5 research outputs found

    The COTEC Innovative SME Network from an economic and financial perspective

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    This article examines the COTEC Innovative SME Network from an economic and financial perspective. The COTEC Network is a group of companies that strives to be a reference for value creation in Portugal by adopting innovative attitudes and undertaking innovative activities. This analysis is made at the Network and sector levels. Portugal's non-financial SMEs (at the national level) are the benchmark for the Network, and the non-financial SMEs for each economic sector in the country are the benchmark for the COTEC sectors. Although the conclusions require confirmation in future research, they indicate that companies in the Network have much higher levels of economic profitability and financial robustness than Portugal's SMEs in general, both as a whole and by sector

    The COTEC Innovative SME Network from an economical and financial perspective

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    ABSTRACT: This article examines the COTEC Innovative SME Network from an economic and financial perspective. The COTEC Network is a group of companies that strives to be a reference for value creation in Portugal by adopting innovative attitudes and undertaking innovative activities. This analysis is made at the Network and sector levels. Portugal's non-financial SMEs (at the national level) are the benchmark for the Network, and the non-financial SMEs for each economic sector in the country are the benchmark for the COTEC sectors. Although the conclusions require confirmation in future research, they indicate that companies in the Network have much higher levels of economic profitability and financial robustness than Portugal's SMEs in general, both as a whole and by sector. Key words: Corporate Finance, Network, Innovation, SME, COTEC TÍTULO: Perspectiva económico-financeira da Rede PME Inovação COTEC RESUMO: Este artigo efetua a caraterização económico-financeira da Rede PME Inovação COTEC, um grupo de empresas que pretende ser uma referência de criação de valor em Portugal, em resultado da adoção de atitudes e do desenvolvimento de atividades inovadoras. A análise faz-se a dois níveis: Rede e setores. No caso da Rede, o benchmark são as PMEs não financeiras do País, enquanto no caso dos setores são as correspondentes PMEs não financeiras. As conclusões, que carecem de confirmação em futuras investigações, apontam no sentido de as empresas da Rede terem níveis de rentabilidade económica e de robustez financeira muitíssimo acima da generalidade das PMEs em Portugal, tanto em termos globais como sectoriais

    Optimization of investment promotion tools for Portugal: specific recommendations to attract investments from Germany

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsAttracting foreign direct investments (FDI) is an important objective as it can stimulate the economic development of societies. German companies are among the largest investors in Portugal and contribute significantly to the country’s value creation. However, Portugal’s attractiveness as an investment location has been decreasing in recent years as new competitors have emerged in the global economy. This report analyzes FDI trends and determinants as well as Portugal’s relative strengths and weaknesses, identifies potential investment opportunities for German investors and makes practical suggestions to improve the country’s current investment promotion activities, focusing in particular on the automotive supplier industry

    Improving awareness and reinforcing brand positioning in savings and investments in a digital era: Pedagogical case study

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    The recent Covid19 pandemic put the entire world in lockdown and has been limiting people’s movement. This means that Banks have the urge necessity to increase their online presence and improve the online services provided to attract more clients. With the emergence of the pandemic, BiG needed to adapt to the market needs and adjust in a way that makes sense to BiG's core business. There had to be a migration to digital, since branches had to close "overnight" and invest in non-face-to-face care, which was not a priority until then. With all this happening, I joined the marketing department of Banco de Investimento Global, during the restructuring of the team, to help the bank grow and reinvent itself. Several campaigns were developed to attract new clients and promote BiG trading platforms. We created an ecosystem of digital channels and social networks that portray the bank essence. The impact of our marketing strategy was successful, showing that we put in place effective strategies. Banks do not have to have an aversion to change. They can adapt to new realities in a short period of time.Em 2020 uma pandemia entrou no mundo e fez com que, quer pessoas, quer setores se tivessem que reinventar, colocando o mundo inteiro em confinamento e limitando o movimento das pessoas. No caso do setor bancário, altamente dependente do contacto físico, teve que haver uma mudança de paradigma e mentalidade, de forma que usassem mais os meios digitais. De “um dia para o outro”, as agências tiveram que fechar, e um negócio tão assente nelas teve que se reinventar. Com a deslocalização das pessoas foi essencial investir no atendimento não presencial, algo que não era prioridade até então. Com tudo isto a acontecer, entrei para o departamento de marketing do Banco de Investimento Global, durante a restruturação da equipa, para ajudar o banco a crescer e reinventar, utilizando sempre estratégias que fizessem sentido para o core business do BiG. Foram desenvolvidas diversas campanhas e criado um ecossistema de canais digitais e redes sociais, tendo tido resultados positivos. O banco teve sucesso nas campanhas realizadas e mostrou ter implementado estratégias eficazes. Os bancos não têm que ter aversão à mudança e devem adaptar-se, num curto espaço de tempo, a novas realidades