9 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Classification Rule Discovery with Ant Colony Optimization: AntMiner

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    Rule based classification is the fundamental and important task of data classification. To discover classification rules, ant colony optimization algorithms are successfully applied that follow a sequential covering approach to build a list of rules. AntMiner Rule Based Classification algorithms are inspired from self- organizing behaviour of ant colonies. In this paper, we presented a study on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, AntMiner, c_AntMiner, c_AntMiner2, c_AntMiner PB and  conducted experiments to find predictive accuracy against well-known rule induction algorithms JRIP and PART and results shows that AntMiner and its variants shows comparable as well as better performance in some datasets taken in the experimental study

    A diffusion-based ACO resource discovery framework for dynamic p2p networks

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    © 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) has been a very resourceful metaheuristic over the past decade and it has been successfully used to approximately solve many static NP-Hard problems. There is a limit, however, of its applicability in the field of p2p networks; derived from the fact that such networks have the potential to evolve constantly and at a high pace, rendering the already-established results useless. In this paper we approach the problem by proposing a generic knowledge diffusion mechanism that extends the classical ACO paradigm to better deal with the p2p's dynamic nature. Focusing initially on the appearance of new resources in the network we have shown that it is possible to increase the efficiency of ant routing by a significant margin.Kamil Krynicki is supported by a FPI fellowship from the Universitat Politècnica de València with reference number 3117. This work received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education under the National Strategic Program of Research and Project TSI2010-20488.Krynicki, KK.; Jaén Martínez, FJ.; Catalá Bolós, A. (2013). A diffusion-based ACO resource discovery framework for dynamic p2p networks. En 2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. IEEE. 860-867. https://doi.org/10.1109/CEC.2013.6557658S86086

    Utilizing multiple pheromones in an ant-based algorithm for continuous-attribute classification rule discovery.

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    The cAnt-Miner algorithm is an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based technique for classification rule discovery in problem domains which include continuous attributes. In this paper, we propose several extensions to cAnt- Miner. The main extension is based on the use of multiple pheromone types, one for each class value to be predicted. In the proposed ?cAnt-Miner algorithm, an ant first selects a class value to be the consequent of a rule and the terms in the antecedent are selected based on the pheromone levels of the selected class value; pheromone update occurs on the corresponding pheromone type of the class value. The pre-selection of a class value also allows the use of more precise measures for the heuristic function and the dynamic discretization of continuous attributes, and further allows for the use of a rule quality measure that directly takes into account the confidence of the rule. Experimental results on 20 benchmark datasets show that our proposed extension improves classification accuracy to a statistically significant extent compared to cAnt-Miner, and has classification accuracy similar to the well-known Ripper and PART rule induction algorithms

    Ant colony optimization algorithm for rule based classification: Issues and potential

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    Classification rule discovery using ant colony optimization (ACO) imitates the foraging behavior of real ant colonies. It is considered as one of the successful swarm intelligence metaheuristics for data classification. ACO has gained importance because of its stochastic feature and iterative adaptation procedure based on positive feedback, both of which allow for the exploration of a large area of the search space. Nevertheless, ACO also has several drawbacks that may reduce the classification accuracy and the computational time of the algorithm. This paper presents a review of related work of ACO rule classification which emphasizes the types of ACO algorithms and issues. Potential solutions that may be considered to improve the performance of ACO algorithms in the classification domain were also presented. Furthermore, this review can be used as a source of reference to other researchers in developing new ACO algorithms for rule classification

    Estrategias de posicionamiento y orientación de piezas en fabricación aditiva considerando el modelo cinemático de la máquina

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    En la literatura existen trabajos que tratan de la minimización de diferentes errores dimensionales en piezas obtenidas mediante impresoras 3D, modificando la orientación de dichas piezas, pero ninguno de ellos tiene en cuenta los errores de la propia impresora. Así, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es introducir el modelo de error de la impresora 3D (Object Eden 350) como una fuente más de desviación en la geometría final de la pieza, para que esta desviación sea la menor posible

    An adaptive ant colony optimization algorithm for rule-based classification

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    Classification is an important data mining task with different applications in many fields. Various classification algorithms have been developed to produce classification models with high accuracy. Differing from other complex and difficult classification models, rules-based classification algorithms produce models which are understandable for users. Ant-Miner is a variant of ant colony optimisation and a prominent intelligent algorithm widely use in rules-based classification. However, the Ant-Miner has overfitting and easily falls into local optima problems which resulted in low classification accuracy and complex classification rules. In this study, a new Ant-Miner classifier is developed, named Adaptive Genetic Iterated-AntMiner (AGI-AntMiner) that aims to avoid local optima and overfitting problems. The components of AGI-AntMiner includes: i) an Adaptive AntMiner which is a prepruning technique to dynamically select the appropriate threshold based on the quality of the rules; ii) Genetic AntMiner that improves the post-pruning by adding/removing terms in a dual manner; and, iii) an Iterated Local Search-AntMiner that improves exploitation based on multiple-neighbourhood structure. The proposed AGI-AntMiner algorithm is evaluated on 16 benchmark datasets of medical, financial, gaming and social domains obtained from the University California Irvine repository. The algorithm’s performance was compared with other variants of Ant-Miner and state-of-the-art rules-based classification algorithms based on classification accuracy and model complexity. Experimental results proved that the proposed AGI-AntMiner algorithm is superior in two (2) aspects. Hybridization of local search in AGI-AntMiner has improved the exploitation mechanism which leads to the discovery of more accurate classification rules. The new pre-pruning and postpruning techniques have improved the pruning ability to produce shorter classification rules which are easier to interpret by the users. Thus, the proposed AGI-AntMiner algorithm is capable in conducting an efficient search in finding the best classification rules that balance the classification accuracy and model complexity to overcome overfitting and local optima problems