266 research outputs found

    Taming Data Explosion in Probabilistic Information Integration

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    Data integration has been a challenging problem for decades. In an ambient environment, where many autonomous devices have their own information sources and network connectivity is ad hoc and peer-to-peer, it even becomes a serious bottleneck. To enable devices to exchange information without the need for interaction with a user at data integration time and without the need for extensive semantic annotations, a probabilistic approach seems rather promising. It simply teaches the device how to cope with the uncertainty occurring during data integration. Unfortunately, without any kind of world knowledge, almost everything becomes uncertain, hence maintaining all possibilities produces huge integrated information sources. In this paper, we claim that only very simple and generic rules are enough world knowledge to drastically reduce the amount of uncertainty, hence to tame the data explosion to a manageable size

    M-Grid: Similarity Searching in Grids

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    The problem of similarity searching is nowadays attracting a lot of attention, because upcoming applications process complex data and the traditional exact match searching is not sufficient. There are efficient solutions, but they are tailored for the needs of specific data domains. General solutions, based on the metric space abstraction, are extensible, but they are designed to operate on a single computer only. Therefore, their scalability is limited and they cannot adapt to different performance requirements. In this paper, we propose a distributed access structure which is fully dynamic and exploits a Grid infrastructure. We study properties of this structure in numerous experiments. Besides, the performance tuning is analyzed with respect to user-specific requirements which include the maximum response time and the number of queries executed concurrently.The problem of similarity searching is nowadays attracting a lot of attention, because upcoming applications process complex data and the traditional exact match searching is not sufficient. There are efficient solutions, but they are tailored for the needs of specific data domains. General solutions, based on the metric space abstraction, are extensible, but they are designed to operate on a single computer only. Therefore, their scalability is limited and they cannot adapt to different performance requirements. In this paper, we propose a distributed access structure which is fully dynamic and exploits a Grid infrastructure. We study properties of this structure in numerous experiments. Besides, the performance tuning is analyzed with respect to user-specific requirements which include the maximum response time and the number of queries executed concurrently

    Parsing Large XES Files for Discovering Process Models: A Big Data Problem

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    Process mining is a group of techniques for retrieving de-facto models using system traces. Discovering algorithms can obtain mathematical models exploiting the information contained into list of events of activities. Completeness of the traces is relevant for the accuracy of the final results. Noiseless traces appear as an ideal scenario. The performance of the algorithms is significant reduce if the log files are not processed efficiently. XES is a logical model for process logs stored in data centric xml files. In real processes the sizes of the logs increase exponentially. Parsing XES files is presented as a big data problem in real scenarios with dense traces. Lazy parsers and DOM models are not enough appropriate in scenarios with large volumes of data. We discuss this problematic and how to use indexing techniques for retrieving useful information for process mining. An XES compression schema is also discussed for reducing the index construction time

    RDF graph summarization: principles, techniques and applications (tutorial)

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    International audienceThe explosion in the amount of the RDF on the Web has lead to the need to explore, query and understand such data sources. The task is challenging due to the complex and heterogeneous structure of RDF graphs which, unlike relational databases, do not come with a structure-dictating schema. Summarization has been applied to RDF data to facilitate these tasks. Its purpose is to extract concise and meaningful information from RDF knowledge bases, representing their content as faithfully as possible. There is no single concept of RDF summary, and not a single but many approaches to build such summaries; the summarization goal, and the main computational tools employed for summarizing graphs, are the main factors behind this diversity. This tutorial presents a structured analysis and comparison existing works in the area of RDF summarization; it is based upon a recent survey which we co-authored with colleagues [3]. We present the concepts at the core of each approach, outline their main technical aspects and implementation. We conclude by identifying the most pertinent summarization method for different usage scenarios, and discussing areas where future effort is needed

    An experimental study of learned cardinality estimation

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    Cardinality estimation is a fundamental but long unresolved problem in query optimization. Recently, multiple papers from different research groups consistently report that learned models have the potential to replace existing cardinality estimators. In this thesis, we ask a forward-thinking question: Are we ready to deploy these learned cardinality models in production? Our study consists of three main parts. Firstly, we focus on the static environment (i.e., no data updates) and compare five new learned methods with eight traditional methods on four real-world datasets under a unified workload setting. The results show that learned models are indeed more accurate than traditional methods, but they often suffer from high training and inference costs. Secondly, we explore whether these learned models are ready for dynamic environments (i.e., frequent data updates). We find that they can- not catch up with fast data updates and return large errors for different reasons. For less frequent updates, they can perform better but there is no clear winner among themselves. Thirdly, we take a deeper look into learned models and explore when they may go wrong. Our results show that the performance of learned methods can be greatly affected by the changes in correlation, skewness, or domain size. More importantly, their behaviors are much harder to interpret and often unpredictable. Based on these findings, we identify two promising research directions (control the cost of learned models and make learned models trustworthy) and suggest a number of research opportunities. We hope that our study can guide researchers and practitioners to work together to eventually push learned cardinality estimators into real database systems

    Optimization of Clustering Algorithm Using Metaheuristic

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    A vital issue in information grouping and present a few answers for it. We explore utilizing separation measures other than Euclidean sort for enhancing the execution of Clustering. We additionally build up another point symmetry-based separation measure and demonstrate its proficiency. We build up a novel successful k-Mean calculation which enhances the execution of the k-mean calculation. We build up a dynamic linkage grouping calculation utilizing kd-tree and we demonstrate its superior. The Automatic Clustering Differential Evolution (ACDE) is particular to Clustering basic information sets and finding the ideal number of groups consequently. We enhance ACDE for arranging more mind boggling information sets utilizing kd-tree. The proposed calculations don't have a most pessimistic scenario bound on running time that exists in numerous comparable calculations in the writing. Experimental results appeared in this proposition exhibit the viability of the proposed calculations. We contrast the proposed calculations and other ACO calculations. We display the proposed calculations and their execution results in point of interest alongside promising streets of future examination
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