49 research outputs found

    Optimal Social and Vaccination Control in the SVIR Epidemic Model

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    In this paper we introduce an approach to the management of infectious disease diffusion through the formulation of a controlled compartmental SVIR (Susceptible-Vaccinated-Infected-Recovered) model. We consider a cost functional encompassing three distinct yet interconnected dimensions: the social cost, the disease cost, and the vaccination cost. The proposed model addresses the pressing need for optimized strategies in disease containment, incorporating both social control measures and vaccination campaigns. Through the utilization of advanced control theory, we identify optimal control strategies that mitigate disease proliferation while considering the inherent trade-offs among social interventions and vaccination efforts. Finally, numerical implementation of the optimally controlled system through the Forward-Backward Sweep algorithm is presented.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Estudio del efecto de la vacunaci贸n en modelos de epidemias con transmisi贸n estoc谩stica

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    Tesis in茅dita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Estudios Estad铆sticos, le铆da el 15-12-2022Mathematical epidemic models are frequently used in biology for analyzing transmission dynamics of infectious diseases and assessing control measures to interrupt their expansion. In order to select and develop properly the above mathematical models, it is necessary to take into account the particularities of an epidemic process as type of disease, mode of transmission and population characteristics. In this thesis we focus on infectious diseases with stochastic transmission including vaccination as a control measure to stop the spread of the pathogen. To that end, we consider constant and moderate size populations where individuals are homogeneously mixed. We assume that characteristics related to the transmission/recovery of the infectious disease present a common probabilistic behavior for individuals in the population. To assure herd immunity protection, we consider that a percentage of the population is protected against the disease by a vaccine, prior to the start of the outbreak.The administered vaccine is imperfect in the sense that some individuals, who have been previously vaccinated, failed to increase antibody levels and, in consequence, they could be infected. Pathogenic transmission occurs by direct contact with infected individuals. As population is not isolated, disease spreads from direct contacts with infected individuals inside or outside the population...Los modelos matem谩ticos epidemiol贸gicos se usan frecuentemente en biolog铆a para analizar las din谩micas de transmisi贸n de enfermedades infecciosas y para evaluar medidas de control con el objetivo de frenar su expansi贸n. Para poder seleccionar y desarrollar adecuadamente estos modelos es necesario tener en cuenta las particularidades propias del proceso epid茅mico tales como el tipo de enfermedad, modo de transmisi贸n y caracter铆sticas de la poblaci贸n. En esta tesis nos centramos en el estudio de enfermedades de tipo infeccioso con transmisi贸n por contacto directo, que disponen de una vacuna como medida de contenci贸n en la propagaci贸n del pat贸geno. Para ello, consideramos poblaciones de tama帽o moderado, que permanece constante a lo largo de un brote y asumiremos que los individuos no tienen preferencia a la hora de relacionarse y que las caracter铆sticas referentes a la transmisi贸n de la enfermedad se representan en t茅rminos de variables aleatorias, comunes para todos los individuos. La poblaci贸n no est谩 aislada y la transmisi贸n del pat贸geno se produce mediante contacto directo con cualquier persona infectada, tanto de dentro de la poblaci贸n como fuera de ella. Asumimos que, antes del inicio del brote epid茅mico, se ha administrado la vacuna a un porcentaje suficiente de individuos de la poblaci贸n, de forma que se asegure la inmunidad de reba帽o. Consideramos que la vacuna administrada es imperfecta en el sentido que algunos individuos vacunados no logran desarrollar anticuerpos frente a la enfermedad y por lo tanto, podr铆an resultar infectados al contactar con individuos enfermos...Fac. de Estudios Estad铆sticosTRUEunpu

    Effect of Population Density on the Model of the Spread of Measles

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    This study is expected to contribute to the health sector, specifically to describe the dynamics of the measles spread through the models that have been analyzed. One of the factors that became the focus of this study was reviewing the influence of population density on measles spread. The initial step formulated the model and then determined the primary reproduction number  and analyzed the stability of the model equilibrium point. The results of the analysis of this model show that there are two conditions for the value of  which is a requirement that the existence of two model equilibrium points as well as local stability is needed, namely  and .  When , there exists a unique equilibrium point, called the non-endemic equilibrium point denoted by . Conversely, when , there are two equilibrium points, namely  and the endemic equilibrium point characterized by . The results of local stability analysis show that when , the equilibrium point  is stable asymptotic locally. It means that if  hold, then in a long time there will not be a spread of disease in the susceptible and vaccinated sub-population, or in other words, the outbreak of the disease will stop. Conversely, when  equilibrium point is stable asymptotic locally. It means that if , then measles disease is still in the environment for an infinite time with the condition of the proportions of each sub-population approach to , ,  and

    Simulating Influenza Epidemics with Waning Vaccine Immunity

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    In this study, we simulate an influenza epidemic that considers the effects of waning immunity by fitting epidemiological models to CDC secondary historical data aggregated on a weekly basis, and derive the transmission rates at which susceptible individuals become infected over the course of the influenza season. Using a system of differential equations, we define four groups of individuals in a population: susceptible, vaccinated, infected, and recovered. We show that a larger number of initially infected individuals might not only bring the influenza season to an end sooner but also reduce the epidemic size. Moreover, any influenza virus that entails a faster recovery rate does not necessarily lead to a smaller epidemic size

    A Mathematical Investigation of Vaccination Strategies to Prevent a Measles Epidemic

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    The purpose of this project is to quantitatively investigate vaccination strategies to prevent measles epidemics. A disease model which incorporates susceptible, vaccinated, infected, and recovered populations (SVIR) is used to investigate the process of how an epidemic of measles can spread within a closed population where a portion of the population has been vaccinated. The model is used to predict the number of infections and resulting reproductive number for the measles based on a variety of initial vaccination levels.聽 The model is further used to investigate the concept of herd immunity, which states that if a certain percentage of the population is vaccinated then it will provide protection for the entire population.聽 Results generated from these modeling efforts suggest that approximately 95\% of the population should be vaccinated against the measles in order to establish a herd immunity