175 research outputs found

    Placental function, body composition and cardiovascular autonomic function

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    Hypertension is an important modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease. An important recent advancement in hypertension research is an understanding that hypertension often may have a developmental origin. Birthweight is associated with hypertension across the lifespan and adult cardiovascular disease, such that those at both ends of the spectrum are at increased risk. Nonetheless, birthweight is a crude surrogate of fetal growth and it may be that quantification of body composition, may more accurately identify the “at risk” individual. A causative mechanism linking birthweight and cardiovascular risk is yet to be identified but may involve changes to the structure and function of organs including the placenta which may impair development and predispose individuals to later cardiovascular disease. The aims of this thesis were to investigate the associations between placental function, body composition and cardiovascular autonomic function. Studies outlines in this thesis indicate different mechanism control fat mass and fat free mass in the newborn and that placental weight partly mediates the association of maternal factors with newborn body composition. While low birthweight has previously been shown to be associated altered autonomic function in the infant our studies suggests that body fatness may provide information beyond that obtained from birthweight assessment alone. Previous studies have shown altered blood pressure control in those born preterm, our studies found altered cardiovascular outcomes even in the late preterm newborn. Assessment of body composition in children and adolescents at rest and in response to an exercise test suggests worsening of autonomic control due to adiposity and may develop over time during childhood and adolescence. Collectively, these results emphasise the implications of altered in-utero and early life exposures on cardiovascular outcomes

    Effects of SIDS risk factors and hypoxia on cardiovascular control in infants

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    Background and aims. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a rare lethal event occurring in 0.1 to 0.3 of infants. In Finland, 10 to 20 infants die from SIDS annually. Research has defined many risk factors for SIDS, but the cascade leading to death remains unexplained. Cardiovascular recordings of infants succumbing to SIDS, as well as animal models, suggest that the final sequelae involve cardiovascular collapse resembling hypotensive shock. There is also evidence of previous hypoxia in SIDS infants. In animal studies, vestibulo-mediated cardiovascular control has been shown to be important in hypotensive shock. Hence, we hypothetized that SIDS victims may have impaired vestibulo-mediated cardiovascular control, possibly due to previous hypoxic episodes. In this thesis, we studied cardiovascular control, and especially vestibulo-mediated cardiovascular control in infants with known risk factors for SIDS at 2 to 4 months of age when the risk for SIDS is highest. Study subjects. A full polysomnographic recording with continuous blood pressure (BP) measurement was performed in 50 infants at 2-4 months of age: 20 control infants, nine infants with univentricular heart (UVH) suffering from chronic hypoxia, 10 infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) with intermittent postnatal hypoxic events, and 11 infants whose mothers had smoked during pregnancy, and thus had been exposed to intrauterine hypoxia and nicotine, were studied. In addition, 20 preterm infants were studied at the gestational age of 34-39 weeks to evaluate developmental aspects of cardiovascular control during head-up tilt test and vestibular stimulus. Methods. Linear side motion and 45° head-up tilt tests were performed in quiet non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM). Heart rate (HR) and BP responses were analysed from the tests without signs of subcortical or cortical arousal. In addition, HR variability during NREM sleep was assessed. As a general marker of cardiovascular reactivity, HR response to spontaneous arousal from NREM sleep was also evaluated. Results.Side motion test. In the side motion test, control infants presented a biphasic response. First, there was a transient increase in HR and BP. This was followed by a decrease in BP to below baseline, and a return to baseline in HR. All other infant groups showed altered responses. UVH infants and preterm infants near term age had markedly reduced responses. Infants with BPD presented with variable responses: some responded similarly to controls, whereas others showed no initial increase in BP, and the following BP decrease was more prominent. Infants with intrauterine exposure to cigarette smoke showed flat initial BP responses, and the following decrease was more prominent, similarly to a subgroup of BPD infants. Tilt test. Control infants presented with a large variability in BP responses to head-up tilting. On average, systolic BP remained, at first, close to baseline, and diastolic BP increased, after which both decreased and remained below baseline even at the end of the tilt test. On average, HR showed a biphasic response with an initial increase followed by a decrease to below and, finally, a return to baseline. UVH infants showed a similar BP response, but their HR response was tachycardic. Preterm infants with BPD presented with an even greater variability in their BP responses to head-up tilts than control infants, but the overall response as a group did not differ from that of the controls. The tilt response of infants exposed to maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy did not markedly differ from the control response. Preterm infants near term age showed attenuated responses in both cardiovascular measures, together with greater inter-subject variability compared to the control infants. Discussion. In conclusion, the studied infants with SIDS risk factors showed altered vestibulo-mediated cardiovascular control during the linear side motion test and head-up tilt test. The findings support our initial hypothesis that some infants with SIDS risk factors have defective vestibulo-mediated cardiovascular control, which may lead to death in life-threatening situations.Kätkytkuolemat ovat harvinaisia, mutta ne ovat edelleen suurin yksittäinen syy täysiaikaisena syntyneiden imeväisten kuolemaan. Suomessa kätkytkuolemaan menehtyy vuosittain 10-20 lasta. Kätkytkuoleman syytä ei tiedetä. Epidemiologisten tutkimusten avulla kätkytkuoleman riskitekijät tunnetaan hyvin; näitä ovat mm. vatsallaan nukkuminen, äidin raskaudenaikainen tupakointi ja keskosuus. Selällään nukuttamisen yleistymisen myötä kätkytkuolemien määrä on vähentynyt olennaisesti. Koe-eläintöissä ja muutamassa kätkytkuoleman aikaisessa seurantanauhoituksessa on viitteitä siitä, että kätkytkuoleman mekanismi todennäköisesti muistuttaa verenvuotosokin loppuvaiheen kaltaista verenkiertoelimistön toiminnan romahtamista. Koe-eläintöiden perusteella tällaisessa sokkitilanteessa tasapainotumakevälitteinen verenkierron säätely on tärkeää. Tämän tutkimuskokonaisuuden pääolettaman mukaan kätkytkuolleilla on puutteellinen tasapainotumakevälitteinen sykkeen ja verenpaineen säätely. Koska kätkytkuolleilla on myös todettu merkkejä hapenpuutteesta ennen kuolemaa, voi poikkeavan tasapainotumakevälitteisen verenkierron säätelyn syynä olla edeltänyt hapenpuute: riskiryhmistä esimerkiksi keskosilla lyhytkestoiset hapenpuutejaksot ja äidin raskaudenaikaiselle tupakoinnille altistuneilla lapsilla pitkäaikainen lievä hapenpuute sikiöaikana. Myös pitkäaikaisesta syntymän jälkeisestä hapenpuutteesta kärsivillä yksikammiosydämisillä imeväisillä on todettu äkillisiä, kätkytkuoleman kaltaisia kuolemia. Tutkimme imeväisen verenkierron säätelyä unen aikana rekisteröimällä verenkiertovasteita sivuttaissiirto- ja kippilavatestille täysiaikaisilla imeväisillä sekä imeväisillä, joilla on yllämainittuja kätkytkuoleman riskitekijöitä tai hapenpuutetta. Unirekisteröinti tehtiin yhteensä 70 imeväiselle. 2-4 kuukauden korjatussa iässä tutkittiin 20 täysiaikaista verrokkia, 10 bronkopulmonaalisesta dysplasiasta kärsivää keskosta, 9 yksikammiosydämistä imeväistä sekä 11 imeväistä, joiden äidit tupakoivat raskauden aikana. Lisäksi tutkimme 20 keskosta 34-39 raskausviikon iässä sykkeen ja verenpaineen säätelyn kehityksen kartoittamiseksi. Sivuttaissiirtotesti sekä 45° kippilavatesti pää ylöspäin tehtiin rauhallisessa ei-REM-unessa. Terveiden täysiaikaisten verrokkien verenpaine- ja sykevasteita käytettiin vertailukohtana muiden ryhmien vasteita arvioitaessa. Syke- ja verenpainevasteet arvioitiin testeistä, joissa ei ollut viitettä havahtumisesta tai heräämisestä. Sydämen sykkeen vaihtelevuutta ja spontaanin heräämisen aiheuttamaa sykevastetta käytettiin kuvaamaan yleistä verenkiertoelimistön säätelyn herkkyyttä. Sivuttaissiirtotestissä verrokit reagoivat kaksivaiheisella syke- ja verenpainevasteella. Sekä verenpaine että syke nousivat aluksi, jonka jälkeen verenpaine laski alle lähtötason ennen paluuta lähtötasoon, ja syke palasi lähtötasoon. Muissa tutkituissa ryhmissä vasteet poikkesivat normaalivasteista. Yksikammiosydänlapsilla sekä lähellä laskettua aikaa tutkituilla keskosilla syke- ja verenpainevasteet sivuttaissiirrolle olivat hyvin vaimeat. Puolet bronkopulmonaalisesta dysplasiasta kärsivistä imeväisistä reagoi samoin kuin verrokit, mutta puolella verenpaineen nousu puuttui ja sitä seurannut verenpaineen lasku oli selvästi normaalia syvempi. Myös imeväisillä, joiden äidit olivat tupakoineet raskauden aikana, verenpaineen alkunousu puuttui ja sitä seurannut verenpaineen lasku oli verrokkeja syvempi. Kippilavatestissä täysiaikaisten verrokkien verenpainevasteet olivat hyvin vaihtelevat. Keskimäärin testin alussa systolinen verenpaine pysyi ennallaan ja diastolinen nousi. Testin jatkuessa molemmat laskivat alle lähtötason, jossa ne pysyivät vielä testin lopettamisen jälkeenkin. Verrokkien sykevasteet olivat selkeästi yhtenevämmät ja vaste oli kaksivaiheinen: alun sykkeen nousua seurasi sykkeen lasku alle lähtötason ja paluu takaisin lähtötasoon. Yksikammiosydänlasten verenpainevasteet olivat verrokkien kaltaiset, mutta heidän sykkeensä pysyi korkeana koko testin ajan. Bronkopulmonaalisesta dysplasiasta kärsivien imeväisten verenpainevasteissa oli vielä voimakkaampaa vaihtelua kuin verrokkien vasteissa, mutta ryhmänä heidän vasteensa ei eronnut verrokeista. Raskaudenaikaiselle tupakoinnille altistuneiden imeväisten verenkiertovasteet eivät eronneet verrokeista. Lähellä laskettua aikaa tutkittujen keskosten syke- ja verenpainevasteissa oli suurta vaihtelua verrattuna täysiaikaisiin verrokkeihin, mutta ryhmänä verenkiertovasteet olivat vaimeammat kuin verrokeilla. Tässä tutkimuksessa todettiin poikkeava tasapainotumakevälitteinen verenkierron säätely imeväisillä, joilla on yllämainittuja kätkytkuoleman riskitekijöitä ja edeltäneitä hapenpuutejaksoja. Tutkimustulokset tukevat etukäteisolettamustamme, että heikentynyt tasapainotumakevälitteinen verenkierron säätely imeväisillä voi olla osaltaan johtamassa kätkytkuolemaan henkeä uhkaavassa tilanteessa


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    Cardiorespiratory interactions considered as an important indicator of neurodevelopment of preterm infants. The strength of cardiorespiratory interactions are presumed to be weak and rapidly fluctuating. The current signal processing algorithms are insufficient to capture such time varying weak interactions. In addition, detection of these interactions becomes difficult during life threatening events due to lack of information available due to apnea (absence of output from respiratory system) and the transient temporal destabilization of cardiac system due to bradycardia. To detect the cardiorespiratory interactions, a point process algorithm of cardiac system with respiration as covariates is proposed. The bivariate model is embedded on the point process-modeling framework to capture the time varying weak interactions between cardiac and respiratory system. This integrated framework is employed to detect the cardiorespiratory interactions in preterm infants during their life-threatening events

    On the automated analysis of preterm infant sleep states from electrocardiography

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    On the automated analysis of preterm infant sleep states from electrocardiography

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    Regulation of the cerebral circulation: bedside assessment and clinical implications

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    The regulation of the cerebral circulation relies on the complex interplay between cardiovascular, respiratory, and neural physiology. In health, these physiologic systems act to maintain an adequate cerebral blood flow (CBF) through modulation of hydrodynamic parameters; the resistance of cerebral vessels, and the arterial, intracranial, and venous pressures. In critical illness, however, one or more of these parameters can be compromised raising the possibility of disturbed CBF regulation and its pathophysiologic sequelae. The rigorous assessment of the cerebral circulation requires not only measuring CBF and its hydrodynamic determinants but also assessing the stability of CBF in response to changes in arterial pressure (cerebral autoregulation), the reactivity of CBF to a vasodilator (CO₂ reactivity for example), and the dynamic regulation of arterial pressure (baroreceptor sensitivity). Ideally, cerebral circulation monitors in critical care should be continuous, physically robust, allow for both regional and global CBF assessment, and be conducive to application at the bedside. The regulation of the cerebral circulation is impaired not only in primary neurologic conditions that affect the vasculature such as subarachnoid haemorrhage and stroke, but also in conditions that affect the regulation of intracranial pressure (such as traumatic brain injury and hydrocephalus) or arterial blood pressure (sepsis, or cardiac dysfunction). Importantly, this impairment is often associated with poor patient outcome. At present, the assessment of the cerebral circulation is primarily used as a research tool to elucidate pathophysiology or prognosis. However, when combined with other physiologic signals and online analytical techniques, cerebral circulation monitoring has the appealing potential to not only prognosticate patients, but also direct critical care management.JD is supported by a Woolf Fisher scholarship (NZ). MC is partially supported by the NIHR

    Monitoring the critical newborn:Towards a safe and more silent neonatal intensive care unit

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