255,418 research outputs found

    Validation Of Naval Platform Electromagnetic Tools Via Model And Full-Scale Measurements

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    Reliable EMC predictions are very important in the design of a naval platform's topside. Currently, EMC predictions of a Navy ship are verified by scale model and full-scale measurements. In the near future, the validation of software tools leads to an increased confidence in EMC predictions and (hopefully) removes the need for scale model measurements. In general, full-scale verification measurements will remain necessary, although perhaps fewer measurements will be required. The paper presents our topside design experience, from rough estimations 40 years ago, to analytical calculations and model measurements 20 years ago, to the numerically supported process as it is now. It shows the process of validating simulation tools with model and full-scale measurements. It also describes the challenges encountered and the deficiencies of commercial tools used now and the roadmap for Thales Naval Netherlands towards the integrated tools of the future

    Comparison of numerical and experimental results of four liquid spray combustors

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    Validation of CFD predictions for liquid spray combustion application is a challenging task due to difficulties in both modeling and experimental measurements. Validation is considered to be a key step for successful CFD predictions of combustion systems. The goals of this thesis are threefold: (1) validation of models used for spray combustion predictions, (2) using the validated predictions to explain steady flow and combustion physics, and (3) using the validated procedure to simulate conditions where unstable combustion behavior is observed experimentally, and to explore if such unstable behavior can be predicted correctly. The model validation is done with respect to three experimental data sets for spray combustors, and it is shown that predictions match data reasonably well. The validated code is then used to predict and understand the flow and combustion behavior for both steady and unsteady combustion conditions

    Millimeter-wave FET modeling based on a frequency extrapolation approach

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    An empirical distributed model, based on electromagnetic analysis and standard S-parameter measurements up to microwave frequencies, is shown to be capable of accurate small-signal predictions up to the millimeter-wave range. The frequency-extrapolation approach takes advantage from a physically-expected, smooth behavior of suitably defined elementary active devices connected to a passive distributed network. On this basis, small-signal millimeter-wave FET modeling becomes an affordable task in any laboratory equipped with a standard microwave vector network analyzer and electromagnetic simulation capabilities. In the paper, wide experimental validation of the proposed model up to 110GHz is presented for PHEMT devices with different sizes and bias conditions

    Propeller aircraft interior noise model utilization study and validation

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    Utilization and validation of a computer program designed for aircraft interior noise prediction is considered. The program, entitled PAIN (an acronym for Propeller Aircraft Interior Noise), permits (in theory) predictions of sound levels inside propeller driven aircraft arising from sidewall transmission. The objective of the work reported was to determine the practicality of making predictions for various airplanes and the extent of the program's capabilities. The ultimate purpose was to discern the quality of predictions for tonal levels inside an aircraft occurring at the propeller blade passage frequency and its harmonics. The effort involved three tasks: (1) program validation through comparisons of predictions with scale-model test results; (2) development of utilization schemes for large (full scale) fuselages; and (3) validation through comparisons of predictions with measurements taken in flight tests on a turboprop aircraft. Findings should enable future users of the program to efficiently undertake and correctly interpret predictions

    Whole model empirical validation on a full-scale building

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    This paper describes an empirical validation study undertaken on two identical full‐size buildings within the scope of the IEA ECB Annex 58 project. Details of the experimental configuration and monitoring are included, together with results from measurements and from predictions made by 21 modelling teams using commercial and research simulation programs. The two month side‐by‐side experiment was undertaken on buildings with high levels of thermal mass and in a period with high solar gains. The detailed specification and associated measurement data provide a useful empirical validation dataset for program testing. Results from the modelling demonstrate good agreement between measured data and predictions for a number of programs, both in absolute predictions of temperatures and heat inputs as well as dynamic response. On the other hand, a significant number of user input errors resulted in poor agreement for other programs, especially in the blind validation phase of the modelling methodology

    Species and temperature measurement in H2/O2 rocket flow fields by means of Raman scattering diagnostics

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    Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes developed for prediction and evaluation of rocket performance is hampered by a lack of experimental data. Non-intrusive laser based diagnostics are needed to provide spatially and temporally resolved gas dynamic and fluid dynamic measurements. This paper reports the first non-intrusive temperature and species measurements in the plume of a 110 N gaseous hydrogen/oxygen thruster at and below ambient pressures, obtained with spontaneous Raman spectroscopy. Measurements at 10 mm downstream of the exit plane are compared with predictions from a numerical solution of the axisymmetric Navier-Stokes and species transport equations with chemical kinetics, which fully model the combustor-nozzle-plume flowfield. The experimentally determined oxygen number density at the centerline at 10 mm downstream of the exit plane is four times that predicted by the model. The experimental number density data fall between those numerically predicted for the exit and 10 mm downstream planes in both magnitude and radial gradient. The predicted temperature levels are within 10 to 15 percent of measured values. Some of the discrepancies between experimental data and predictions result from not modeling the three dimensional core flow injection mixing process, facility back pressure effects, and possible diffuser-thruster interactions

    A new innovative method for model efficiency performance

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    In every aspect of scientific research, model predictions need calibration and validation as their representativity of the record measurement. In the literature, there are a myriad of formulations, empirical expressions, algorithms and software for model efficiency assessment. In general, model predictions are curve fitting procedures with a set of assumptions that are not cared for sensitively in many studies, but only a single value comparison between the measurements and predictions is taken into consideration, and then the researcher makes the decision as for the model efficiency. Among the classical statistical efficiency formulations, the most widely used ones are bias (BI), mean square error (MSE), correlation coefficient (CC) and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) procedures all of which are embedded within the visual inspection and numerical analysis (VINAM) square graph as measurements versus predictions scatter diagram. The VINAM provides a set of verbal interpretations and then numerical improvements embracing all the previous statistical efficiency formulations. The fundamental criterion in the VINAM is 1:1 (45 degrees) main diagonal along which all visual, science philosophical, logical, rational and mathematical procedures boil down for model validation. The application of the VINAM approach is presented for artificial neural network (ANN) and adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model predictions

    Geant4 validation with CMS calorimeters test-beam data

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    CMS experiment is using Geant4 for Monte-Carlo simulation of the detector setup. Validation of physics processes describing hadronic showers is a major concern in view of getting a proper description of jets and missing energy for signal and background events. This is done by carrying out an extensive studies with test beam using the prototypes or real detector modules of the CMS calorimeter. These data are matched with Geant4 predictions. Tuning of the Geant4 models is carried out and steps to be used in reproducing detector signals are defined in view of measurements of energy response, energy resolution, transverse and longitudinal shower profiles for a variety of hadron beams over a broad energy spectrum between 2 to 300 GeV/c.Comment: Poster presented at the Hadron Collider Physics Symposium (HCP2008), Galena, Illinois, USA, May 27-31, 2008; 5 pages, LaTeX, 28 eps figure