465 research outputs found

    Cortical Sensorimotor Mechanisms for Neural Control of Skilled Manipulation

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    abstract: The human hand is a complex biological system. Humans have evolved a unique ability to use the hand for a wide range of tasks, including activities of daily living such as successfully grasping and manipulating objects, i.e., lifting a cup of coffee without spilling. Despite the ubiquitous nature of hand use in everyday activities involving object manipulations, there is currently an incomplete understanding of the cortical sensorimotor mechanisms underlying this important behavior. One critical aspect of natural object grasping is the coordination of where the fingers make contact with an object and how much force is applied following contact. Such force-to-position modulation is critical for successful manipulation. However, the neural mechanisms underlying these motor processes remain less understood, as previous experiments have utilized protocols with fixed contact points which likely rely on different neural mechanisms from those involved in grasping at unconstrained contacts. To address this gap in the motor neuroscience field, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalography (EEG) were used to investigate the role of primary motor cortex (M1), as well as other important cortical regions in the grasping network, during the planning and execution of object grasping and manipulation. The results of virtual lesions induced by TMS and EEG revealed grasp context-specific cortical mechanisms underlying digit force-to-position coordination, as well as the spatial and temporal dynamics of cortical activity during planning and execution. Together, the present findings provide the foundation for a novel framework accounting for how the central nervous system controls dexterous manipulation. This new knowledge can potentially benefit research in neuroprosthetics and improve the efficacy of neurorehabilitation techniques for patients affected by sensorimotor impairments.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Neuroscience 201

    Neuromechanical Tuning for Arm Motor Control

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    Movement is a fundamental behavior that allows us to interact with the external world. Its importance to human health is most evident when it becomes impaired due to disease or injury. Physical and occupational rehabilitation remains the most common treatment for these types of disorders. Although therapeutic interventions may improve motor function, residual deficits are common for many pathologies, such as stroke. The development of novel therapeutics is dependent upon a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms that govern movement. Movement of the human body adheres to the principles of classic Newtonian mechanics. However, due to the inherent complexity of the body and the highly variable repertoire of environmental contexts in which it operates, the musculoskeletal system presents a challenging control problem and the onus is on the central nervous system to reliably solve this problem. The neural motor system is comprised of numerous efferent and afferent pathways with a hierarchical organization which create a complex arrangement of feedforward and feedback circuits. However, the strategy that the neural motor system employs to reliably control these complex mechanics is still unknown. This dissertation will investigate the neural control of mechanics employing a “bottom-up” approach. It is organized into three research chapters with an additional introductory chapter and a chapter addressing final conclusions. Chapter 1 provides a brief description of the anatomical and physiological principles of the human motor system and the challenges and strategies that may be employed to control it. Chapter 2 describes a computational study where we developed a musculoskeletal model of the upper limb to investigate the complex mechanical interactions due to muscle geometry. Muscle lengths and moment arms contribute to force and torque generation, but the inherent redundancy of these actuators create a high-dimensional control problem. By characterizing these relationships, we found mechanical coupling of muscle lengths which the nervous system could exploit. Chapter 3 describes a study of muscle spindle contribution to muscle coactivation using a computational model of primary afferent activity. We investigated whether these afferents could contribute to motoneuron recruitment during voluntary reaching tasks in humans and found that afferent activity was orthogonal to that of muscle activity. Chapter 4 describes a study of the role of the descending corticospinal tract in the compensation of limb dynamics during arm reaching movements. We found evidence that corticospinal excitability is modulated in proportion to muscle activity and that the coefficients of proportionality vary in the course of these movements. Finally, further questions and future directions for this work are discussed in the Chapter 5

    Fifteen years of wireless sensors for balance assessment in neurological disorders

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    Balance impairment is a major mechanism behind falling along with environmental hazards. Under physiological conditions, ageing leads to a progressive decline in balance control per se. Moreover, various neurological disorders further increase the risk of falls by deteriorating specific nervous system functions contributing to balance. Over the last 15 years, significant advancements in technology have provided wearable solutions for balance evaluation and the management of postural instability in patients with neurological disorders. This narrative review aims to address the topic of balance and wireless sensors in several neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and other neurodegenerative and acute clinical syndromes. The review discusses the physiological and pathophysiological bases of balance in neurological disorders as well as the traditional and innovative instruments currently available for balance assessment. The technical and clinical perspectives of wearable technologies, as well as current challenges in the field of teleneurology, are also examined

    Neural bases of hand synergies

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    abstract: The human hand has so many degrees of freedom that it may seem impossible to control. A potential solution to this problem is “synergy control” which combines dimensionality reduction with great flexibility. With applicability to a wide range of tasks, this has become a very popular concept. In this review, we describe the evolution of the modern concept using studies of kinematic and force synergies in human hand control, neurophysiology of cortical and spinal neurons, and electromyographic (EMG) activity of hand muscles. We go beyond the often purely descriptive usage of synergy by reviewing the organization of the underlying neuronal circuitry in order to propose mechanistic explanations for various observed synergy phenomena. Finally, we propose a theoretical framework to reconcile important and still debated concepts such as the definitions of “fixed” vs. “flexible” synergies and mechanisms underlying the combination of synergies for hand control.View the article as published at http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fncom.2013.00023/ful

    Neural bases of hand synergies

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    The human hand has so many degrees of freedom that it may seem impossible to control. A potential solution to this problem is "synergy control" which combines dimensionality reduction with great flexibility. With applicability to a wide range of tasks, this has become a very popular concept. In this review, we describe the evolution of the modern concept using studies of kinematic and force synergies in human hand control, neurophysiology of cortical and spinal neurons, and electromyographic (EMG) activity of hand muscles. We go beyond the often purely descriptive usage of synergy by reviewing the organization of the underlying neuronal circuitry in order to propose mechanistic explanations for various observed synergy phenomena. Finally, we propose a theoretical framework to reconcile important and still debated concepts such as the definitions of "fixed" vs. "flexible" synergies and mechanisms underlying the combination of synergies for hand control

    Annotated Bibliography: Anticipation

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    Episodes of instability and falls in the elderly represent a major public health concern. The lack of scientific information about the effects of age-related changes on neurophysiological mechanisms of postural control has limited the advance in the field of fall prevention and rehabilitation of balance disorders. The overall goal of this dissertation was to investigate the effects of aging on postural control. Considering the progressive non-homogeneous deterioration of aging physiological systems, a series of five experimental studies, with healthy young and healthy nonfaller older adults performing upright stance tasks, explored three main hypotheses: (1) intermuscular coherence analysis is able to detect signs of intermuscular synchronization at lower frequency bands as one of the strategies used by the Central Nervous System to control upright stance; (2) aging is associated with a reorganization of correlated neural inputs controlling postural muscles; and (3) aging is associated with changes in body sway behavior. The first three studies corroborated the use of intermuscular coherence analysis to investigate the formation of correlated neural inputs forming postural muscle synergies during upright stance. The fourth study revealed an age-related reorganization of the distribution and strength of correlated neural inputs to multiple postural muscles. Healthy nonfaller older adults presented stronger levels of synchronization, within 0–10 Hz, for three distinct muscle groups: anterior, posterior, and antagonist muscle groups. The fifth study investigated age-related changes on postural sway using traditional and novel postural indices extracted from the center of pressure coordinates. Although the functional base support is preserved in healthy nonfaller older adults, these seniors revealed a larger, faster, shakier, and more irregular pattern of body sway compared to healthy young adults. In addition, age-related changes on supraspinal mechanisms, spinal reflexes, and intrinsic mechanical properties of muscles and joints involved in postural control were observed by changes in both rambling and trembling components of the postural sway. Findings reported here provide valuable information regarding compensatory mechanisms adopted by healthy nonfaller older adults to control upright stance. Together, these findings suggest an age-related reorganization of correlated neural inputs controlling multiple postural muscles, accompanied by changes in body sway behavior

    Impairment and Compensation in Dexterous Upper-Limb Function After Stroke. From the Direct Consequences of Pyramidal Tract Lesions to Behavioral Involvement of Both Upper-Limbs in Daily Activities

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    Impairments in dexterous upper limb function are a significant cause of disability following stroke. While the physiological basis of movement deficits consequent to a lesion in the pyramidal tract is well demonstrated, specific mechanisms contributing to optimal recovery are less apparent. Various upper limb interventions (motor learning methods, neurostimulation techniques, robotics, virtual reality, and serious games) are associated with improvements in motor performance, but many patients continue to experience significant limitations with object handling in everyday activities. Exactly how we go about consolidating adaptive motor behaviors through the rehabilitation process thus remains a considerable challenge. An important part of this problem is the ability to successfully distinguish the extent to which a given gesture is determined by the neuromotor impairment and that which is determined by a compensatory mechanism. This question is particularly complicated in tasks involving manual dexterity where prehensile movements are contingent upon the task (individual digit movement, grasping, and manipulation…) and its objective (placing, two step actions…), as well as personal factors (motivation, acquired skills, and life habits…) and contextual cues related to the environment (presence of tools or assistive devices…). Presently, there remains a lack of integrative studies which differentiate processes related to structural changes associated with the neurological lesion and those related to behavioral change in response to situational constraints. In this text, we shall question the link between impairments, motor strategies and individual performance in object handling tasks. This scoping review will be based on clinical studies, and discussed in relation to more general findings about hand and upper limb function (manipulation of objects, tool use in daily life activity). We shall discuss how further quantitative studies on human manipulation in ecological contexts may provide greater insight into compensatory motor behavior in patients with a neurological impairment of dexterous upper-limb function

    Development and validation of haptic devices for studies on human grasp and rehabilitation

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    This thesis aims to develop and to validate a new set of devices for accurate investigation of human finger stiffness and force distribution in grasping tasks. The ambitious goal of this research is twofold: 1) to advance the state of art on human strategies in manipulation tasks and provide tools to assess rehabilitation procedure, 2) to investigate human strategies for impedance control that can be used for human robot interaction and control of myoelectric prosthesis. The first part of this thesis describes two types of systems that enable to achieve a complete set of measurements on force distribution and contact point locations. More specifically, this part includes: (i) the design process and validation of tripod grasp devices with controllable stiffness at the contact to be used also for rehabilitation purposes, and (ii) the validation of multi-digit wearable sensor system. Results on devices validation as well as illustrative measurement examples are reported and discussed. The effectiveness of these devices in grasp analysis was also experimentally demonstrated and applications to neuroscientific studies are discussed. In the second part of this thesis, the tripod devices are exploited in two different studies to investigate stiffness regulation principles in humans. The first study provides evidence on the existence of coordinated stiffening patterns in human hand fingers and establishes initial steps towards a real-time and effective modelling of finger stiffness in tripod grasp. This pattern further supports the evidence of synergistic control in human grasping. To achieve this goal, the endpoint stiffness of the thumb, index and middle fingers of healthy subjects are experimentally identified and correlated with the electromyography (EMG) signals recorded from a dominant antagonistic pair of the forearm muscles. Our findings suggest that the magnitude of the stiffness ellipses at the fingertips grows in a coordinated way, subsequent to the co-contraction of the forearm muscles. The second study presents experimental findings on how humans modulate their hand stiffness while grasping object of varying levels of compliance. Subjects perform a grasp and lift task with a tripod-grasp object with contact surfaces of variable compliance; EMG from the main finger flexor and extensor muscles was recorded along with force and torque data at the contact points. A significant increase in the extensor muscle and cocontraction levels is evidenced with an increasing compliance at the contact points. Overall results give solid evidence on the validity and utility of the proposed devices to investigate human grasp proprieties. The underlying motor control principles that are exploited by humans in the achievement of a reliable and robust grasp can be potentially integrated into the control framework of robotic or prosthetic hands to achieve a similar interaction performance
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