of the Euler polynomials at zero, and special values of the Riemann zeta function at even numbers, and comments on five different forms of higher order derivatives for the tangent function and on derivative polynomials of the tangent, cotangent, secant, cosecant, hyperbolic tangent, and hyperbolic cotangent functions.Comment: 17 page

    Global stabilization of multiple integrators by a bounded feedback with constraints on its successive derivatives

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    In this paper, we address the global stabilization of chains of integrators by means of a bounded static feedback law whose p first time derivatives are bounded. Our construction is based on the technique of nested saturations introduced by Teel. We show that the control amplitude and the maximum value of its p first derivatives can be imposed below any prescribed values. Our results are illustrated by the stabilization of the third order integrator on the feedback and its first two derivatives